
Showing posts from January, 2022

Oh la la, these viruses. I don't like 'em!

Well, so I thought the colds and viruses have more or less abated. No sir, they have not! Felt a bit of nausea last Sunday which quickly developed in some severe stomach cramps. As there are no doctors available unless you’re prepared to hang around the telephone for 6 hours and then they might phone you back with some rapid diagnosis, usually incorporating ‘Take these antibiotics for a week’. I know it is a bit of my cheek, they are hard-working. But the Web sites I visited all said more or less the same thing, Norovirus! No, it’s not just for holiday makers on a cruise. It equally well feels at home in my stomach, I can assure you. One of my grandchildren wanted to give me a present, he was OK within two days, I am still having bouts of diar r h e a four days later. It’s is far from fun. I used to laugh at those reports of whole cruise ships marooned with this virus. I reckon it is pretty well on a par with Covid. Nothing really helps either, just 4-hourly paracetamol for the cramps

Anyone knows what's going on?

Hell, what do you know? I might have been wrong all along and misread the political mess we are in. From reports I am reading right now Brexit is NOT over yet! I wondered a bit about Partygate being blown up into massive proportions. A few drinks and a laugh. Yes, it was at a time when rules made by the government to combat Covid or so they thought, were broken by the selfsame politicians who made the rules. Well, there you go and probably unwise but it was hardly an occasion such as exploding the first atomic bomb, now was it? Nevertheless the result shamelessly exaggerated by the Remainer brigade headed by those warmongering ex-ministers Heseltine and Adonis, means the government is under extreme pressure. It means oust ing the PM is probably the worst thing we can do right now. I still do think Boris is a lame duck, thanks to his proclivity to bend the truth but under these circumstances it is better to have a free lame duck with teeth than to have a shackled tiger. I think th

A sobering thought or two...

It is great to be able to understand another language or even languages. It gives a totally different idea on how other people view the world. Or view the people of the nation you yourself are part of. The UK consists of four quite different parts, Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland. It also governs a few dependencies like the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Its people are pretty much what you would term ‘islanders’. Others would call it ‘self-centred’. It is quite normal because if you live on an island there is restricted movement. So, the thought processes are also pretty different from those who live on the ‘Continent’. Take the Dutch website of Quora, there was a question about whether we are destroying the planet and one of the replies which I found interesting said. 'No, we are not but we are making it quite difficult for ourselves'. The planet we live on has had periods of plentiful CO2 and higher, much higher temperatures than we have today. This is cor

The end of the BBC as we know it? Hmmm....

The end of the BBC as we know it? Hmmm, there might be some fight left I think, it is not over until the fat lady sings! But right now the news is good, the knife has been taken to the BBC, no fee increases for two years and possibly altogether banned by 2027. It is possibly a knee-jerk by Boris, well Nadine they say but it comes pretty well packaged with other things to save the Boris government. Well whatever, it is still a welcome thing in my opinion. The BBC as I have mentioned in the past, is a bloated, left liberal woke station that pretends to be impartial in politics. Hahaha, you only have to watch last week when all we heard were the various broadcasting luvvies interviewing and reporting only about the anti Boris brigade. Now, I have no real problem with that but it is far from impartial is it? Boris deserves a bit of bear baiting and have a bit of reality pumped into him but I would also have liked to hear a few of the groupies bleating about how good he was in bed. (Sorry,

Why was I not invited then, eh?

Why are we so upset about what our ‘betters’ are up to? Parties with copious drinks, dancing whilst the rest of us are hunkered down? Yes, I am talking about our government, its leaders and servants. Who would have thought it? Frankly friends, it has always been like that. There is nothing new under the sun, the only difference today is that through social media and more news coverage with a very wide viewer number across the world we see the inner workings of those we elect to positions of power. We see the misdeeds of those who pretend to be better than the rest of us . We see the blatant disregard of rules they set up for others to follow. We see the avarice, the corruption of those whom we have trusted with the keys to the moneybox. Now thanks to the news channels and courageous journalists (well, some of them) we have a glimpse of how rotten the inner power circle in this country really is. When a Prime Minister starts bucking and weaving to try to get out of what I would term pr

Have we still got Credit for the National Debt?

A few of my friends have said to me, ‘Like to read your comments’, and ‘ How can you believe all politicians are wasters or idiots?’ Well yes, good observation. Obviously not all politicians are wasters but when you view the national debt, now standing at I believe at over two trillion pounds you must ask yourself this question – Did I saddle the nation with that? No? OK then who did? You’re right, politicians. This pertains then to all because it is they who make the decisions. They will defend themselves by saying that all they do is in our best interests, but is that really true? Take the Covid debacle with PPI, millions if not billions, were wasted. Panic buying, bad decisions and more. Take the foreign aid budget, millions again sent to nations who have used it to finance their space programme. Or purchased weaponry. The millions wasted to finance the upkeep of immigrants coming in by the thousand without any reason whatsoever just because they have heard Britain is the new parad

Have we forgotten to be self-sufficient?

