Ladies of Westminster, going, going, gone...

So, the latest news from that glorious place, the Commons, is that most of the lady MPs are stepping down, or not standing for re-election. In a way that is sad and the level of vitriol directed at them deplorable. But I have to say it is not entirely strange, some of the MPs, actually quite a lot, have demonstrated that voting for something political has no meaning whatsoever. Whatever they say now, it is entirely a situation of their own making. They have held the electorate in contempt for over three years. If you look at the situation in the UK today, in particular the political situation, you will notice how the actions of MPs have contributed to the malaise. Trust in the system has been totally lost, MPs once held in high esteem have become no more than the next door neighbour you do not like because they don’t trim the hedges. Of course, it is sad and to be very frank, it is probably for the best that they do not intend to come back. Let’s renew the whole lot, vote in fresh bodies with a renewed vigour. We need it.
Deselect all present MPs, make them go through the selection of candidates’ process again. The system needs a strong boot up the backside as a wake-up call. Don’t mess it up yet again people. Do it right!


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