
From a dog to social media...

Hullabaloo, what’s going on babe? I hear you ask... Well, nothing much that you don’t already know. The various reports on the Corona virus beating a retreat from humans (I want to do that as well, if I could), the continual U-turns by the government AND their advisers, those brilliant scientists. Mind you, there are different opinions on that and people wondering where those scientists got their degrees from. Recently I was talking to a friend who thought that Home Economics had now included medical subjects like virology and how to kill bacteria and viruses with something called Domestos, but I digress. T hen we learned to my inevitable amusement that the PM’s dog Dilyn has been caught ‘humping’ every leg he can find. No wonder the dog cannot attend the weekly meetings in Buckingham Palace, I’m sure. By the way the PM’s attempt to speak a bit of Welsh does not go as far as the dog’s name. Dylan would be the correct spelling. Yep, that’s my question for Prime Minister’s Question Time

Immigration, yeah why not....

And so the saga of the boats crossing the Channel continues unabated. It is rather interesting to read and hear about the government squirming. The Home Secretary (one of the better ones we’ve had) continually offering to solve the crisis but it is just words by a politician without real power. She is quite capable but thwarted by the ineffectual British Civil Service and the French inability to police their borders. Even worse, the French intransigence by accepting millions of pounds of our money and promising this and that but quite clearly having no intention to do anything bar a few token pick-ups and a slap on the wrist. It has been reported that the French absolutely prohibit British warships or even normal ships to pick up migrants and return them to France. The word is a firm ‘NON’. As a result the criminals who organise the migration business are just happily increasing their take, even promising different grades of pricing. Apparently one can now go ‘Business class’ or ‘Econo

Who was Cicero? Oh that one...

It is good to remember sometimes there were great people around in the distant past. People who had a very good idea what humanity is like! One of these guys Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher and a cademic Skeptic, who tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire. His extensive writings include treatises on rhetoric, philosophy and politics, and he is considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the Roman equestrian order, and served as consul in 63 BC. I picked this up from Wikipedia. So, what did I find so good about him? Well, he said this: 1. The Poor – they work and work….. 2. The Rich – they exploit the poor…. 3. The soldier – Protects both…. 4. The Taxpayer – Pays for all three…. 5. The Banker – Robs all four….. 6. The lawyer – Misleads all five… 7. The doctor – Invoices all six… 8. The Goon

Money troubles ahead? Perhaps....

There may be trouble ahead.... I remember that lovely tune. But reports are showing that there may be trouble ahead for real! Financial trouble that is. I have said quite a few times that money seems to grow on some trees in the UK. Not sure how other countries pay for all the excesses but in the UK we just keep on borrowing. How does all this work then? Where does all this money suddenly come from? Quantitative Easing? Have a look on Google and explain it to me. It has something to do with what is called ‘Money Supply’. This is the amount of money circulating in the UK. In January 2019 it stood at about £2.4 trillion but shot up to nearly £3 trillion by January 2021. Eye-watering amounts but where did the extra come from? Don’t think it is all fivers or tenners or coins, these only represent some 3 to 4% of finance, bank accounts and reserves adds more. Anyway, you can see that if the central bank (The Bank of England) increases the money supply through more loans (gilts and bills) t

Thinking about possible solutions.....

When everything has been said (or not, as the case may be) the fact remains that we, as humans, are woefully unprepared to combat global warming. The problem as usual, is that not many of us are prepared to change our lifestyles. I believe that this is the case in the western world. Particularly so in western Europe! How would we do it anyway? We have 67million plus inhabitants in the UK alone, of which some 32million are employed. It can change but it seems a figure that recurs. The occupations that would be under severe stress would be those concerned with transport, travel, if you want to curtail CO2 emissions quickly. Obviously just saying that we would have to accept that because of transport loads of other occupations and activities would be affected. Food transport, shipping, aircraft ie holiday travel. It would take some thought but something must be done, somewhere we have to start. Moving into completely electrifying transport will be of help. Transport hubs will need to be

The relationship between noise and pollution...

Has anyone noticed how much more noisier the world has become? In my little backwater it seems younger people purchase motorbikes and take off something from the exhaust system. The noise is unbelievable! Some cars as well, they have modifications that increase the sound. I live sandwiched between two very busy roads. One is the local main street and the other is the A road that streaks through the valley. Sitting outside you cannot hear the birds any more. I believe the birds cannot hear themselves either. When the traffic noise dies down in the later evening but only during the summer, you might hear a song thrush or blackbird. I purchased a piece of measuring equipment. Measuring the dangerous exhaust particles called PM 2.5. These are particles that can go deep into the lungs and also can get into the bloodstream. The WHO (World Health Organisation) states that anything over 12 on a regular basis – meaning 12 particles per cubic metre - is dangerous to health. On our local road

Calamity because of idiot politicians

You have got to laugh but it is just tragic how politicians, those halfwits, have failed their populations. Record rainfall has devastated large areas all over Europe. Particularly Germany, Belgium and now also the Netherlands. Three massive rivers have their outlet into the North Sea, the Rhine (Rijn), Meuse (Maas) and the Scheld (Schelde). All are in flood. We all are now pretty well aware why these things have happened. These are well-known facts, warmer air holds more moisture and is more active! That is it in a nutshell. The planet has been warming up for a long time now. But our politicians just do not believe it or want to know. For fear of economic collapse. Even now the UK government said that people should fly, they do not need to reduce flying as technology will solve the problem. Yes, that’s the ‘intelligent’ opinion of our government, you wouldn’t believe it but it’s true. The Advisory Climate Change Committee did tell ministers that the nation was even more unprepared f