Coding for the Web

A friend asked me - ‘Hey, you do a bit of coding with HTML5 and CSS3, how do you get things onto the screen? Not just anywhere but nicely placed, side by side. Well, that’s the million dollar question, I had to learn, teach myself how things work and I am still learning! But as I said, start with the basics. The problem with computer coding, languages and so on is that they do and can change rapidly. HTML5 is using quite a number of new ‘tags’ as is CSS3. So-called div’s are now not as supremely important.
What I tend to do is draw up a grid of blocks. First the header, this can be a logo, a coloured navigation bar (although with HTML5 we now have the nav tag. Then I fill the blocks with a colour just to see where they fall onto the page and I can size them correctly, even with space between them. You start off with the usual opening tags using a editor like 'gedit' or Sublime Text:
<!DOCTYPE html>

Open the <body> tag to denote the beginning of the page you’ll see on the screen.
Now the header tags and code to position the images or text etc.
<header class="bar">
<img src="images/headerbar.png" alt="header" width="900">
<p class=rightpos2><span style="font-weight: bold;">Discover who we are...</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Where we come from...</span></p>
‘bar’ will be part of the CSS3 code. HTML code is used to put ‘stuff’ onto a screen, CSS is used to style it. So ‘bar’ is specifically positioning the header, followed by the styling.
.bar {
float: left;
margin-left: 25px;
This means it is positioned to the left and 25 pixels to the right.
The image is within a subdirectory called ‘images’ and positioned as ‘bar’ directed.
There will be some text – denoted by the <p> tag, positioned as directed by the CSS ‘rightpos2’ code. This styles the textual part and puts the words where they are wanted. That can be anywhere you want them, I tend to experiment a lot!

.rightpos2 {
position: absolute;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
text-shadow: 2px 2px black;
font-size: 24px;
left: 580px;
top: 30px;
width: 300px;
height: 20px;
color: purple;
font-style: oblique;
This hopefully is self-explanatory. I will put some more on at a later date to show the positioning of the other blocks.
You will see the result on the ‘history’ page of my website –’.


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