PM's Question Time worthwhile? Hmmmm, not sure....

Today’s Prime Minister’s Question Time once and for all showed that MPs have no idea what causes the NHS problems. According to many Conservatives there are no problems except the waiting lists and that is because of the Pandemic of two years ago. According to Labour MPs it is just the government’s inability to stump up more cash and satisfy the wage demands of the public workforce. The government’s or rather the Prime Minister, keeps mentioning 5,000 new nurses and loads more doctors. Yet it seems not to make any difference. Perhaps the PM ought to also look at how many nurses and doctors have left the NHS? I am certain that the number is quite high. The other thing never highlighted is the health situation of the population at large. It is quite obvious to anyone just walking the street that far too many are obese and way out of condition. This is also shown by the numbers now contracting Type 2 diabetes and other conditions such as cancers, heart disease and strokes. These are serious conditions and incredibly time consuming and costly to treat besides the costs of the equipment. I have said many times before, the NHS is a money guzzling entity. Not surprising but with the medication, the equipment and upkeep of the hospitals plus the newer and improved methods of care it is not strange to know that throwing billions at such a service will never be enough. The question also asked of the PM was about one of the problems with obtaining GP appointments as well as dental services where the books have closed to new patients. Again, what has changed? It is true even where I attend, the dentists are not accepting new patients. There are two points, firstly the demands put upon the service by fashionable ideas like teeth whitening amongst others. No longer is it just to look at decay and filling cavities. Secondly, it is the noticeable increase of the general population in numbers. In my area we have doubled if not tripled the numbers, since the Sixties.

In Wales there have been a number of years of haphazard housing development which has attracted people from England to buy the cheaper homes. One area where I live, there are more people now from Western England, Bristol etc than original Welsh born persons. This will give more problems which I will not mention now but one of them is losing the oldest language in Europe. Watching PM’s Question Time one is always hoping for concrete answers to today’s problems but it never does. It is basically platitude time. In one way funny to watch the spat between the PM and the Leader of the Opposition but it does not answer the needs of the nation. Just a spectacle for the masses who will promptly forget everything that was said and go back on the phone to try to get a doctor’s appointment.This is also one of the reasons A&E are incredibly busy. People just go to A&E rather than the local GP. Well, I have no easy answers. I just want to point to the probable reasons. Hoping that people including our local MP, will see more clearly the reasons behind the problem. Through that make decisions that will really help! Now that would make a change!


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