
What now for the human race?

Despite so many signs that the human race has arrived at the precipice, staring into uncharted waters and possible oblivion, it just carries on as nothing has changed. More cars, more planes, more deforestation, just to name the easily defined causes of carbon release. The warming up of the oceans and seas now release tonnes of methane gas into the atmosphere and frankly there is nothing we can do about that. In the UK we seem to be proud of our control of burning fossil fuels. True but in the context of the world environment it means very little if anything at all. These are all already well-known causes. The world’s population has reached a border, to overstep it is just to hasten the finale. What the finale will be like we do not know but I’m sure it won’t be pretty. If the snowfall in winter in the UK empties every shelf in the supermarkets as it occasionally has done, you will begin to understand what will happen if we have to stop car and lorry driving, ground all planes amo

Hello Boris, goodbye EU, it was nice knowing you..

So, it is Boris. Well, good luck to him, he will sure need it. I have never understood the MPs, there are those who are absolute in their determination to stop Brexit. But they seem to have forgotten that they as a Parliament had sanctioned the vote taken in 2016. They were going to abide by the result. Obviously that was a lie. Ever since we have had personal opinions, which mostly changed every time the wind blew in from a different direction. We have had endless posturing in front of TV and endless reams of paper with thousands of reasons why this or that MP said what they said. There has been enough hot air to power 20,000 homes and untold factories. So, what next are we, can we leave as said by 31 st October? I don’t see a majority for any deal in the House. So, yes we can leave but there will be no deal. Unless the EU will change its also idiotic attitude. They have been complicit in making a deal with Mrs May which to be fair was very one-sided. Now, this mig

Words galore...

WE should have a very strong look at the prevalence of strange words used by all of us in the UK, indeed in the whole world. It seems that whatever way and however words are used, someone or other feels aggrieved. Politics today is no longer an activity where people can say what I would term words of ‘normal’ usage. For instance even ‘descriptive’ words are now circumspect. Words like Jew, Christian and other of that ilk are virtually unusable for fear of being called racist. Then you have words like ‘black’, ‘white’, ‘color’ (forgive me the American spelling or take me to court if you are offended), that are now taken as an affront to human existence. Almost all politicians now use the words ‘deeply offensive’, not just offensive, no ‘deeply offensive’. The use of adverbs is now pretty wide-spread in politics. Making descriptive words even more dramatic! I suppose in the end what is wanted is a dramatic response by the public, possibly orchestrated by the media. The thing is this,

Ransomware again in Florida? Seems so...

According to BBC News a Florida town has decided to pay some half a million quid to hackers who had made their systems unusable. If this is true and not ‘fake’ news purportedly put on the web by some friendly Russian or Chinese web manipulators, it shows an incredible lack of cyber management. One could easily say – Hey what happened to the back-ups then? Not backups that are attached to your mainframe but kept separate? Even I do that. I backup all the time but use a single USB drive that is kept somewhere else, away from the main system. On top of that I will have access to four separate backup dates at all times. Once a month I keep the latest on yet another drive. Yes I know I am paranoid but it works. To heck with ransomware, if it comes, hello just re-install the OS and use one of the backups for all your precious personal data! I know it works because I have had to use it a few times due to my own mistakes. So, sorry Florida town if you did not bother to use the simplest of wo

Being thrown out is not so bad...

It sure is funny how people react to men ushering out ladies from a meeting to which I suppose they were not invited. Yes, this is about reports of an ecology protester infiltrating a meeting at which the Chancellor of the Exchequer was the speaker. It is funny to read the lady now complains about being manhandled, widely now shown on the media. TV, newspapers.. Yeah, sure she would be, dragging this out (sorry about the pun here!) for maximum effect to whatever her cause is. Indeed, I do believe we should be more assertive about the need for environmental issues to be highlighted. After all it concerns every living being, plants, or animals on this planet! But she was not invited and therefore ejected. Yep, with some force. She must have expected that, surely. Let’s be fair, if you march in anywhere to which you are not invited or even welcome, you can expect to be asked to leave in no uncertain terms. You cannot really complain. So, why would the man apologise, the lady appeared to

War on drugs... about time?

Well, well, well, the reports in the media now tell us that many politicians have taken drugs in their youth. No, really? It seems endemic with the ruling classes and not to forget the rich upper middle classes who sent their children to those private schools where drugs are so common that they are now are thinking to build hospitals close by so that collapsed noses can be repaired quickly and without fuss. I have always believed from well into my youth in the Dutch capital that drugs were NOT OK! Frankly it shows very clearly the degenerative effect. Taking drugs in your youth will make you a politician in later life. It is becoming clear, isn’t it, that there is a rule for us clodhoppers and a different rule for the ‘hoi-polloi’. I am sorry but drug-taking to me is an affront to society and the world. It may have escaped your notice but drugs in all forms and yes that includes tobacco, are detrimental to health. Alcohol is slightly different, in large quantities it acts as a drug a

Plastic? What is that....

The rumblings about our waste plastic are getting louder! A BBC programme with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall – Monday 10/6/2019 named War on Plastic was an absolute eye-opener as to what is really happening with our waste plastic. It is NOT recycled at all. It is just baled and shipped over to Asia, in this case Malaysia. A plastic bag that I use every week, every day to collect our household’s plastic milk bottles, glass and all other plastic waste was shown. Locally it is Rhondda Cynon Taf council, supplying plastic bags for our plastic waste to be collected because WE RECYCLE IT it says. No it shows they do not, they sell it on to a company or companies that ship it far away. I have often thought – what do they do with all these empty containers, left empty after Chinese goods, mostly all made of plastic, have been unloaded here to feed our insatiable appetite for trash? Ah, I begin to understand – some entrepreneur found a way – ship these bales of plastic waste in emp