
Showing posts from August, 2022

To all doglovers, not...

Just a short one as I am on a day trip. Sun yes and loads of people with dogs. By the looks of things there are more dogs than people on the planet! I am not a dog lover, in fact dislike them. Even during the lock-down period (a long two years) no dogs in my house. But looking around I can report that most dog owners have little regards for others despite rules that show where to let them run, defecate, urinate and try to get on the back of other dogs or my leg. The left over results are for others to step in. Lovely. Nice holiday memento. It is time the government, seeing it's enormous budget deficit, will impose a dog-tax. £1000 per annum. Plus a mandatory visit to a vet annually for a worming check. And a mandatory chip. Any dog checked without to be euthanised immediately. I hasten to add I am not the only man (a non-binary one) thinking like that. But there you go, I'll be back when I have cleaned my shoes!

Is it that bad now in the UK?

Lurid headlines all over the papers. Girl of nine callously shot in her own home. Innocent caught by gunman. Our society has gone stark raving mad. Well, yes I suppose you could say that and the n trust the newspapers to rack it up to the utmost. But looking at it a bit more objectively our society has been going down for some time now. It would be too easy just to blame the police in this country but they must be prepared to take the flack. Simply because they have scaled down quite considerably. More to the point, they have started to look at actions, words and exclamations of people that have nothing to do with crime! The other section, the politicians, they are the ones who have left this country to sink into the morass of indecision, prevarication, lies, self-interest, and that’s just for starters. We elect politicians not for their policies but for how they look or are dressed. Politicians who stand for representing us, no-one looks into their background, their educational sta

Electric- Solar, wind, human emissions? Take your pick...

Innovation, innovation, innovation. Just saw a TV program called ‘Click’. On this occasion it highlighted the small companies in both the Netherlands and Sweden engaged in the development of electric boats, small fast cruisers that even hydroplaned! In Sweden even ferries! And the question I have is – What is happening in Britain? Once the powerhouse of the world? Is it perhaps something to do with government backing? Is money being made available for this type of research and development? Well, you answer that question, my perception is that precious little is done in the UK except arguing whether we are ‘its’, ‘binary’ or ‘pan sexual’. The development shown showed cars that were virtual solar panels! Obviously there is not a lot of sun in western Europe. But with so much greater need for charging the costs overall are also greatly reduced. And here comes my nasty brain – this is not what OUR UK government wants because of the also greatly reduced tax basis. The sun comes free and I’m

Bad news is bad news...

Day in – day out the information hurricane pours out the most depressing stuff. For myself I get really depressed listening to this continual tornado of bad news. Even the TV presenters or news readers make it worse by being incredibly argumentative in their questioning. I am of the opinion that they know very little of the subjects they talk about. The most knowledgeable persons are the weather people, at least they seem to have a good knowledge of what is going on with the weather! The rest and that includes the aggressive Nana better stay home and give us a complete rest and recover our mental health. In days past mental health was called being doolally (look up the meaning of that on Wikipedia). Lately we have to get used to returning to pre-Thatcher days when unions rule and strikes are called by Red Barons. Things have a habit of returning, don’t they? When I read up on my history books I can see pre-1939 days. When ordinary people are being driven into the claws of very aggress

A puzzling time isn't it?

From time to time I watch TV because my wife is married to Pointless. It is a rather interesting program as you need to find answers to questions that the panel of 100 people interviewed to answer such questions, had not mentioned. So, the four couples who stand need to find the lowest score, not the highest. If there was a question answered that gave a zero result £250 was added to the prize total. The end prize, if not won because the last couple standing does not find a zero point answer at that stage, will be increased by £1,000. If the y find a zero point answer they will win the pot. Sometimes that can run to well in the thousands. Anyway, this is not what struck me as interesting. What is, is the knowledge displayed about subjects. It is funny but most younger people like to say ‘ This was before my time’ and are reasonably well versed in music questions. But take History or Geographical questions, they invariably display complete ignorance. It does not show up well for secon

A bit more fun about politics...

