
Is David Attenborough right? Sure he is!

Well,well, well, a little bit of good news such as the UK’s vaccination programme doing extremely well and thousands flock to the travel agents to book a foreign holiday. So far so good? Well Europe is not free from Covid and their vaccination programme is woeful! So, I don’t want to be a grumpy so and so but I am afraid if you pay money for a holiday now you may lose it. Europe is ready to put bans on travel almost everywhere. I would just wait until the politicians finally get their act together, stop talking nonsense and deal with this pandemic properly. As David Attenborough has indicated it is us humans who are killing the planet, nobody else. And for my thinking it is flying all over the place that is a big part in this killing process. Flying, driving, it all puts tonnes of CO2 into the air. Dirty industry another. And what is worse we really have the technology to do better, in fact we could ban the internal combustion engine today! Or at least we could ban the use of oil! Lo

Mars is ours or is it?

Despite the pandemic still going nicely the Perseverance spacecraft has landed on Mars. The planet Mars that is. Just to make that clear. It seems to me that humanity is standing in front of a gate. Two choices. Stay as we are or open the gate and go through. If we stay put then we shall have to cope with the usual things, un-equality, diseases, weather, climate change, rising sea levels, the lot. If we go though the gate, space exploration, new technologies, harnessing power systems that do not deplete. P erhaps the gate is a way of beginning a future that at the moment is pretty unclear . But it could mean he beginning of getting to grips with the solar system, galaxy and the universe. That is why Perseverance and its predecessors were and are important. Of course, there are many problems on Earth still to be solved. No denying that but through mastering technologies, existing and still to be discovered we might have a chance to properly manage humanity’s existence on the planet, if

One Universe, two, three, thousands? Uncountable? Precisely!

As an avid reader of Quora both English and Dutch I noted the discussion concerning whether the Universe was finite or infinite. Interesting? Yes, it damn well is! Obviously there will be some who say ‘Why bother with this, there are enough problems on this planet as it is’! That is undeniably true but I do think that it is good to figure our place within the scheme of things. And no friends, I am not going to talk about God although I am a Christian and go to Church as permitted by Covid-19 or not. No, it is important because it will give us a much better idea how the world came to be an more so how it might become. Again, at the moment we do not treat our world very well either so it might be prudent to figure out our standing within the Universe or more specifically our solar system. Most people observe the starry heavens and think no further, what they see is all there is. No friends, it is not. What you see is the ‘Observable Universe’. As a pict ure put on a previous post sho

Save the planet? But how if you want normal?

As I drink my morning coffee I cannot help but think how ill-informed and stupid a lot of people can be. I might not be the cleverest dog on the planet but some of those in power astound me. So far so good but they show a complete misunderstanding of how a society actually exists. The problems that we are now having to face are these, firstly to combat Covid and possibly related diseases . Secondly, climate change. This has raised two problems, inclement weather patterns and getting worse, and rising sea-levels. To claim, as we can read in all the newspapers, ‘we MUST get back to normal’, and not spell out what normal means, is practical suicide. Normal so far I think has brought us to the precipice staring us in the face. Unbridled capitalism, greed and avarice being humanity’s smiling face. OK, now we know but do we know what to do about it? Are we able to , can we re-design our living pattern? Will we be prepared for less? Because that is what it will mean. We will need to gro

Can you remember what you said two years ago? Yes, I can....if I see the film.

Who doesn’t just love to take the mick out of politicians? I do! I suppose to have a bit of fun about those people who think they know it all, who believe they are better than you, who actually believe what they say is the absolute truth, that's ok! Take Sir Starmer, yes him the previous spy boss (God help us!) supposedly a clever man but he couldn’t remember what he said a few years ago about some European Medicine outfit. PM Boris mentioned this and an outraged Sir Keir called him a liar. Hahaha yes, ain’t that funny, one politician calling another one a liar. That’s for the comics in the Apollo, London stage! But I suppose Sir is in a bit of trouble, he is leading a party that has lost its Raison d'ĂȘtre ! It’s no longer representing us, the working man and woman. Yes, the working class and the Liberal party is nowhere to be seen either. So, we all went for patriotism and voted Conservative. Even though normally we don’t like Conservatism. I have a jaundiced eye, voted Conser

Sunning Celebs, no, what the...?

Anyone thinking like me that we will have to throw the book and the wellies at those celebs who have flouted, yes FLOUTED, the Covid rules? There is not a day when you won’t see some photo of a Z-lister in the papers sunning themselves on some far-flung beach. Sure, they can afford it and I cannot but I am following the rules. I applied to have the money back I spent on tickets to Holland. I had it back minus costs. So, what’s the difference? Ah yes, I forgot, no sun in Holland and no chance to parade my glorious body on the beach by the North Sea. Well, does it sound like I’m the jealous type? In one way yes, and in another, no! So, listen Rita, you were out of order in a big way, you are a lead, an example for many and failed miserably. So, take your two week ‘relaxation’ in Aussieland and start thinking about how to behave in a responsible manner. Frankly that goes for all celebs who think that Covid-19 does not concern them and that they can do whatever comes into their tiny brain

History? Does it exist? Hmmm..............

For once a bit of sensible news on BBC’s Ceefax service. Kwasi Kwarteng, the first coloured man to head a government department and why not, is reported as having said that BLM (Black Lives Matter) should not wish to change the history of the colonial period. Absolutely right, in any case you cannot change history but all could learn from it. To withdraw from learning about such periods of human history is absolute tosh and frankly does not do much for the standing of movements such as BLM. In fact I always look on such movements with a jaundiced eye. To wish to destroy statues has a negative impact, indeed so has the so-called ‘bend the knee’ before football matches. I am sorry if I am upsetting some readers but I ask ‘What is the purpose, what is the general outcome and has it changed the world?’ Answer-not known, nothing and no. So, Kwasi is absolutely correct in that banning or ignoring history is not the way forward. I am of the same opinion about those who state quite openly th