Another storm in a teacup? Seems it is...

Another wonderful example about Woke Britain in the news today. Lady Susan Hussey has had to resign from her position as a Lady-in-Waiting. Well, she’s not waiting any longer but is gone. Talking about Virtue-signalling – what is this all about? Well, apparently she asked a ‘black British charity boss’ (terminology by BBC News) where she came from? Ms Fulani, actually a British born citizen felt ‘Interrogated’. Probably because Lady Hussey who is 83 is hard of hearing and did not understand the replies she received. Right-O, what next? Ah, now the virtue-signalling gets into overdrive, even Prince William’s spokesperson (man, woman, IT, or non-binary spokesperson) had to state ‘Unacceptable and deeply regrettable’. Gosh, we are throwing some nice grammar around aren’t we? Ms Fulani obviously had to go onto Radio 4’s Today programme to explain about her being ‘abused’. OK, first of all may I ask why in all honesty did we listen to such rubbish again

As most of my readers, friends, neighbours know, I am from another country. Yes, on this planet. I have been asked many, many times, where do you come from? My stereotype answer was always, ‘I have come to teach you how to manage water’. Invariably, they said, ‘Oh, you’re from North Wales then’? Bright people here, you know. Apparently I have developed a North Walian twang. I used to explain ‘I’m from Holland’ but now I say ‘Bangor’! Then we all laugh because a lot of people will say, ‘Duw, Duw, North Wales, I go on holiday there’. And I reply ‘Oh, you’re the one owing money to that pub in 'Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch’? You hopefully see that I have no problem and neither do all my friends with the fact I was not born in this country. By the way, the town is commonly referred to as 'Llanfair PG'. It is the longest name on any rail station in Wales.

So OK, I’m not black but one of my friends is and I know quite a few more. One is from Nigeria and I started of by asking him if he was one of those princes who had received a million quid and needed to bank it with somebody like me? After that and a bit of backslapping we became friends. The problem is if you start virtue-signalling you will have no friends but enemies. 83 year old ladies were born in a time when the tint of skin around here only coloured during the summer. The social strata of Ladies-in-waiting is a bit circumspect anytime, it is usually not the run-of-the-mill stuff us ‘normal’ people deal with on a day to day basis. But to take this case as far as ‘explaining’ on radio how ‘offended’ one is shows me that Ms F has not quite the managerial expertise required to run an organisation like a Charitable company. However, it is the way this country goes now. Virtue-signalling is the new ‘Must-do’ activity to become known and (in)famous. It simply means cash! But I did not expect the Royal household to come out like that. I expect the BBC to do so and people like those who have a go at Mrs Rowling because they don’t know what a woman is. It begins to look that everyone with a preconceived idea about how to live life now has found the Internet and Facebook or Twitter and spouts the most idiotic ideas. Just button up the cakehole people and go back to sleep!

Ed 2/12/2022 - Well, the media has gone into overdrive about Lady Hussey's predicament. There is even a transcript of what was said. My God, please people get a life! An excellent example of WOKE BRITAIN. With all this going on, may I just be allowed to carry on worrying about my heating bills? At this moment I am no longer sure if this country has a backbone!


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