
Feminism or Masculism or even Chauvinism, yeah I know...

 As a big fan of the books by Clive Cussler, although today he writes together with other people including his son, Dirk Cussler, I bought his last book 'Celtic Empire'. Basically a story about a female take-over of world politics and power. Based on an Egyptian princess Meritaten, eldest daughter of the Pharaoh Akhenaten escaping Egypt for Ireland. It is a rather interesting concoction of 'what-ifs' about the disease called cholera and a mutated form of it. But the underlying trend is the power grab by a firm headed by a woman and her daughters through chemical means. Dispersing a chemical throughout the world making women bearing female children only. That is an interesting angle indeed. You know I have thought for some time that males are becoming more and more feminine. Whether that displays through homosexuality or characteristics particularly such as dress, behaviour or body I leave for others to discuss. Obviously this does not happen all across the board but ne

Legal system a joke? Rather...

Just came back from a very nice holiday in this country. Who wants to go to Spain? I don’t. Not when we have splendid beache s such as at Amroth, Pendine and Tenby. So having returned now and feeling all refreshed and hyped up ready to face the virus I am reading the same old stuff in our wonderful newspapers and listening to the newly voted ‘woke’ liberal-leftie BBC . But one thing bothers me and that is the legal system in this country, Well, certainly as it is at the present. Take those three young idiots, Bowers, Cole and Long. Who caused the death of a policeman when racing away from a crime. No matter how you look at it, they killed a policeman on duty. That is not something you should be smirking about. Then on top when caught they just could not see what they had done wrong. They killed someone by their actions, that is plain murder, not manslaughter. The difference here is that they KNEW what they were doing. These three need to be put away until they are 50 yea

Why use artificial intelligence to make simple decisions?

  It is true, I can be as critical about almost anything as anyone else! But I also think we have to have a sense of proportion. Take the present furore about the examinations. A levels in particular. God only knows what the GcsE’s will bring but let that be for now. First of all we should ask – why? Why let AI decide who will pass and who will not? This was trying to establish AI (Artificial Intelligence) into fields where human intelligence and knowledge would be better suited. Frankly AI will never be as intuitive as a human being’s thought processes. It is true though that AI can go through billions and even trillions of possibilities but those are all something that has occurred before. Also it can correlate those occasions with the results it brought, good or bad. But that is NOT intelligence, it is just stating that if you do THIS then THAT is the likely outcome. Again, it is not intelligence. We have to go out from the view that every human being is unique. Every human being ca

Boris, are we boiling or what !

  Oi Boris, just a little note, I hope you read a very short report about the highest recorded temperature on Earth? Just so you know, it was 54.4 degrees Celsius! Mind you it was in Death Valley, USA. Apparently it is true and not fake news. Bit worrying that, innit? Death Valley a bit of an appropriate name, don’t you think? Nothing stirring there. I am writing this because your valued co-workers don’t take too much notice of what’s going on. I know you have been ill but this bit of news needs you to take a grip and have a very serious thought about why. I give you some ideas, is the sun getting hotter? Not really, this year was aphelion year (the Earth being furthest away from the sun). It seems the sun is not getting hotter. Is Jupiter, the nearest great gas giant going nova? No, it is not. It does not seem that external occurrences are at fault here. Is there an enormous number of volcanic outbursts? Hmm, difficult one this, there are some, Hawaii for instance and there have been

Thanks to Covid, we have an opportunity...

It is remarkable really what a medical calamity can do to a society. Take this virus, Covid-19, it is virulent on that there is no doubt but every winter we have had the influenza (flu) virus taking some number of thousands to the heavenly abode. Beside all of that we might ask a question about whether our medical moguls and in particular the various Health quangos were convinced that pandemics are not possible in the 21 st century? That microbes ask for permission to attack us? That viruses are a thing of the past? Moreover our past and present governments have been constantly amiss in setting up and controlling good organisations to lead medical research and effective Area Health Boards. Our governments tend to be saddled with people, all with degrees mind, but devoid of common sense. To sit in Parliament seems to be altering the human brain. Erstwhile active and brilliant minds suddenly go into a sort of morose state, panic attacks are common place setting-off the U-T

The way of a virus is rather interesting...

  It is rather interesting to be able to read re p orts in a few languages. I read Quora both in English, Dutch and German. The Dutch website had a question about Covid-19 having undergone a mutation (already). Obviously most would know that a virus constantly copies itself and during that process which takes place in the host cells (like human cells) ‘mistakes’ can and do occur. It has been noted that one mutation in the virus amino acid D614 has mutated to G614. Now I am not a chemist or a researcher in that field but it is said that the virus is and has become more virulent. See also Tracking Changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike: Evidence that D614G Increases Infectivity of the COVID-19 Virus . It is rather interesting and follows what I said in other posts – there will always be viruses. They will mutate, and we will fall foul of them. Some will kill, mainly because the host has no resistance and is already weak. Some will only have a mild inconvenience, like a snotty nose or something li

I am so happy!

Just for your information – This morning I was very lucky indeed to be one of the first to receive the new Russian version of the Covid-19 vaccine named Sputnik Ace6 . Up to now everything is going well, no side effects or secondarioski Я так рада, что получила эту вакцину, и не могу отблагодарить своего друга Влада! Влад Цепеш Ed - adapted from my son's web-site in good ol' Dutchland.