
Showing posts from October, 2018

Fracking hell... again

Fracking is rearing it’s ugly head again. Slowly but surely it is getting approval in small areas but before long it will be everywhere. Much like the ugly wind turbines which were only going to be seen in a very small number of places. Now they are everywhere. I am very concerned that our brilliant but silly politicians do not really have a clue about the implications. By all accounts fracking is not going to be the bonanza they think it will be. They talk of vast reservoirs but it's all pie in the sky. No-one knows, not even the specialists! In a small country like ours it actually is only in very few places where it can be done. The upheaval is really not worth it. And besides do we want to ruin the Earth once and for all? I do think that there is no doubt any more, we are responsible for the hotting up of the planet. We just do no longer have any options except to cut carbon emissions. And cut heavily if we want our grandchildren to have a reasonable life. We simply have t

Debt mountain? Well, eh...

Funny is it not? I have mentioned this many times before. Our national debt mountain. By all accounts and this is from the IMF, it stands at over £2 trillion! Actually, it is NOT funny at all. It means if we say there are 65,000,000 of us in the country each and everyone of us, immigrants, babies and octogenarians all included, owe £30,770.00 (rounded up to nearest pound). That is an absolute disgrace, our various coloured governments have failed so miserably. The ultra left now in power of the Labour party wants to even up that amount. The article I read stated that the debt mountain was not helped by the recent financial crisis. No, really? Who gave the bankers free rein? I know one thing it wasn’t me! The GDP of the country (Gross domestic product) does not even equal this debt. The politicians keep talking of reducing the deficit hoping of course we don’t understand and equal deficit with the word debt. In actual fact reducing the deficit does not lower the debt, it increases