
Showing posts from January, 2021

History? Does it exist? Hmmm..............

For once a bit of sensible news on BBC’s Ceefax service. Kwasi Kwarteng, the first coloured man to head a government department and why not, is reported as having said that BLM (Black Lives Matter) should not wish to change the history of the colonial period. Absolutely right, in any case you cannot change history but all could learn from it. To withdraw from learning about such periods of human history is absolute tosh and frankly does not do much for the standing of movements such as BLM. In fact I always look on such movements with a jaundiced eye. To wish to destroy statues has a negative impact, indeed so has the so-called ‘bend the knee’ before football matches. I am sorry if I am upsetting some readers but I ask ‘What is the purpose, what is the general outcome and has it changed the world?’ Answer-not known, nothing and no. So, Kwasi is absolutely correct in that banning or ignoring history is not the way forward. I am of the same opinion about those who state quite openly th

How many dead did you say?

As is pretty usual in this country, it seems now that the Covid rules are strengthening, no-one can get out and all who want to get in must pay £1,500 for a nice hotel at the seaside when an Atlantic storm is expected. T his is the UK. But despite the row with the EU about AstraZeneca’s supply of the vaccine jabs not being enough and wants the British supply, things are going well! At least we are not yet looting all the shops like in the Netherlands whose people think they are the coolest in the world, we are just sitting at home drinking Yorkshire tea and dreaming of sun drenched alcoholic holidays on some Spanish beach. All you hear on radio GaGa (sorry, BBC) is that 100,000 people have died here. Next question, why? Because we are an 'overweight, elderly, sick country people', said a politico to Piers Morgan on one of the morning’s news programs . Just look ing at the statistics, they may have a point. As I have mentioned before in other posts as well , we are a heavily o

Forests? I cannot see the wood for the trees...

Mostly you just read regurgitated rubbish or late news on the BBC Ceefax (Red Button) system. They don’t refresh much but sometimes there are newsworthy items and this morning I read one! It was about how important forests are to Earth. Well, I wonder how that bit of news came about, I have known this for years. But tell this to the likes of the US and the Brazilian presidents? Frankly it is too late by far, the damage that has already been done is not going to be reversed by planting a few more spruce trees in Scotland or one tree in my garden. It will take a massive effort to ‘repair’ the biosphere. For a start there will have to be a ban on any further clearing of the Amazon rain forest and the forests in Mid-Africa. Also the taiga needs looking at because as the permafrost is thawing the indigenous trees are dying. New types need planting. As the short report on BBC Ceefax said, we need to plant the right trees in the right areas. To put palms in Siberia might be a good idea but th

Building a computer...difficult? Not really...

Wow, and because I am marooned at home, oh it's not so bad, the little lady supplies me with enough coffee to fill the river Severn (Mô r Hafrn in Welsh) and I started to build my own powerful desktop computer. That is to say it is really assembling because you buy all the constituent parts ready and all you have to do is assemble them in the RIGHT ORDER! Something I forgot and moreover you have to make sure all the parts can fit together and are of the type required. There are so many things that can go wrong, anyway I carried on. I purchased a desktop box, a nice  Corsair Airflow 275R which can show some interesting light effects if you want that. But I don't need that. All the other parts as well, graphics card, processor (AMD Ryzen5), motherboard (mobo), power supply (PSU) and some small bits and bobs like memory (RAM). The actual assembly only took 4 hours because I could not figure out where all the cables had to go. Mainly as the PSU had a few connecting lin

I could be bored this time....

With this interminable lock-down scenario we're all experiencing we have lots of time to start thinking. And that started me off thinking about time! It might be because I am bored? Obviously and as far as I see it time is part of life, I had a beginning and I will have an end, all positioned along a nice time line. Years go by, second by second but that is human time, the way we experience it. It is different for an ant. Different for a whale. If the solar system was a thinking being how would it experience time? It moves so much faster within time and then the galaxy, galaxy systems and for us finally, our universe because there could be many more (the multiverse idea). How would a thinking universe view time? Would it have a thought process wherein one thought would take millions of our years? But for it, its thoughts would take as long as ours here. In other words, that existence is on a whole new plane, and at a much slower pace. If it knew us we would be less than ants to

What is important?

As the Covid virus rampages around the planet I started wondering if it was really all that important in the greater scheme of existence. Obviously it is important at our level of existence, for who wants to die needlessly? But in the greater scheme of things, the Universe is absolutely humungous, in fact there are no words to describe the magnitude of it all. At that level planet Earth and all that is on it means zilch, nada, nothing at all. Our solar system is less than a virus particle within the known cluster of galaxies that comprise our neighbourhood. Even within our own galaxy we do not count for much at all. Even within our solar system we are but a pinprick on its fabric. As humans we might have to rethink our raison-de- ê tre, our so-called importance and re-align our behaviours and attitude. Looking at the various websites showing research carried out and with the resultant pictures from the Hubble Space telescope will quickly dispel any thoughts of how big we are here. The

Don't let democracy die!

  Many times we have looked at how politicians act, behave, what they say. We have been critical.  We have been aghast, and we have been pleased. All at the same time. It is a strange world after all. I have said in a previous post that democracy seems to have had its time. Bearing in mind, recalling what happened in Washington, the behaviour of one of the most powerful men on Earth, you would agree with me that democracy if not dead, is dying. As was pointed out by Ian Austin - ex Labour MP (in the Sun Sunday editorial) could what happened in Washington happen here? His answer - Yes, it could easily. It could if we continue to appease the hard Leftie mob. We appease almost everything and everybody nowadays. Jew haters have a field day, and why they do so only God knows. There is no rationale for it at all. There are shocking attacks on many Labour and Conservative MPs who dare to voice their concern. John O'Connell openly incited violence as did Jeremy Corbyn. Too many fall inli

A New Year's wish and view..

  F irst of all, let me say happy New Year to all my readers! I'm sure it will be a good year because the medics have developed a pretty good vaccine now for the Covid virus and let's hope this will help in bringing back some normality to life. But b limey, I am so not impressed with people's attitude, generally speaking as recently displayed in Wales. As you might know we are in a Tier 4 lock-down presently . Yes, not a nice state to be in but we must do something to alleviate the problems that have come our way, thanks to the Covid-19 virus inclu sive its off-shoots. We should not make a mistake thinking it will all blow over, that it's not all that important. Still I wonder about the mind-set of people. The first talk about snow on the hills and t housands run to the hills to see a snowflake. Forgotten are the masks, enjoy the cold. Certainly, under normal circumstances , the hills of Wales will see a few walkers at this time of the year but not the parking calam