
Showing posts from October, 2019

Ladies of Westminster, going, going, gone...

So, the latest news from that glorious place, the Commons, is that most of the lady MPs are stepping down, or not standing for re-election. In a way that is sad and the level of vitriol directed at them deplorable. But I have to say it is not entirely strange, some of the MPs, actually quite a lot, have demonstrated that voting for something political has no meaning whatsoever. Whatever they say now, it is entirely a situation of their own making. They have held the electorate in contempt for over three years. If you look at the situation in the UK today, in particular the political situation, you will notice how the actions of MPs have contributed to the malaise. Trust in the system has been totally lost, MPs once held in high esteem have become no more than the next door neighbour you do not like because they don’t trim the hedges. Of course, it is sad and to be very frank, it is probably for the best that they do not intend to come back. Let’s renew the whole lot, vote in fresh bo

Mae'r tywydd yn braf,,,

Diwrnod hyfryd arall! Glaw a fwy glaw. Ro’n i wedi gweithio yn yr afon nesa fy nh ŷ, pam? Achos llawer o ddŵr geisio yn erydu cloddiau’r afon. Fy nghardd yw nesa i’r afon. Yn ffodus roedd fy ŵyr gymorth dda iawn. Mae dŵr sgraffiniol iawn, yn enwedig nesa fy nhŷ, rydym ni agos tro’r afon. Beth bynnag, ynghyd byddwn ni llwyddianus y gaeaf hwn (gobeithio!). Gol 16/11/2019 Ah, mae'n oer nawr. Ar ôl y newyddion glywes i am y llifogydd, a llifogydd o ddeigryn ar hyd yr afon Don yn Sir Efrog. Meddwlwch am problemau gyda yswiriant!

Democratic principle? What is that...

One of the funniest journalists, Rod Liddle, writing in the Sun newspaper mentioned that he was not a Conservative but would vote Conservative. Firstly I feel exactly the same way and I tell you why. There should be no doubt that if Labour under Corbyn get their hands on power we will be the next Venezuela. The next world’s basket case. You might not agree with all the issues confronting us due to the unbridled laissez-faire system, or free trade but at least it has given us a reasonable lifestyle. Certainly, it is not perfect, lots need looking at but we cannot just open the borders to every person who wants to come whether because they think it will give them a better lifestyle, or benefits or whatever. But we do need the well-educated, the medical staff, the business entrepreneurs, the scientists. Indeed an Aussie style points system is a must. We must not go back to this State control idea from the likes of Corbyn or McDonnell. These ideas are absolute poppycock. Even so, we mig

Election fever!

According to the newspaper(s) I read a Welsh town – Merthyr Tydfil – is full of nitwits. Actually a slightly different good-old word was used. Well, whatever. It is a town run by the Labour party? I don’t want to tell you my opinion, it is already well-known. The Labour party is an anachronism and far removed from what is was set up for. So, Merthyr we now know is full of Labour nitwits? Right, that’s put that to bed. Good o'l Methyr. Speaking of politicians and political parties, the shenanigans performed now on a daily basis in Westminster has made me accept that the above statement about nitwits is basically correct, there is no solution to Brexit. Mainly because too many politicians have forgotten who they represent. Although I voted to leave the EU on the basis made by a certain Mr Cameron who did, in his words, reform Europe which was and is needed badly; it became obvious we were fed whopping lies. However, now the good Boris (Mr Johnson to you) seems to ge