Fracking hell... again

Fracking is rearing it’s ugly head again. Slowly but surely it is getting approval in small areas but before long it will be everywhere. Much like the ugly wind turbines which were only going to be seen in a very small number of places. Now they are everywhere. I am very concerned that our brilliant but silly politicians do not really have a clue about the implications. By all accounts fracking is not going to be the bonanza they think it will be. They talk of vast reservoirs but it's all pie in the sky. No-one knows, not even the specialists! In a small country like ours it actually is only in very few places where it can be done. The upheaval is really not worth it. And besides do we want to ruin the Earth once and for all? I do think that there is no doubt any more, we are responsible for the hotting up of the planet. We just do no longer have any options except to cut carbon emissions. And cut heavily if we want our grandchildren to have a reasonable life. We simply have to start thinking about what we are doing otherwise Africa will become uninhabitable and there will be no ice on the Poles. The Pacific will have risen to such an extent that all low-lying islands have disappeared. All coral reefs have died all over the world. It will be interesting to see how countries like Holland, Belgium and Denmark are going to cope with 2 metres of extra water plus enormous spring tides. Let’s hope there will be no big storms at that time because 1952/3 will be nothing compared to what will happen then! Good luck to ‘m all.
Watch the news in the years to come, when the poisoning of our land is becoming properly visible, cancers in children, more asthma, more disabilities, so yes carry on fracking. Pity the old film crew are all dead. It could have been a real blockbuster. I can see Ms Windsor popping ‘her you know whats’ in front of the fracking tower! 

Ed: It makes our western ideas of reducing carbon emissions a joke. First and foremost the energy used to get at the 'gas', the trundling to a fore of massive lorries, the drilling machinery and allied equipment (think of the carbon emissions making all that equipment) and then the burning of the gas. So, where are the benefits? There are none. And don't think that it will reduce prices. The fracking process is done by individual companies who have to make a profit. They will sell the gas at the highest price they can get and if they cannot get it in the UK they will simply export it. All in all fracking does not seem such a good thing does it?


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