
Showing posts from August, 2021

Gender, what the 'eck is it?

It’s a funny world. Especially in the West. Where we have hour long, nay, week long discussions whether we are male, female, or none of the above. Whole books are written with ideas of how to dress if you are born male but feel you have a vag*na. Whilst the rest of the world worries what to have for breakfast being the only chance for food for the day, we bluster on about same-sex. Whatever. But it is worrying when policies have to be produced such as the one in the Met (Metropolitan Police aka Scotland Yard – the London police) outlining in some detail what it is all about. The following makes it crystal clear what bobbies have to know and will probably have to sit an exam to see whether they are male, female, or non-binary. This is from their report: There are three key aspects of gender: • Gender Identity – What gender the individual identifies with. • Gender Presentation – How an individual wishes to present their gender. • Biological Sex –

Monumental cock-up? Well eh...

Douglas Murray ( a British author and political commentator. He founded the Centre for Social Cohesion in 2007, which became part of the Henry Jackson Society, where he was associate director from 2011 to 2018. He is also an associate editor of the conservative-leaning British political and cultural magazine The Spectator) and today writing in the Sun newspaper has it exactly right.  It is not just all the stories about cats being repatriated from Afghanistan and the thousands of citizens including Britons being left but as he wrote – This is the mother of all epic screw-ups! Make no mistake, this hasty withdrawal by both the UK and US has left an enormous legacy. Just making the Taliban the best armed organisation for some time! Armoured vehicles, heavy weapons, helicopters! 20,000 Humvees and on and on. The Taliban now has more attack helicopters than the British army! It is just as well Afghanistan has no sea borders otherwise it could have a navy outstripping that of France and Br

Political drivel, what! Again? Really....

Surely, everyone now hearing the latest statement from Mr Biden will feel very safe and re-assured! Yes, according to BBC Ceefax News Mr Biden (for your information President of the USA) has declared unstinting support for those left in Afghanistan. Also and probably more interesting is the declaration that he would ‘Take appropriate measures’ if diplomacy with Iran fails’. This is about the continuing drive for atomic weapons by Iran. Another sound bite went a bit like this- ‘We will not forgive, we will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay, blah di blah di blah blah’. The words ‘incompetent, old geezer’ spring to mind. So, the US would not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons? We’ll see. It is just another ‘sound-bite’ by the American president, something all politicians seem to love doing. The problem is, it stays at that. Action is not intended, it just makes the politicians look good and that they have their pulse on the problems of the world. Yeah, yeah, and we are in

Some thoughts about politics today...

The incompetence of our politicians is to say, quite remarkable. Take the Afghan situation where the US president without any thought whatsoever decides to withdraw from that country. Never mind the lives already lost with this escapade but also, as we have seen today, the lives lost in suicide bombings. Never mind leaving the way wide open for increased terrorist activities. In one way most of us would agree with Biden’s statements about that some wars just cannot be won and therefore it is time to call it a day. I t is the manner in how ‘calling it a day’ is carried out. In the meantime we will just have to call back as many persons as possible. After the so-called deadline I am afraid the door will be closed. The US administration probably is as isolationist as they were before WW2. The problem with the US is they are only ruled by money. Look what they did to the UK during the beginnings of WW2. We had to pay or die. So, we paid until the Eighties. On top of that most

From woke to worse, to Raab... yeah I know...

Have you ever thought that this world is absolutely great? Sunny, warm, plenty of rain and the people are great? Yeah, I think like that from time to time. It makes me happy to dream. But in this country officialdom is absolutely not of the calibre you need for being a great country. A country that once lead the world. Unfortunately now today we are blighted by idiots who have power. Idiots like the management of some God forsaken theatre that shows some works of the great Shakespeare. But now those plays, like Romeo and Juliet come with warnings. Hahaha, would you believe it! Before sitting down you need to see a ‘shrink’ to see if you are mentally capable to watch a play with words like ‘I kill you’, ‘blood curdling’, ‘I don’t want to live without you’ amongst others. I hope that the local hospital will employ an army of psychiatrists. For the stronger of mind the card issued with a phone number is for if you need emotional support afterwards. I think I need emotional support just be

American heroes? Well, I eh.....

