
Jesus too white? Could be....says Archbishop

I do read the Sun newspaper, call me a plonker. Perhaps I am but the paper is mostly quite fun to read. Most of it is for the nations’ dumbos like me but there are bits of seriousness. This Saturday in an interesting snippet, the Archbishop of Canterbury thinks Jesus’ image should be reconsidered. Yes, he feels he is too white. No, really? You know this is just the sort of thing we have wanted the Church of England’s supremo to say. It is absolutely brilliant. Just the job. That’s what we need right now. Jesus is too white. I think the Arch might need a few more things that are important, was St Peter really a fisherman? Was St Paul actually a re-incarnation of the too white Jesus? Questions I think that need solving forthwith and the Church’s Synod should be discussing these things for the next five years at least. And then we read this... Jeremy Clarkson’s ‘Mrs T wouldn’t be ill with Covid-19’ hits the spot. It is about dithering by politicians. Now, you might not lik

It's all a load of rubbish...

Great news we see on the television today. Mass brawls on the beaches. Yes, even in Wales. Ogmore by Sea, basically a beach without services (good!) did see a mass brawl by mainly young persons. Why? Only God knows, drink and drugs probably. There goes a shiver down my spine when I think these idiots are going to rule the country in 5 or 10 years time. Maybe that answers some present politicians and their quality as well. Tons of rubbish left and frankly I do believe that young people despite what they say publicly have no regard at all for the environment. Because if you did you would not leave such massive amounts of crap for others to clean up. They pontificate about the fouling of the oceans with plastic but leave tons of it on the beach of which quite a lot will be ending up into the sea. All that matters is to gulp down alcohol as fast as possible and smoke the marijuana cultivated in the cellars of the slums they live in. Anyone looking forward ten years to colonise

All life matters? Of course it does...

Reading and listening to the various reports on TV, the virus, a plane flying over the soccer stadium in Burnley and a host of others you might be forgiven thinking you lived on an alien planet. ‘Black lives matter’ being prevalent at the moment, but shouldn’t that really be ALL lives matter? All life is precious. Animal life, human life, everything. Us humans have a real responsibility to see to it that we are NOT pressurising other life, human or otherwise. That means, in my opinion, we have to tackle present day slavery, tackle inequality but also tackle living space and conditions for animal life. To that effect we need to curb human activity. Now, what that would entail might not be popular. Less flying aeroplanes, less car driving, less producing useless goods. Less urban expansion, better use of land. Tree planting, diverse tree planting, no uniform spruce or larch plantations. Better and clean electricity generating methods, meaning sea based power generating proje

What next Boris? Dither some more?

Boris, Boris, Boris, yes Boris the PM. Please my man stop listening to those ill informed specialists. Especially when they have a left-bias and most have! The trouble with Boris is that he doesn’t seem to be his ebullient self at the moment. He dithers. One minute he says schools are back, next minute they are not because the unions didn’t like it. Who cares a toss about unions right now? The TUC supremo, I cannot remember her name, has only been seen once on TV and besides smiling didn’t say much. Just wondering if she disappeared to her summer house in the wilds of Scotland? That other chief, of Unite seems more talkative, well at least he manages to get his point over. One thing that Boris likes is a barbecue, we can now have one. Carry on with the holiday Boris, just look now and again at the sharply rising national debt. Anyone thought yet at how this is going to be paid? Well, National Insurance for businesses will be cut but most likely upped for every worker. That

Some hard truths?

Sometimes newspapers carry funny bits of information. According to Rod Liddle my fav journo, scientists in Japan are predicting that within 20 years or so, we will be communicating with animals. That’s useful. I can ask the cat, do you love me? Answer – ‘Love YOU? What the f…, I don’t even like you. You are a dweeb, put out my food on time, you plonker and get off the settee, it’s mine’! Some slightly altered sentence from Rod. There will be some very interesting discussions, I’m sure. Or words to that effect. Anyway, it might be fun, if it’s true and are bothered to spend money and time on such research. But then the Japanese? My cat doesn’t speak Japanese, but likes sushi though. So, it might work. ‘Here kitty, kitty, how about some hara-kiri, sorry sushi’? Joking apart though, has anyone ever thought why this Covid-19 has been so rampant? I was watching a programme on the Freesat Channel called Abandoned Engineering, it was showing some very large abandoned building

Woke Britain is very much alive...

Blimey, woke Britain is alive and very well. Churchill started WW2, Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini are the good guys. Google made Churchill disappear according to the newspapers from their WW2 commanders article. Well, why not, Google does as it fits the bill. Whatever bill that is. Will Google now rewrite history? Probably, it seems they keep idiots employed. You know the type, social liberal lefties with a humanities degree. Most likely Home Economics. Or nowadays in how to cut hair. I think that very soon you could get a PHd in researching the best way to wash up the dishes. According to my wife I am already the best.Perhaps I should work for Google except I am now retired from such frivolity. But as I mentioned in a previous article, Britain is in danger of pandering to stupid and irresponsible demands from aforementioned lefties. And opposed by their opposite number, the ultra right ‘nationalistic’ vigilantes. Neither have a real clue as what is really at stake. You

Doing the right thing? Oh dear me.....

When we had to go through the election process, the last election, there were times I thought we actually lived in a totalitarian state. The Labour party had descended into a clone of the Russian Communist party with a sidekick called Momentum. Well, whatever but now, today, we see the result. These people have not gone away after their election defeat, no siree! They are now Racism and Slavery protestors. Everything now that smacks of black vs white or slavery in even the most minute form is a target. Take our once much loved sit-coms, Only Fools and Horses, Dad’s Army, even It Ain’t Half Hot Mum! That type of comedy had to have stereotypes akin to white supremacy and others in servitude in some small way but funny. I have been in a national army and ribald comments are made all the time. Racism? Black? All part of the curriculum. They have not (yet) disbanded the Army but there is still time people. Gone with the Wind will probably be going into the dustbin, yet that fil