I have often wondered what makes people become a politician. Is it a wish to make our society better? Sure, it is what they profess to want. Is it because they have a hunger for power? They all would deny that. Is it because they want an easy life? T hey vehemently would deny that. Now I am certain, initially would be politicians are straightforward, honest and well- meaning persons. So, we may well ask – what happens after they have been elected? From where I am sitting it seems they lose their mettle pretty quickly. They get embroiled in party politics and so signs a death sentence to any ideas of improving society. For m ost MPs, I am sorry to say, their impact on the Westminster scene has been virtually nil. Unless they are sitting at the top-table (The Cabinet and related serving staff) we might as well just forget all about MPs and just save the money. Rather than 600+ crammed in a smallish chamber, have a sharply reduced number, no more than 100 and a cabinet of 10. I am certa

Anyone for politics? Sir Keir has the forms...

I have often wondered what makes people become a politician. Is it a wish to make our society better? Sure, it is what they profess to want. Is it because they have a hunger for power? They all would deny that. Is it because they want an easy life? Again, they vehemently would deny that. Now I am certain that initially would- be politicians are straightforward, honest and well- meaning persons. So, we may well ask – what happens after they have been elected? From where I am sitting it seems they lose their mettle pretty quickly. They get embroiled in party politics and so signs a death sentence to any ideas of improving society. Most MPs, I am sorry to say, their impact on the Westminster scene has been virtually nil. Unless they are sitting at the top-table (The Cabinet and related serving staff) we might as well just forget all about MPs and just save the money. The problem is as I said, party politics. The party has a strict set of whatever they think is important. All is MPs mus

Let's have a proper look at the situation...

You will have noticed that I continually mention the very poor calibre of UK politicians. In fact many times have I called them idiots. Obviously these are generic terms and it simply does not mean everyone is an idiot. But too many are. Too many are blinkered, just look at Labour and the ultra left plonkers called Momentum. Where have these come from? No, not the slums of Birmingham or Leeds or even Glasgow. These are middle-class youngsters mostly with a Mickey Mouse degree in Home Cooking or Vacuum Cleaning. Nice degrees actually at least you would have thought it keeps the house clean. But OK that’s the UK for you as it is today. Dumbed down completely. We have heads of secondary schools insisting to be called IT or a Non-Binary just so they can say they are WITH IT! Did I say idiots? Let’s have a look at why I term politicians idiots. First of all I believe the first past the post system is outdated. Let that rest for a moment because the UK is ultra- conservative and we must not

Armageddon - Is it close?

  If there is any doubt in our minds about what is happening all around us then sit down quietly and close your eyes! First of all the so-called leaders of the nation, indeed of the world, have lost all credibility. No longer can they be trusted to look after their populations. They all and sundry just look after themselves. Next, looking at leaders of companies you will note the same thing. It is, 'I’m alright Jack, b*gger you’. When you look at power companies and their bosses you see exactly that. There is not a single attempt to resolve the crisis. No explanation as to why EXACTLY we have arrived at this situation. Except mealy-mouthed whispers of ‘Ah well, don’t worry your pretty little head and keep on spending otherwise the economy will collapse’. What?!! From where I am sitting the economy has already collapsed. When forecasts about the cost of power are showing charges of £5,000 per annum you can bet your bottom dollar that either someone high up has lost all sense of real

Where or what is Albania again?

So, of course we now know more yet again about this infernal problem called ‘immigration’. Nearly half of those who have paid thousands of pounds are of one nationality – Albanian! What do we know of that small country hidden away on the eastern side of the Mediterranean? Except from the recesses of my brain I recall it was quite the poor communist country suffering under a dictator of vile reputation, Hoxha. Or something like that. May I now say again and I have said it many times before – Most immigration is for economic reasons and so it is with all these young male Albanians. Does anyone understand the governments reluctance or inability to deal with this problem? I don’t. We even send in the Navy to actually help these people to land in Dover. God help us all. I have also mentioned that I am NOT against immigration, certainly not but I am against unbridled, uncontrolled immigration. Simply because there is no room for so many arrivals, no work, no housing. As a result many will be

What?!! £4,000 p/a - which joker said that?