What did I tell you about Americans? Especially American politicians? Blimey, I am not always right but what can I say? Afghans were simply left to their own devices. No argument, just we’re going, and we’re going now. Not tomorrow or next week, no NOW. As a result some twenty years of promises, blood, death are all counting for nothing. You may ask what has been the point of all that? Yes, you may ask but the answer is there for all to see. America has lost its badge. The badge of ‘Fearless protector’. It was always a sham as the only reason Americans are worldwide is money. You may think good ‘ol Britain ransacked its empire for cheap goodies but at least we tried to install a modicum of proper government . It did not always work out well. Americans are just after the money. Well, what is likely to happen now? Back to the past? The Taliban are still the Taliban. Changed their views? No man, no way! Woman are going back to the kitche n , heavily veiled without any education whatsoeve

Hydrogen the bee's knees? Hmmm...

WE all should stand up and rejoice! The politicians have made decisions! I read the BBC News report (formerly known as Ceefax) stating that hydrogen power will be the kick start to a net zero carbon economy. But and as I keep saying, there is always a but. I am not a chemical engineer but I do know from my school days that when you burn something there will be ALWAYS a residue. So what about hydrogen? From a chemical report: Here’s an energy quiz. Question: Do you think this statement is true? “Unlike fossil fuels, which emit planet-warming carbon dioxide when they’re burned, hydrogen mostly produces water”.  Answer: false Furthermore t he gas and the utility industries in the US and now also in the UK have decided that combustion is how they want to use hydrogen – even if it is renewable created with solar and wind. They want to take that renewable derived “green hydrogen” and burn it, like we have burned oil and gas and coal for centuries. C ontrary to the reporting, this new combus

Someone is thinking correctly...not here but in Holland.

Someone in the Netherlands seems to have been thinking about the world situation. I take my hat off because he/she was spot on.  I translate – The problems that are reported, fires, droughts, floods in other words global warming are not problems that people are worrying about. The way most governments seem to deal with the crises, is "what crises"? The lobbyists of the energy sector, that is coal, oil and gas are still pretty powerful pressures. I am sure the Arab states will want to continue with pumping oil as long as possible. Look at how the holiday sector and the airlines are putting pressure on the government. You might want to think how our leaders, good or bad, can withstand that. Besides mentioning the present problems the writer also mentioned the follow-up problems. Heat waves of up to 50 Celsius becoming common in the Med. In our areas we will see 40 Celsius soon. It means the harvests are gone. So, get yourselves ready for queues miles long for bread, potatoes a

The News... is is bad or is it good. Whatever...

You know I look at the ‘News’ as I get up. Not sure why I do that because it is hardly uplifting is it? Fortunately there are good bits such as the fight against Covid-19 and the government’s handling of that issue despite some unfortunate U-turns and fuzzy thinking. But then we hear loads on what’s happening on the ice-shelf in Antarctica where another massive iceberg is calving off soon. Then the shooting of a number of people in Plymouth. It brings me to think that the mental pressures on some people are bringing them to a breaking point. You can see it even here in my Welsh backwater, people walking along suddenly erupting in some sort of slanging match, even hitting each other. Fortunately it is still a rare occasion. Watching the News also showed the situation in Afghanistan.  Friends, what a mess that is. We went into that unfortunate country, flags flying, the Union Jack blazooned on everything we brought and we helped the government there to stabilise the country. Although sta

From Royalty to how are we going to charge our cars?

What are the chances of the good ol’ UK becoming a republic? Or worse, just falling apart in three or four separate nations? Separate, meaning they would not be aligned in a federation? Interesting question, no? Well, look at the top family holding us together, although not very well if I may say. When the Queen has to go as we all have to at the end of our lives, then I think the choices are pretty grim. Prince Charles, an OK chap of course but his private life was a bit of a mess, from which he may or may not recover. I leave Prince Andrew because he now faces an American court before long. As far as I can see he is already doomed. Then the so-so chap Harry, bit of alright him but his wife is something else. American, what can I say? Yes, the Royal family has a hard time of it, so thanks for William and his family. They by far are the ones who can save the nation! Welcome King William V. Besides all of that, interesting as it may be there are bigger problems to talk about. The con

I have been a racist because I had a curry? Noooh, really?..

Ah by Jove, they have got woke idiots in America as well. Blimey, can it get any worse? I promise this has legs, in other words we haven’t heard the last of it yet. Now some clever so and so, has decided that the word ‘Curry’ is racist! Cor blimey. Friends, please let us all do ourselves a favour and do not report it any more. Let these half-wits steam in their own curry! As was said why bother and so what if these words, names of food are not English, British, Polish, Ukrainian, Jewish, Dutch or whatever else. Curry to me is one of those great foods I like. I don’t want it to be called Indian goo. Is it not time to stop reporting hat rubbish? We need to change the use of the Internet. For a start what is absolutely necessary that before you join you need to show who you are. I know that might be difficult because you could use Internet cafes but the system does need changing. I think something like the Yubi key system need employing. These are personal and can be carried around! But

Where did it all go wrong Greensill?

