
Showing posts from January, 2018

Who is for a bit of Spam?

One thing that bothers me and I suppose it probably is bothering loads more people, is that when we are linked to the Web we receive loads of spam email. Some of it pretty criminal. On most the giving away of millions of pounds or dollars is pretty obvious and to say the least, a bit idiotic. I often wondered why not more is done to stop this type of email. I use Thunderbird and that will show the real address from where the email originates from, not just the address the fraudsters tell you to use to reply! A tremendous lot originate from Japan, although the content of the email talks about rich people from Benin or any other African country wanting to give me two million dollars. Yes, from Benin, it used to be called Dahomey, another of those poor African countries. It might be that these emails do originate from Benin but via a Japanese network. It is interesting. No need to say that they end up in the Spam folder and automatically deleted after 2 weeks. Recently I received ano

PC Army.... WOW!

Anyone for a bit of PC? Yep, political correctness has now even penetrated the Army. By all accounts the latest TV adverts are showing, it’s OK to cry, Ok to be emotional and don’t forget your prayer-mats. Now it may all sound normal to the liberal elite or even to Labour party today but perhaps I might ask one question? What actually is the Army for? I have been in the Army and frankly it is not a hotbed of people crying their eyes out or taking five to have a quick prayer at the height of a battle. We were taught to kill, yep you heard it here. Kill. Not have an hour’s discussion with a shrink prior to putting the bayonet in. If your life is at stake or the nation’s then that is what an army is for. Defence. I am of the opinion that we should be telling the liberal do-gooders where to sign-up for a bit of square-bashing. A few weeks of traipsing through the mud at night, fording cold rivers fully loaded will do ‘m the world of good. If they get some lovely blisters on their pal