
Showing posts from June, 2024

Are Windturbines poisonous? Could be....

Being one of those persons who for some time have been bothered about the massive number of power wind turbines that are in place all over the UK and particularly so in Wales. Indeed only recently the Rhondda Borough has apparently approved an application for the area known as Mynydd Y Glyn . I wonder if the ‘well-informed councillors’ know about what happened in the Dutch parliament. Or that they know about why there is so much local opposition? Here in Wales people are getting pretty perturbed about the onslaught on the countryside and not just because of wind turbines. It is the loss of amenity as well as beauty. Beauty of the age-old landscape. Destroyed because of political attitudes and a quest for easy solutions. Perhaps I should remind aforementioned councillors that is not what they were elected for. However, the Dutch parliament was in some uproar because of a simple question. Someone in the Netherlands asked the following: He had read that the vanes/blades of the wind tur

An Election coming ..... Oh deary me from the frying pan into the fire

Many times do we read about politicians. You know the type – usually named MPs, councillors and such. They catch quite a bit of criticism. But I have begun to ask myself whether that is fair. For myself as well, I have been pretty caustic about politicians. Although it is questionable whether it’s all their fault. Certainly, they make the laws but what happens after that? On what basis do they make the laws? These are the questions us ‘normal’ people do not ask or contend with. We steer our ire towards those who are visible! Lately, especially with the looming election, which incidentally is likely to be a disaster for the Conservatives and possibly undeserved, we only see and hear those who are in the firing line. But what happens afterwards? After the election? It is likely that the Labour party will call the shots but how effective will that be? Our political system is basically quite a simple one. It is running in this country with a plethora of political streams but only perhaps 4

Are we at war? Well, make up your mind...

It is not often when you read a spot-on article in a newspaper or on a newsfeed. A lot of newspapers now contain an enormous amount of drivel. From semi-nudes to articles about how to behave in bed during sex. Or whether it is OK to stray – if you know what I mean. Plus loads of stuff about crime. Reading it all might may you think we actually live in a Middle-East Muslim orientated country. Funnily enough I have heard it said that London today resembled Cairo. But aside from that the Telegraph on my news-feed had an article about – Are we in World War III? Quite the pertinent question, isn’t it? What did they put those thoughts on? Well, just looking around the article mentioned that we are in a war that we in the western world haven’t noticed yet. Powerblocs like China, Russia, Iran and a few others around do know they are at war and act accordingly. We, on the other hand, only think of where we may go on holiday as long as there is a bit of sun. Our combined politicians, in the west