
Showing posts from March, 2022

Some interesting opinions and questions...

One of my friends, yes I have some, wanted to discuss ‘What do you think of the melting of the icecaps’? We have a discussion evening at the local church which encompasses almost everything under the sun! From LBGT+ and why it seems they want to alter the whole of society in their image to whether it could be true that there is an alternate universe where time runs backwards. Well, melting icecaps is a question that can easily be answered, yes it does melt and yes it is very likely humanity’s fault. Corroborated by the raised sealevels. The levels today have advanced already in such a way that the coasts of Wales are now under accelerated threat of destruction by metres every year. Very likely aided by the increased number of heavy storms. We recently had three 90 mile an hour storms in one month!  So, yes the icecaps are melting and the accompanying r i se of sea levels. But of course it all hinges on the climate warming which is not likely to stop. Not at least for quite a number of

Does Social Media matter at all? Hmm...

Britain today is bedevilled by a vociferous minority, actually a few minorities, who are constantly trying to get their agenda to the forefront. The forefront meaning the media such as Twitter, Facebook, main stream BBC news channels and so on. These minorities are actually individuals who have aligned themselves with a opinion stream. For instance the Partygate questions had thousands of people on Twitter spouting off about their opinion on the matter. Mostly in derogatory terminology. In one way, although I do not contribute to Twitter I do read and laugh. But frankly it is not really a laughing matter. Facebook I evade like the plague. In my mind Partygate is one of those things you can comment on as it is basically a stupid thing to do in view of the regulations they themselves set up to combat the spread of the Covid virus. They being the top officials of the British government. But is it a police matter? Are you sane? Of course not. There should be a fine of a couple of grand pe

What's the matter with us? You may well ask...

Does anyone think this is a funny world? No? Perhaps we should. On the one hand we have a terrible calamity in the Ukraine where millions of people are displaced, have their livelihoods annihilated and on the other hand we have an idiot American actor hitting another idiot American actor because of what was said about his wife. I listened to that and frankly I agree, some peoples’ hairdo is ghastly. But apparently in this case we are talking about a hair disease called alopecia. It brings me to comment on the general trend of women to show as much flesh as possible. May I ask what the rationale is? Is it women want to excite men because they think on the whole most men are gay? Looking at it from a biological angle and that all animals do similar things such as parading in front of the opposite sex in order to acquire a mate for procreation, you would have thought it should be men partly undressing and parading in front of drab women! But no, humans have a totally different idea. I lo

Slavery, a scourge from the past...

Does anyone marvel at the amount of wokery – just for those who have never heard this word, it reflects the acts by people to make the ‘bad’ things that happened in the past to be the guilt of people today – so, a load of fun to be had then! Take slavery, obviously a very bad thing. But let’s remember one thing during those days most of Europe was engaged in that trade. France, Holland, even Germany and Italy. Even worse, black people in Africa were actually engaged in that trade by rounding up and ‘selling’ prisoners to the white enslavers. BLM was reported to demand an apology from the Royals for these heinous acts. Sure, but what has this to do with today? We should just remember these acts and ensure they will never be repeated! As I have mentioned a few times before, you CANNOT change history but you can learn from it. Something that someone should say to a certain Russian despot! Slavery, for those who do not have a clue what it is, is the holding of people against their will an

Anything wrong? Well, you decide...

For a long time I have been very critical of politicians. Yes, I am not proud of it. The task of sitting on your backside in a rat-infested Victorian or even earlier, building; shouting your head off at the opposition or the governing party, is an erroneous job, isn’t it? There are quite a few good MPs but it seems these mostly sit on the backbenches. The ones who have degrees in designing gardens sit on the front bench. It should be obvious that things are not how they should be. OK, so what can be done? Most people I know and believe me, most of the UK population are of the same mind is that we have to manage immigration much, much better. It is not about curtailing immigration, it is about properly managing it so that we get those who can benefit society and not a drain on scarce resources. The inevitable demands we always hear is that they ‘are persecuted’. Most of the time that is patently untrue. Most immigrants are just looking for a better life, and frankly who wouldn’t? But th

Will the Sheikh be right or wrong?

