
Showing posts from February, 2019

Come to mama.....

Whatever anyone might think about immigrants or the reasons why they want to come to the UK, it is a fact that Britain’s use of patrol boats actually increases the attempts to cross over the Channel. I think that the feeling among those who want to cross is simply this, “Oh let’s get a small dinghy because the Brits will pick us up”. In truth that is exactly what happens. Immigrants are picked up and taken to Dover, which is just exactly as they desire. It is just another of these so-called policies made on the hoof without thinking of possible consequences. The facts are simple, those that want to attempt to cross are not immigrants, they are economic migrants, they are immigrants to France and France’s responsibility. It could even be argued they are Italy’s responsibility, if they came to Europe via that country. Or Greece’s. I know it is a big problem because Europe, all of it, does not seem to have taken much time to develop proper integration and containment plans. Even the econ

Cars and planes and all things nice...

Watching the TV one would think that there was only one item under the microscope – Brexit! But no, from time to time we can hear someone burbling on about climate change. It amazes me that we do not seem to take that too problematic. We will tweak the regulations a bit, sound optimistic, reduce carbon emissions by closing coal-fired power stations. Even sound enthusiastic about carbon capture technology. Plus a few sound bites by the government about banning petrol and diesel powered cars, Yeah, you heard it unless you live by yourself in a cave as I’m sure we might too if not careful. The number of planes in the sky number the million plus and they throw out quite a bit of pollution and damaging the higher layers of the atmosphere. Climate change by all accounts is now a fact. There should be no doubt that it will be impacting all our lives. Not in the far distant future, no, NOW! I am aghast at the attitude displayed by almost everybody, an attitude that says, I am not too worr

Leopards don't change their spots...

I did say I would not write any more about Brexit. But because it is such an alarming and disgraceful happening in the UK today, cannot be helped. Reading the various newspapers showed an article that more or less outlined exactly what I have always postulated. The day after the national referendum of 2016 we should have left. Closed the door, stopped all payments. There was no need to worry about imports of food and other things, companies abroad would not want to stop selling stuff to the UK just like that. It was always about the political spectrum. Not trade. The only thing we needed to do was to negotiate the future arrangements like ease of transport, tax (VAT) and the status of foreign nationals. If we had done that, Macron would not be president of France, Frau Merkel might have been retired and the Brussels autocracy taken down a number of pegs. The failure has been the lax attitude of the British politicians who to say the least have been sleeping for far too long. So, what

Snowflake Central at it again?

Oh dear, Liam Neeson has done it now, hasn’t he? Opened his mouth when it would have been better to let all the world’s snowflakes sleep on! But let’s have a look – did he say anything at all which a heck of a lot of other people have thought as well at some time or other? Sorry people get a life! Better start talking more about all, yes ALL the human failings that occur today. There are too many to write down here. For Pete’s sake Liam mentioned a feeling and thought he had billions of years ago, so what? When I was nine years old I wanted to smack another boy in the mouth. Am I sorry? No. Will I make amends? No. But I shall now go to Church and ask for forgiveness for my heinous misdemeanour. Snowflakes, you can rest again and go back to sleep.