
Showing posts from May, 2023

Falling sperm counts....noooo, count again, please

Some interesting reports I read were about the falling sperm count of human males. Interesting? Well yes, perhaps because it throws open some possible futures. One of which is the demise of the human race. In that case it wouldn’t be sudden like a thunderclap from heaven. One day there are 8 billion humans and the following day there are none. No, it wouldn’t be like that. It would be more like a slow dance towards oblivion taking two or three or even more generations. Less and less babies being born and those that are would suffer a greater number of degenerative conditions. Frankly, come to think of it, it is already happening! There is no need to ask why – it is simply the way we live, the things we manufacture. People generally are not aware what the plastics industry has and still is, doing to us. Not just us either, all species suffer from our indiscriminate use of chemicals. Manufacturers like Ineos, which is a global chemical company. INEOS products are essential in the modern

Money and gender, the two questions today...

We have many times talked about money, in particular the money that is government’s responsibility. Meaning borrowing, quantitative easing and taxation levels. This morning reports on the media are stating something that I have never heard before. That probably is a worrying thing. It is that the amount of borrowing the government carries out has increased. Not just because it needs money for projects, something like HS2 I suppose, no it is the cost of interest payments! Meaning that they have to borrow more to pay interest! How silly does it get before we all go down with our heads under water waving the Union Jack? Borrowing to pay interest? That sounds like a quick way down into the abyss! I just wonder when the last time was when we balanced the books? That is when taxation completely covered expenditure? Probably the last time was before I was born. Ever since WW2 we have been living in cloud cuckoo land. Apparently our national debt now stands at £2.5 trillion. Just work out the

Money, money, it's just so funny....Not

Just in case you thought everything was great then you have not heard the latest wonderful news from the US? Their debt ceiling might have to be £30+ trillion dollars? Eh? That is thirty million million million dollars. Excuse me, who is running that show? $30,000,000,000,000,000,000 debt. Well, that puts my own debt with the bank in some perspective. Just wondering what the US banks charge for all of that? It’s just mind boggling. What is more worrying is this – when such a ceiling will collapse, as it will, then what? We are always talking about how wonderful it is to live in a free world but is it really free when we are shackled by such debt? It is not just the US, Europe is just the same, in fact all countries seem to be burdened with debt. So, a good question to ask is who pays for all of that? Well, in a way it is you and me. We might save some money in some sort of a savings account (if we are lucky!) and the savings banks and others will invest that in government bonds hooveri

To be a MP or not to be, that is another question...

  A lot is being talked about Labour winning the next election, That is with or without the Liberal Democrats. Well, Keir’s efforts, if you can call it that, do point to a possible coalition. Now, on it’s own that is not always a bad idea. One party tempering the other’s excesses and vice versa. In the meantime Plaid Cymru, the Welsh nationalist party has to cope with the demise of it’s leader. You may ask why? No one really knows, beyond him having said he felt he was not being supported by his colleagues. But apparently a report said that the party suffered from misogyny, harassment and bullying. No, really? Well, strike me down with a feather. Are we now becoming so entrenched with the views of a smallish minority whose views are so rabid and that includes the BBC, that politicians are basically having to watch their words? That cannot be good. Similar to what happened to the deputy prime-minister Dominic Raab. Bullying and that with a big question mark hanging over it. Was it or wa