
Showing posts from May, 2018

What is GDPR again?

The General Data Protection Regulation – or GDPR for short, what does it mean for the normal guys and gals on the streets? Like myself for instance? First of all when you have waded through the thousands of messages asking you, nay plead with you to reply to agree to continue receiving messages which you might or not, have replied to; you will have found nothing has changed. You will still receive all these useless emails, especially on Gmail and including scams. One of the problems is that ordinary citizens, yes me included tend to put too much personal data on the web. Whilst I do not subscribe to Twitter or Facebook at all (yes, I am an anachronism) there are literally millions who will tell you all accompanied by loads of photos. So, what about protection then? Scammers and criminals will just laugh at the GDPR regulations. Governments can regulate whatever they want but in the end it will all depend on public acceptance and compliance. The best way to protect your data is NOT to g

Fy ngŵr a'r brân

Shwmai, ychydig yn ôl fy ngŵr yn darganfod brân ifanc iawn ar ochr y ffordd. Anfoddus oedd e wedi cwympo allan y nyth adar. Wel, mae e'n tyfu iawn ar cig nawr, sgrapiau ac yn y blaen. Mae e’n barod hedfan ma’s yn fuan. Yn wir, dyma’r ffordd yr wlad. Mae fy ŵr (wyth oed) yn ymwybodol am natur, diolch hefyd i’r athrawon yr ysgol yng Nghymru. Tybed pryd y brân yn barod hedfan os fydd e’n dychwelyd i dweud helo! Ar hyn o bryd dw i wedi ceisio I dysgu yr iaith iddyn nhw. Na, dim y brân, y fachgen wrth gwrs. Mae’n anodd dysgu’r iaith yn Ne Cymru, felly dw i’n ceisio defnyddio brawddegau a geiriau o fywyd ddyddiol. Dim yn ddrwg (neu dim yn wael?). Hwyl am y tro.

Who hates the English? What! Everyone?

One of the three newspapers I tend to read, the Sun not because of the sometimes interesting failures of celebrities but because of the few good columnists. Jeremy Clarkson, Trevor Kavanagh and the irascible ‘say it as it is’ Rod Liddle. Or even the Guardians’ political commentators who are so blatantly pro-Europe. Jeremy you might not like, his style is what I would call ‘funny acidic’ but nevertheless there are great insights. This Saturday’s Sun newspaper has him stating what I have suspected for a while – The world seems to hate Britain… but not as much as Labour does’. A very interesting statement. Poor Labour one has to feel sorry for ‘m. I don’t because some of that is very true. Labour hates the way politics are practised today. There is no if’s and but’s. It is the party line or rather the party leader’s views and to ‘eck with everything else. The party faithful always remind me of those starry eyed pubers looking at their wall photos of rock-gods. So, the question need

Artificial Intelligence or what....

Sitting at the computer tonight writing these probably most interesting words to some intelligent people. No, not the steroid addled ones, they are already a lost cause. But to you. I saw a most interesting but in a way boring film. Called – Singularity. A story about how mankind developed a super computer. But not just a computer but one that could make decisions. And guess what, although it was told to ‘solve’ all mankind ills, it quickly came to the conclusion that it was mankind itself that was the problem. An infection on this planet that had to be eradicated to save the planet. Yep, a most interesting train of thought since what are we doing? Yes, we are developing A.I (Artificial Intelligence). The question needing asking is – Do we actually know what we are doing? If you say of course we do, then explain to me if AI takes hold would it mean a type of independence for machines. There would be no halt to developing their own ways and means. Could we possibly stop that? I

Wedding? What wedding...

Ah yes, the Prince and someone. Listening to the media, newspapers and TV a lot is made of the term - mixed race. What does that really mean? I am waiting for some reporter to ask - Is she human? For a country that tells everyone who listens how we have an integrated society we do make a lot of idiotic statements. Mixed race being one of them. Obviously we are not as integrated as we think! Well, I am proud to state I am of mixed race as well. I am of the Dutch race. But now the Welsh race and by conquest the British race. How more mixed can you be? Yes folks I am very mixed up!

