Are we at war? Well, make up your mind...

It is not often when you read a spot-on article in a newspaper or on a newsfeed. A lot of newspapers now contain an enormous amount of drivel. From semi-nudes to articles about how to behave in bed during sex. Or whether it is OK to stray – if you know what I mean. Plus loads of stuff about crime. Reading it all might may you think we actually live in a Middle-East Muslim orientated country. Funnily enough I have heard it said that London today resembled Cairo. But aside from that the Telegraph on my news-feed had an article about – Are we in World War III? Quite the pertinent question, isn’t it? What did they put those thoughts on? Well, just looking around the article mentioned that we are in a war that we in the western world haven’t noticed yet. Powerblocs like China, Russia, Iran and a few others around do know they are at war and act accordingly. We, on the other hand, only think of where we may go on holiday as long as there is a bit of sun. Our combined politicians, in the western world, yes all of ‘m, from Biden to Sunak incl opposition parties only talk big and do nothing. Loads of verbiage, loads of costs of which no-one really knows where they come from. Lovely salaries, annual massive increases and that’s just for starters. So yeah, what IS happening then? As the article pointed out, there is no great shooting war. There is no D-Day like beach invasion or great tank battles like Kursk or even marine battles like Jutland. But what we have is a slow, gradually increasing subversion. Internet attacks, a small war like the Ukraine where one state tries to subjugate a smaller one by a slow but sure destruction of infrastructure without counting the cost to itself. Or where a country like China is building its powerbase all over the world especially Africa, through its massive production capabilities. Russia for a number of years tried to have influence through cheap gas and oil, particularly for Europeans. Britain became dependent on this just as well as other European countries like Germany. A slow but very effective way and coupled with Russian acts of poisoning adversaries on foreign soil you might begin to wonder where our politicians were, in bed drinking a morning coffee or what? Only very recently some of ‘m seem to have woken up but are still shaking their head in unbelief. Here in the UK we are still reducing our armed forces in the belief that all is well whilst Russia, China, Iran, and a host of African countries send their people to western nations to spy and carry out subversive actions. We already have enormous protest gatherings in London and other UK cities that are whipped up by unknown persons. There is no great idea about what or why we should do about it under the proviso that as we are in a democratic country there should be freedom to protest. Well, that might be true in some respects but protesting about issues pertaining to other countries is not our affair except for the Foreign Office and then only after debate in Parliament. It should be obvious that protests such as we have seen point only to how much we have underestimated the result of the Labour party opening the borders. Not only the genuine immigrants, also those persecuted came. With it came the undesirables, the criminals and those who were looking for a life of luxury living on hand-outs and benefits. By undesirables I mean those who were sent to undermine our society, to subvert politicians and our industries. That is why we are in a war as bad and wide ranging as WW2 was but without the big guns booming across the European plains. Even so we are paying the same price except we have only woken up and have to catch up to bolster our defences.


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