Reading the Daily Express’ editorial a day or so ago by Leo McKinstry I begin to believe they read my blog! The good Leo, one of the best providers of a good political article mentioned the prevalence of British society to sell itself off to the highest foreign bidder. P&O being the latest example. Plus of course that there is a smell of political intrigue about it. The company is owned by a Dubai registered company, in turn owned by a sheikh. It just so happens the sheikh is friendly with a certain Russian despot. As Leo points out ‘Who thinks this is a good thing? You leave the nation open to political manoeuvres’. This of course is also behind the West’s need for oil and gas which over the years came from Russia in ever greater quantity. Meaning we became dependent and that now is being used by Russia to some success. There are many other companies owned wholly or partially through stock-holding by foreign investors. It is not that all is bad but it does make our economy open to

A view on the situation from my backroom...

Having been bombarded with all the war reports for nigh on two weeks and how the Ukraine is being wiped off the map, I am a bit wary of what the reality actually is. It is obvious that the Russian nation has attacked a neighbour. The apparent reasons are that the Russians do not want a neighbouring nation to be a member of NATO. It wants more influence. This seems to be borne out by some of the other demands such as, Ukraine cannot have heavy weapons, cannot be a nuclear power. The military situation also is confusing. What may I ask is the Russian strategy? They are pummeling the hell out of some cities, killing people indiscriminately, using not soldiers but Chechen killers. Is this the prelude to a complete take-over? Out of 40 or so million of inhabitants close on 3 million have already left! Any nation that loses 10% of its population is in trouble. It seems that Putin’s strategy is simple, cause as much upheaval, destroy a few ear-marked sites like Ma riupol which will form the c

It's smelling like rotten fish...

The world’s politics and obviously all those who are involved in it, such as politicians, are getting murkier everyday. Just look at what P&O the shipping company has been up to. Most people I know think that P&O are a sound British company. Well, think again. P&O apparently are owned by a company called DP World. That seems to be run from Dubai and its chair is a sultan. DP World has made good profits and even P&O seemed to be in good health last year. According to the Daily Express it paid its owners £270million in dividends. So, what has changed? Some murky financial dealings? N ow we read that 800 employees are to go, just like that and blackleg crews flood in. But even worse, DP World has Russian connections, with the Russian state owned (I.e Putin) nuclear energy group Rosatom. Do I smell a big rat here? I certainly do! I can say just one thing to the British government and Boris in particular, wake up chaps! You are being out manoeuvred by a criminal set-up. I

Some interesting view of the future? You decide...

Don’t think I am sort sort of a warmonger but may I ask what the purpose of these ‘peace talks’ between the Ukraine and Russia are all about? From my perspective there is little point in talks when one side simply puts its demands on the table and states ‘These are non-negotiable’. So the Ukraine will cede quite some territory and states it will never join NATO. Putin can now say to his people, 'Look I did not want this war but we have secured our safety by destroying the neo-nazis'. In other words he will come out as the saviour of the nation. Even worse, the West will drop all sanctions because we must have the oil and gas and everything will be hunkydory again.  Except, it will not be hunkydory. Russia will under its present government by one man continue with its belligerent stance, and continue to aggravate the smaller nations bordering it. The whole exercise was always about restoring the Soviet Union and IT WILL STAY LIKE THAT. It is possible that the two largest nati

Perhaps a timely warning...

Reading the Daily Express this morning my eye fell upon a small side panel article headed, ‘Millions have their ID stolen’. We have 55 million adults in the UK and supposedly 9% have been fleeced. Wow! Are we gullible or what? Five million lost money or had their identity taken from them. Interesting. The down side is this, are we losing that money to Russian fraudsters? Well, I suppose a sizable chunk of it will, yes. We also have plenty fraudsters here, so my question is – what does the police do? Besides drinking coffee in the office? Besides all of that what do WE do, each of us to obstruct the criminal? I suspect most of us are pretty lax in that field. How many operate VPNs? How many have passwords that are little better than not bothering at all? How many just blaze all their details to websites without abandon? Surely each and everyone of us has responsibility to ensure their data is as secure as possible? If you use a password, something like 1234 then don’t be surprised you f

A dark world view? Hope not...

One of the things I do now is to think about how the world has changed in only a few weeks. I think it should be obvious that this change is not just something that occurred two weeks ago. No, indeed. It has been in the making for some time. We may well ask what made Russia invade the Ukraine. What was all that about? Let’s forget this for a minute, let’s look at what it has done for the West. First of all the west, mostly European at the moment, is in disarray. Britain is no longer part of the European set-up, so the cudgel is with France. Germany has allowed itself to become over-dependent on Russian gas and will have pretty heavy problems for the foreseeable future. Sweden and Finland are considering their options, will they join NATO? Perhaps. You will notice I am not taking the nuclear option because I do believe even Putin will be thinking about survival. So, what about the rest of the world? China, India? I think for Russia to survive its imminent economic collapse

Perhaps a timely warning?