Fibreglass a roof or think about politics

Now that the good and dry weather has arrived this Bank Holiday I might as well re-fibreglass my shed roof. Yes, friends I have a man-cave. Problem is you cannot move in this cave because I need to chuck out about half its contents! I ordered some flexible fibreglass from Northern-Ireland and resin and am still studying the directions! What is the air temperature, mix it in this percentage, too hot outside and it will set in seconds, too cold and it will not set at all. Ahhhh! Well, I must rub the area down and get on with it despite my wife’s misgivings. It beats having to scan newspapers and computers to find out the latest mistakes of our politicians. I suppose they are human but I am not sure any more. Perhaps the aliens landed yonks ago and we never knew (until now). It is worrying that as soon as one becomes a councillor all the promises made on the doorstep have faded away like morning mist under a hot sun. I have always been of the opinion that a local councillor is e

Gwyliau - pam lai!

Cyn i mi gael fy hun yn ysgrifennu bost hwn ro’n i meddwl am fy nghwyliau! Beth am y tywydd, a ble? Yr Eidal neu Sbaen, cyfandir neu arfordir? Falle’n aros gartref? Fel arfer, mae’r tywydd yng Nghymru dim yn dda. Wel, yn ystod yr haf. Hyd yn oed, rhaid i ni fynd rhywle. Gallaf gofio taith i’r Eidal llynedd. Y gogledd llynnoedd, ac wedi ymweld Fenis, Rhufain, Pisa a Fflorens. Wel, roedd yn olygfa. Rhaid i chi wneud hyn i anghofio am gwleidyddiaeth yn yr wlad hon. Ar hyn o bryd wi’n wedi ymuno Coleg y Cymoedd i ddysgu yr hen iaith (Cymraeg). Mae hi’n ddiddorol iawn. Wel, wi’n ceisio. Ond siarad am gwleidyddiaeth yma rydyn ni wedi cael Plaid Llafur dros yn fwy na ugain mlynedd! Dim byd wedi newid o gwbl! Heblaw mae pwllau’r glo wedi cau. Miloedd o cyflogwr yn ddi-waith ar unwaith. Roedd y broblem dim gwaith arall. Roedd y Plaid Ceidwadwyr yn euog ond roedd y Plaid Llafur yn euog hefyd am siarad heb wneud! Felly, wi’n eisiau gwyliau yn fuan! Hwyl am y tro.

Dim ond yn meddwl - pam?

Gwleidyddiaeth, ydy’r math lleol yn argyfwng? Atebwch, IE! Yn Nonyrefail (fy nhgartref) datblygwyr yn dechrau safle newydd ar gyfer siopau newydd. Iawn ond beth ydy’r lleoedd parcio? Dim digon. Felly fe bydd siopwyr yn defnyddio y stryd lleol. Ond anfoddus mae’r strydoedd yn llawn eisioes. Beth am y swyddfa datblygu lleol? Ah, cwestiwn dda, maen nhw yn meddwl am treth cyngor. Ie, treth cyngor, dim safonau byw y trigolion lleol. Atebwch y cwestiwn hwn, pam ydy’r reswn rydyn ni ddim yn licio gwleidyddion? Dim ond yn meddwl!

Politicians not liked? Who said that!

Many a time, many different people have commented about the way politics is done in this country. The way decisions are made and carried out (or not!). One of the things amongst others is how people cannot seem to differentiate between national politics and local politics. This could easily been seen in the latest council elections in England. Even the BBC seemed to be confused and kept on talking about the national impact. Well no, these were local elections, elections for city and town councils, not national government! Obviously our communication channels needed to keep their schedules busy with trivia. Local elections are about people, the inhabitants of towns and cities who pay ever increasing council tax for seemingly ever decreasing services! But nobody even talked about that. Only the impact on the two main parties nationally. Indeed caring about people, it is something councillors need to remember. They are elected by the people for the people, locally. It is about the di