
Channel 4 a woke channel? Eh, hmmm....

Hahaha, just wondering what TV execs were thinking when developing programmes like SAS - Who Dares wins. Channel 4 executives obviously without thinking, went for a real SAS guy called Ant. Well, obvious innit? SAS is the SAS, it ain’t for the sissies. These chaps do not mince words, swear a bit and like the look of ladies in their underwear. I have to say I do remember my own time in the army. Not SAS but a lowly infantry boy mostly getting the sand out of my eyes and ears, swearing as I did so. Yes, that is the way it was and probably still is despite the top brass trying to make women into men and turning men into women. Woke? Nooh, really? Today’s kids haven’t much of a clue what life is all about. They wake up thinking about how to topple the next statue of a misogynist or war hero like Admiral Nelson because he allegedly tried to kiss a subordinate or two? Who cares? The once Bristol politician who was involved with slavery paid the price, his statue is down the harbour. I hope

A more natural way....

From time to time I tend to stop worrying about all the politics, the French, Covid Omicron and watch a nature programme on the TV. Most are just about how to tend your roses and keep the place looking tidy. Whatever you think ‘tidy’ to mean. I suppose cutting the grass to an evergreen sward exactly 3 centimetres high and don’t forget the sharp edging looking like a freshly cut moustache. Plus of course all the bushes sprayed with enough poison to kill the neighbours’ cats. Besides we don’t want all these insects do we?  YES, we do! The programme I watched this morning reiterated what I have been thinking for a long time. The guy, Colin Stafford-Johnson, an ex-camera man making films all across the world is now back in his native Ireland on a small plot his mother gave him. Now semi-retired he has decided to transform his patch into a natural state. Wildflower meadows, two ponds, all native species. No foreign imports because as he said so succinctly, imported flowers, seeds, trees and

Black holes and the end of it all...

At certain times we are looking at the TV screen and watch one of the brightest stars in our universe, aka Prof Brian Cox. Presently showing his newest programme ‘Universe’. A very glitzy, raucous, thundery compilation of poetry spoken by the Prof whilst trying to explain the intricacies of a black hole. No, nothing to do with our bodily function, we are in the depths of our galaxy, in fact at the centre and looking at what he calls Sagittarius A*. A black hole of gigantic proportions. The one thing I would ask, why in all blazes is there music trying to drown his words? His poetry must be heard. Well ok, it isn’t brilliant but we all can do with a laugh in these difficult Covid times. Prof Brian was talking about the black hole and the discovery by Stephen Hawking that black is not black. In fact black holes radiate matter or energy, and will evaporate.  One would have thought it be the end and bye-bye. No, Prof Brian showed in devastating colour the last explosion of the dying hole.

Peppa Pig for Prime Minister? Yeah, why not....

I have decided to stay with this font, it seems nice and easy to read. So, ditching the Arial and going for Trebuchet! Just listening or watching or even reading the various news reports you would be thinking this country’s leaders have lost the plot. In fact I think you might well be right. First of all the PM Boris seems to like Peppa Pig – for those who are not familiar with that name, it is a children’s cartoon character and will now probably show a full head of wild straggly hair. You could not make it up. But at least there are people who said he worked far too much for a single person in a day. Well, welcome to the 24-7 days Boris, thanks to your compatriots over the years we are all chasing our tails! When I get up I cannot remember what day it is until I look on the calendar. It does seem though that the government we have, talk a good story but it stays at that.  For years we have known that immigration is a problem. Not that it has anything to do with skin colour but everyth

Use the Navy, thank you...

Just in case you, dear reader, thought that things were great. Britain showing a bit of beef. Sending troops to Poland to keep the immigrants out of the EU. Great stuff, don’t you think? Well, yes but how is it possible that we can use the military, send them to Poland to do the thing we cannot seem to do on our own coasts? Is this another of Boris’ great promises? Showing he has what it takes? He might have what it takes but it’s not in making the right decisions. Look Boris, you came to the hallowed seat of PM power with some bravado. Wild waving hair, a bit of bluster and yes, you took me in.  But I’m afraid that now you’ve lost me! I feel a bit sorry for you because you thought you were the next Churchill but you turned out to be a bit like Churchill’s overfed bulldog. Slow and pondering about, slavering at the mouth and pretty useless in a fight. I am not sure that you really knew what it was all about. What politics is about. What Britain’s real standing is. OK you won Brexit, ex

How many gaffes before you're kicked out?

It defies belief to hear how this government of ours is reneging on promises made to the North of this country. During the last election we heard that the North were going to have their HS2 extension to Leeds. And as a result Boris ended up with a stonking majority in Parliament. So what happened? Well, I suppose some bright spark in the government has deducted that passenger usage would be less than anticipated and not worth expending billions on an underused railway. Underused in terms of large commuter travel. Besides all that, the cash spent would not be paid back for hundreds of years in income. That’s how I see it but according to the government it is basically a money issue. Well, how do you want to lose the next election? He seems to be gaffe prone lately and that is because he opened his mouth and said all the wrong things. To be PM you need to have a steel backbone, you cannot have minions make all the decisions and yourself stay at home looking after the dog. You cannot say

Immigration? Looking for paradise but where is it exactly?

And to follow up my previous post, something else has cropped up on the radar. It is something I have wondered about as well. The apparent collusion between people here and in France to get immigrants to come over. Ultra woke leftie liberal charities actually are over in France. Can you believe it? Criminal gangs organising it and indeed some individuals as well, are from the UK! The outgoing head of the Borderforce, apparently thought it was a ‘bloody pain in the arse’. Probably believing it wasn’t his or the Force’s problem. Well, good riddance then please retire to the Outer Hebrides. I heard Rockall needs a new tenant. It just defies belief that there are people in this country with views like that, these are civil servants. Civil servants are supposed to do their very best to see to it that this country flourishes and is run correctly.What did this Border Force guy think his job was? Sure the French leave a lot to be desired but when I look at their problems with immigrants ou