I have been wondering why so few people seem to know what is really happening with our so-called economic situation and coupled to that the state of the environment. Take the gas price. A steep curve upward. There are two reasons – first, a much upward demand, more people that have moved to gas. Not just in Britain but all across the western part of Europe. That is to say from Poland westward and all the way south to Greece. Secondly the reducing supply. Now whether this is due to a political decision by Vlad the Impaler or simply not enough left in the good old planet I will leave open to discussion. The result is the same, steep increase in the price per therm. The boss of Centrica (owner of British Gas) has been on TV saying this situation is not going to go away for some time if ever. This situation puts into a stark light the fallacy of various British governments to rely on imports. I for one have noticed that if there is a apparent glut of something, like gas has been for a few

Boris, you're the weakest link. Goodbye...

By the way, just because you’d want to know, I am no Tory but at the Brexit ballot box I voted for Brexit. Not because I am anti European, certainly not but I abhor the enormous wasteful European ‘government’. Or should that be dictatorship. I now begin to believe that since we have had so many lamentable, completely unworthy Tory prime ministers, oh yes we have, this country is in the doldrums. Starting with that idiot Cameron, followed by a grey May or was it April, and then the man who had it all and quickly got rid of any vestige of competence. The one thing I will remember him for is that he finally got Brexit done. Only it stayed at that and everything is still in limbo. What a mess. Is this what Toryism is all about? If it is then please just go, and let’s all vote Liberal Democrat. What is bl**dy wrong with politicians? Is it just a nice little job with a tidy wage and sitting on the corpulent bottoms swigging expensive champagne? Are you all champagne Charlies? Is there anyo

It's alright Jack I'm alright, I'm a politician...

If you want any sign that this country’s politicians are bonkers, greedy wasters of time and lives look no further than that bastion of virtuous living, Parliament! It is reported that they are due an increase of about £2,000 in their annual stipend (can’t call it a salary as they do not do any work) of some £80,000! Yes, there are less and less people who do well-paid work and pay the taxes to keep these people in luxury. I should be sorry but we are burdened with a top-heavy number of people who simply sponge off as much as they can as quickly as they can. All you hear them saying is, ‘We cannot do anything about it, it is out of our control’. ‘It is not me who does that, don’t blame me’. On top of that greed, look at their behaviour! They will tell you to abide by the rules and laws but it is quite evident it does not count for them. Even royals fall foul of that type of behaviour. It is high time to have a good and extremely hard look at how we are governed, how we want to be gover

Is destroying a statue OK? In the UK it is now....

You wouldn’t believe how far this country has sunk into being woke. You might remember a year or so ago a mob in Bristol took it upon themselves to dump a statue of some 200 year old guy called Colston into the harbour. It was all over the news at the time as lo and behold the TV wallahs knew what was going on. Anyway, the TV News was interesting and there were wonderful shots of the faces of quite a number of participants. Anyway, after some investigation time, four were arrested and a week ago were set free. The Crown Court jury found them NOT guilty of criminal damage. What??!! You must excuse me, I am just a dimwitted citizen but I know criminal damage when I see it. It appears the jury was as woke as you can be. I can just about hear their conversation in the Jury room set aside. ‘Hey babe’ you know these upstanding citizens? Yeah, they protected our values!’ ‘Ooooh, did they do that? That’s a miracle in these days’. ‘Yes, BLM, babe, BLM, Colston was the devil, carting all these c

Does power give sexual rights over others? Good question....

Anyone surprised by all the revelations in the courts over the alleged sexual contacts with a minor by our own squeeky clean non-sweating Prince Andrew? Yes? Let’s be fair if he was guilty he wouldn’t be the first or the last person of noble birth. Look at historical facts, it is peppered with princes, kings, earls, dukes jumping in and out of bed with almost anything female you’d care to name. Money corrupts but socially real power corrupts completely. There is one thing men need to learn, and that is to understand the meaning of the word NO. The other thing that needs learning is that titles and positions of power do not give automatic rights over others. Especially not in sexual matters. In other words keep the hanging appendage in trousers. That letter of absolving men and possibly women as well, from future legal proceedings should be set aside. If such a letter as now published was signed by Ms G it could well have been under duress. Although it is said she received some h

An irreverent look at honours?

If anyone interested wants to look what is wrong in this country, do not look further than the gongs fest that happens in the new year’s honours. In fact you may well ask what is it about honours anyway? Obviously you might also think, look who is telling!. Yes, it’s me and without honours! Seriously, it should be asked why give these to politicians? I think top sports stars are, shall we say OK but politicians? Tony Blair is a case in point, he’s made a Sir, knighted in other words and a member of the Queens Order of the Garter. Go on then Tone, show us the blue riband on your wrinkly thigh then? It is just bonkers. This system of honours needs really looking at and possibly withdrawn altogether! Most of the honours that I see being dished out are for people who eminently haven’t done anything at all to deserve them. Yet people in my own community who have done splendid community work keeping the community they are in alive through out the lock-downs and its aftermath of deprivation,