People are beginning to glibly talk about World War 3. It is somewhat understandable seeing what is happening in the Ukraine. But do we really know what that entails? Once the cat is out of the bag there is no stopping the demise of the human race. It will not just be atomic bombs, no it will also include thermonuclear bombs (aka hydrogen bombs). These have the destruction potential of flattening the whole of London including up to 20 mile radius. If one fell on the capital of Wales, Cardiff, even Bristol could be badly affected.  So, in that respect I follow the West’s policy of not getting militarily involved bar the supplying of weapons. I do believe that the financial repercussions to the Russian nation will prove to be quite severe especially as the Russian population are swallowing the government’s propaganda. War, and it is a war, does terrible things to the mind. In fact this war will have a very long tail. The Russian nation will not be the same after, even though Mr Putin wil

Spam? We receive hundreds every day, what can we do?

Despite all the world’s problems and in particular today’s war in the Ukraine, problems with computers and the world wide web continue unabated as well. In particular with the spam problem. According to the sages billions of these are sent everyday. I use Gmail like most other people along with a few others such as Yahoo. But Gmail in particular seems to be the mail provider that attracts most if not all of the spammer world. Even worse most of these spam emails are of a sexual nature. Like do I want an extension to a certain part of my body? Even thinking about that sends shivers along my spine. Or do I want to look at a lady called Anna from Russia who likes cavorting naked on a bare settee. No, I am married and my settee is not bare but has a nice woolly soft covering! So, I have been looking at the problem which is huge. I applaud Google in one way, they filter out most if not all spam messages and put it in the Spam folder but I don’t want to receive them at all. Even though I kno

Atilla resurrected? Hmmm....

Atilla The Hun is not dead, he is very well and alive. Today it is Atilla the Russian. Humanity has learned nothing. W e are still as barbaric as shown in the Ukraine. The Daily Express reported what a Ukrainian minister said – Russians are raping our women. Unfortunately i t is also something I have said before. Just like in 1945 the Russian gangs are let loose. Like they do not already have enough prostitutes in Moscow. It is becoming clear that the world might be working towards a nuclear confrontation. The Russian nation has no right to exist in the form it has today. Putin instead of being a world revered politician has become no more than a caged rat. Unfortunately he has one claw on the self-destruct button. Any country that can inflict such damage to another country without reason has no rights whatsoever. The complete governing ‘elite’ are to be tried as war criminals. For Putin there is only one fate, let loose naked and alone in the centre of Kiev’s main plaza. But for th

Some naked truths? Well....

Watching TV programs is a tiring exercise. At present there is nothing much but the war in the Ukraine. This morning the report was particularly worrying to hear about the shelling of a nuclear powerplant! You must forgive me but have Russians a thing called a brain? It must be obvious to all that Russia has become a rogue state, a pariah on this planet. How did the largest country on Earth descend so low? How in all honesty did we all allow a Mafia gang to take over a government? Russia always has had a problem, it did not become the largest country by shelling peas! It did so by naked aggression and by all means still does so today. Just look at its history! From Catherine the Great to Vladimir Putin. It is not a happy book. I am sure there is something wrong with politicians across the world. Some are hiding distinct unsavoury traits. I read something a long time ago that said only people with enormous sex drives become politicians and pending their genetic make-up will become des

History repeating itself?

Just as it was in 1945 Russian rapists and indiscriminate killers are on the loose again. Not in Germany but now in the Ukraine. Nice people these Russians. This sort of talk obviously comes from my feelings of disgust. Disgust that people like that do actually exist. I am pretty aware that most Russians would be equally disgusted when they finally learn about those sort of atrocities perpetrated by their countrymen. I suppose if you could have been in that Kremlin boardroom with comrade Putrid it would have gone something like this: ‘How are we doing at the moment General Kowalski? Kiev OK now? No? What!!! What do you mean, resistance? These people are potato crunchers, they have no fight in them? Right, start shelling houses and flats, I don't care how you do it. Show ‘m who’s boss, you hear? Kill, kill and let’s get it over with. If Kiev is not in my hands by teatime, I’ll have your head and your wife’s’. Or words to that effect, most likely interspersed with plenty of Russian s