Are we sure that this country is governed by sane people? Are we sure the power companies are governed by greedy pigs? Well, the news shows that is just the case. Reports that the price gap might easily go up to £4,000 per annum. Now, I can easily see that is just unattainable for the greater number of people in this country. The first thing I can see coming on is a revolution. Either a revolution or a very long number of strikes by almost every worker, blue or white collar and certainly the workers of industry. How do these power companies expect people on less than £10 per hour to pay that? It’s just pie in the sky! This sort of charge actually means that more people than ever will be on benefits. So, the cost to the Treasury is going to be phenomenal! I just cannot believe these idiots are serious. I am not a Labour voter, I am laissez-faire but I no longer think that is possible to be. Nationalise all power companies without compensation! Whilst the government will do that have a

Computer joys!

As some might know I am a computer lover, particularly because I am also a Linux fan. I detest Windows and its money grabbing ideas. You remember – 'We will not go beyond Windows 10, it is the last O/S'. Ah, yes and so we now are forced to have Windows 11 and apparently by 2025 there might be Windows 12. I think it is deplorable! Linux in all its flavours (pick the one that suits you best) is free to use and does not cost a penny. Linux Mint is very Windows like but with much all Linux flavours, it helps if you are not afraid to learn how to operate the command line. It is not difficult, if I can do it, you certainly could as well! I build my own desktop but I have family eying it because its pretty powerful and they are becoming quite adept at using a computer of the calibre that the Universities use for research. Anyway, so I purchased a Mini! No, not the car, a mini-computer. 500Gb SSD storage, 16Gb memory and an AMD Ryzen 7 processor. How do they do it for the price I paid!

Just who wins and who pays? Hmmm..

The problems just seem to keep on and stacking up. Price increases across the whole spectrum, the war in the Ukraine, the belligerence of China, global warming and plastic fouling of the global water systems. One of the problems that even myself can see clearly is the inability of politicians to even begin to solve these problems. Despite the lovely words we hear daily, precious little materialises. The Ukraine war is just such a talking shop – western politicians decry Russia but at the same time are looking for ways to continue using Russian gas and oil. The facts are simple, come this winter we will see a sharp diminishing of support for Ukraine. Here in Britain we support Ukraine fully, for the moment but just wait when the cold days are coming! Price increases and UK inflation are all the making of bad management by politicians and weak management. Management of the Bank of England. You don’t have to look far, just listen to the governor! He doesn’t seem to know whether inflation

Quality government or a class of Dumbos?

What are we saying about our esteemed Governor of the Bank of England? Not so long ago he said that he could not control inflation. Did anyone get the impression that our ‘betters’ don’t know what they are talking about? For quite a few years I have had a go at the poor performances of MPs and you only have had to look at the present crop to sadly nod your head in agreement. Frankly, between you and me, it’s the same across the world. The latest applicant for the Dumbo prize is the Bank of England boss. Not so long ago he tearfully exclaimed in front of the nation’s TV audience that he could not control inflation. He more or less indicated that it wasn’t his job. Suddenly today he increased the interest levels to the highest levels since they were lowered in the early Noughties (Noughties=2000-2010). Once again he put on his ‘serious’ face and looked us all in the eye saying that he really understood the hardships it entailed. Do we believe he does? No Sir, we do not. We know you are

A Pelosi view of the world...

Sometimes you hear or read some nuggets of information that are 100% correct. One of those nuggets was uttered by Ms Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the US House of Reps), who said “ Today the world faces a choice, a choice between democratic and autocratic government”. Bang on Nancy. Please stand for Prime Minister in the UK next time Liz or Rishi make a gaffe. We change PMs at the whim of social media goons or the views of ultra left-wing woke libertarians. Sometimes we even bet on horses like Jeremy Corbyn and lost all our money! Although he never came on as PM, he nearly made it. The war in the Ukraine would have been a foregone conclusion as British soldiers would have been forced to fight with the Russians. I hasten to add, there might have been a revolution in the good old Home Counties, Scotland and Wales secede and Jersey declaring war on Britain and join France. Perhaps it would be better not to speculate what could have been because we do too much of that already. Even so, Ms Nanc