Sometime ago, way before Brexit even started I said that David Cameron, then the Prime Minister was one of the worst we have had. He was of the kind that did not mind the foggy type of politics. Remember the “ I have changed the EU” bit? Then he followed this up with the national referendum because he was convinced the nation was with him. You could ask whether he was deluded or who his advisers were? And so he left in some disgrace. Today we can see, read and hear about his poor judgement. It is the Greensill effect. In short, after he left government he allegedly started working for a friend at an investment bank. It seems they needed billions of investment, presumably from rich individuals who apparently trust any politician, even past prime ministers. So, Mr Cameron was seemingly appointed as someone responsible for lobbying the new government, its ministers and other important political nutters. All with the intention of acquiring government support and money as grants or similar

A dirty smelly exposition of failure....

Sometimes you might read a sad exposition of human life on TV. I read the BBC Text service daily, some of it is drivel but nevertheless you can pick up news that has happened recently. And so it was revealed that swimmers in Wales should be extremely careful to swim in the Welsh rivers. Why? Well, the short report stated that during the pandemic raw sewage was dumped 100,000 times into the water courses! For nearly a million hours of time. But of course politicians burble on about these things in a calm but apologetic manner. You know the kind – “Father tells you it’s alright baby, don’t you worry your little head about it now”, whilst smoking a fat cigar and quaffing a glass of Bollinger champagne. And so the Welsh Labour government stated that 46% of the rivers were good. Good? Not excellent? Fish swimming in them? NO? Well, what were those brown things then? Oh, not brown trout. Friends, 46% is less than half! It is a terrible assertion of failure! As a matter of fact I live close

Trolling is fun, or is it?

Are you fed up yet? Have you had enough of it all? Want to go on a holiday in the sun but you have been pinged? Ha, ha, join the world of the intelligent doom mongers called Ferguson, Cummings or whatever. Look people, Covid is a disease. Like flu is a disease. What do we do with that? Simple, we make antibodies fast. But that will only work well if we are healthy in the first place. You want to be a smoker? Your BMI is over 30? Sorry, you do not make the grade. In any case diseases like Covid have no objection to attacking anyone, healthy or not. Well, talk like this do not make a person better. It sounds like I am wanting to be a troll. At least the beginning of a troll. Did it make me feel powerful? Maybe a little, sitting on my own behind a computer because no-one is watching me? I can say what I want. But is that really true? Yes in a way, precisely because no-one is watching me. But would I be courageous enough to say these things out in the open? To someone’s face? Actually,

Is Guantanamo Bay fit for purpose?

Like loads of people I buy some things from Amazon. I do quite a lot of repair work on my property and I find Amazon has most of the things I need without me having to go outside to the large stores. As a matter of fact it is difficult to get in there due to Covid. But as it happens to get out of the plentiful delivery charges I joined Amazon Prime. It gives Kindle books, films to stream and other things. So I looked at what films are available and frankly most are crap, second rate rubbish that did not even gross a few hundred dollars I suppose. Although searching you will find a jewel or two. Last night I locked in ‘The Mauretanian’. A film based on true happenings. It is a heart-rending account of an Arab person being incarcerated in the American folly called Guantanamo Bay for 14 years! Whilst I can understand American feelings after 9/11, I fail to understand how the American constitution allowed indefinite detention WITHOUT trial, and worse, torture practices. These were depicte

A damning view....

It is rather incredible that loads of people have no idea at all about what climate change really means. What we see and hear or read is about half-baked ideas, mostly by politicians, which are then discussed briefly before a U-turn is performed. If I were the Cabinet in Westminster I would start to listen very hard to the qualified scientists who have been mentioning this problem for years! I do not think the politicians or rather the government has an enviable task! Because we are nearly 70 million strong in the UK and probably that means 70 million different opinions. Ah, of course we may discount youngsters. The data displayed in Wikipedia says that ages 0-15yrs represent nearly 20% (actual 18.9%) but we might have to increase because of immigrant children. So, 20% of 68million – 13.6million.. Therefore we can argue some 55million adults should be considered to have an opinion. That’s probably not quite true of course, because even for myself I know quite a few number of people wh