
Showing posts from July, 2020

A Bright Future? Perhaps...

Listening to the news on TV is normally never a happy occasion I suppose. As bad news is common and good news is so rare that we might see aliens land before we hear any. Ah well it is what it is. But I constantly hear about getting the economy on track. This is by all sorts of people, so-called experts, news-readers, politicians, you name it and you hear it. There is one thing no-one seems to get into their heads, if we want the world to become healthier, that is to say better air to breathe, clean seas and oceans, good waste recycling then the economy too will have to change to that scenario. I explain – cars will not be produced in such quantity and no internal combustion engine. Trains will have to be totally electric, or even completely re-designed to be mag-lev. The holiday industry will mostly disappear insofar world-wide travel is concerned. And there are many more things that will have to be reformatted. In fact the whole economic system needs to be re-designe

Byd Newydd yn dod?

Onid yw’r amseroedd’n rhyfedd? Hyd yn oed mewn lle bach mewn cornel dawel o Gymru fel y Rhondda! A mae firus yn rheoli bywyd o pobl i gyd. Sef Covid19 a ffliw, wrth gwrs. Er bod mwy o geir ar ein ffordd a mae pobl wedi dechrau dychwelyd i’w gwaithle dydy’r economi dim yn perfformio yn dda eto. Mae siopau’n adrodd gwerthiannau is na’r disgwyl. Ond fel dywedais o’r blaen, rhaid i ni’n addasu ein cymdeithasau fel rydym ni ddim yn taflu dim i ffwrdd o gwbl. Ailgylchu i gyd. Rhaid i ni datblygu y drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn y fath fodd fel gyrru ceir dim ond yw am cludo nwyddau . Efallai rhywbeth tebyg faniau trydan bach yn dod gyda nwyddau o bwynt ganolog. A gallai Cymru fod ar y blaen yn natblygiad o'r fath. Maglev, llwybrau lȏn fysiau arbennig dim chaniateir unrhyw draffig arall. Bydden ni angen ail-datblygu trefi, yn enwedig mewn lleoedd fel y Rhondda. Bydd tai newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu fod defnyddio y gwres o gannwyll sengl. Rhaid trydan fod wneud o paneli solar ar

Sweet Talking politics? Oh yeah...

It is basically as I said before – politics is just talk. Talk and no action. Take the problem of uncontrolled migration. We know it has been going on for years. Despite all the encouraging words, yes even from Ms Priti Patel, one of the better Home Secretaries, we still hear and see that hundreds attempt to cross the Channel. We hear ‘It cannot go on’, we hear ‘They must be returned’, we hear ‘France has to do more’. Well, frankly so far so good, the words spoken are great. But now we see a picture in the Sun showing literally hundreds of inflatables stacked up in a Dover warehouse. Oh yes, inflatables, canoes, even kayaks. So, what about returning then? Besides the people that were in those boats are also still here. So much for ‘We will return them’. I am not arguing the points about the why and wherefore immigrants wish to come to the UK. I think we all know quite well, why. And I’m sure this will not end soon either despite Ms Patel’s fine words. Because as I have sa

There are Judges and then there are British judges...

It must now be quite evident that British judges live in a different world than everyone else. We here apparently judge people, people like the jihadis, possibly Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, you name it there must be hundreds if not thousands of similar people with similar ideas, we judge them on terms that pertain in our present timid, shallow, ‘woke’ society. These people, jihadis or whatever you want to call them are criminals, simple as that. If you cut off somebody’s head that is murder, and in the first degree. I don’t care whether that happens here or there. Helping to hold the knife makes you a n accessory to murder. This is very difficult to understand for UK judges. Sipping the afternoon sherry a bit too much they pick up a Mills and Boon romance novel and swoon over memories of their first fumble under the elm tree on their estates. Then after a few more sherries they remember reading about a land called Utopia and lo and behold their judgement springs forth like

May I have an opinion?

Asking a question today – Why are ‘woke’ people so determined to ‘silence’ the great majority? Let me explain that in some more detail. I am referring to the famous and now ‘infamous’ author JK Rowling. You must excuse me but wasn’t she right in saying that only women menstruate? She might not have said that in those exact words but she was unmistakable in what she said. Now, forgive me but I have never seen or heard of a man doing exactly that? Unless we dig some fossils up that would suggest otherwise? Or we discover some African or lost Amazonian tribe where we are astounded to discover that menstruation was across the board. Lovely, how diverse nature can be without operations!. The point about all of this is – Why do we listen to this kind of piffle? Even worse, take action? How many now have had to resign their position, or lost their job and livelihood because a vocal woke minority were screaming their heads off? Are we not entitled to have an opinion any more? I

Statistics and nothing but statistics...

And so we are going back to normal. Whatever normal is. Apparently humanity cannot wait to get sloshed as fast as possible. Be it visiting a pub in England (Wales is still dry) or taking a flight to the shagging beaches of Spain. It’s all the same I suppose except the sun burns a happy 40 degrees Celsius in Spain whilst in Blighty we swelter with 10 degrees and a storm or two. Copious rain to boot. Happy days! There is a story to tell here and for those listening they can see and hear the thunder and lightning on the horizon. You might have thought the various governments would have taken the opportunity to have a serious look at how society has to be if we are serious about curtailing humanity’s gaseous outpourings. I am not talking about bodily emanations, no indeed! We are talking billions of tons of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides amongst others. Talking about bodily emanations we should not forget those made by our cattle! There are now nearly 8 billion h