Live normal? Or more normal...


Puleeese give us a break! Army general (Major General to be precise) Jones is hauled before a military panel. Why? Oh he romped with a married woman. On top of that a lieutenant-colonel has accused him of bullying. I wonder why. Just asking a question here, is the Army pussyfooting around nowadays? Do we now need to see adverts, join the Army but only if you do not have sex, keep your mouth shut, don’t swear and you read girlie magazines. This ‘woke’ Britain is getting silly.

The whole society we know is changing and that is because we pander to idiots, we listen to all sorts of drivel. Why? Because it is the only thing we hear because the silent ‘normal’ majority stays silent. Just read the stuff on Facebook or Twitter. I am not sure whether younger people, the 20’s-35’s are fit to lead this nation or indeed any nation. From where I am sitting I see a changing world. Simply because it is always changing but now accelerating. Most of us cannot cope with change. For instance Corona-19 virus is not really an extra-ordinary thing. I am sure it or something like it has been around for a lot longer than these last few months. What’s more there any thousands more viruses just waiting in the wings. Again this is normal. What is not normal is how we react, how we are leaving ourselves open to disease. Why? Overcrowding because people congregate in larger and larger cities. On top of that a heck of a lot are pretty unhygienic.

Take the wet markets in China, look at South America and places in Asia like India, Afghanistan just to name a few. Pretty all  Egyptians live in Cairo, even in cemeteries! Now you begin to understand why we are as we are today. So far that’s the negative side of things. Are there plus points perhaps? Well, of course, we are fast moving into a society run on electricity and hydrogen fuel cells. Apparently even for planes! That by the way will still heat up the atmosphere because that’s what energy, all energy does. But there will be less carbon and therefore less containing the sun’s heat. On top of that we just have to become used to less. Less travel, less consuming everything we lay our hands on. Less land degradation. Not easy, humans are creatures of habit and habits are difficult to break. It will be fun I told my grandson, he looked at me with a scowl on his face.

Ed 15/8/2020

The general has been cleared, good. Now back to normal. But remember some marriages do break down, so deal with it in a responsible manner. There will be no right or wrong. But be strong enough to say, sorry it no longer works and split evenly. And above all remember the rights of any children. They need both parents whether separated or not.


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