Sleaze or not to sleaze? That's the question...

Good news this morning, our law-abiding Prime Minister has paid back £6,000. Why? Well, all the freebies he and his family have received. That’s nice, isn’t it? An upstanding Prime Minister. Where have we found him? I think he fell from heaven, just now I’m looking what he has done with his wings. There is just one thing that bothers me, why do politicians accept freebies so much? Yes, obviously I know, it’s about influence. Let’s be fair, those who shower these so-called freebies, clothes, free tickets, a year’s subscription to a whisky club, free flights to Antarctica, whatever , why accept it at all? Even a free bar of chocolate? The givers only look for one thing, influence on policy making and possibly financial advantage.

It should simply be unlawful to either give or accept freebies, or any gift made e.g a free house for a time. Any MP is at the end no different from any other employee in the country. Why all these extras? It is said, and I have said it before; power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely! Despite all the weasel words uttered prior to the general election about Tory sleaze by those who are in power now, they are no different and possibly worse because we elected them on those terms. Terms of renewal, a clean start and a deep understanding of the country-wide problems. And what have we got? The same old, old. They just couldn’t wait to get their hands on anything that was offered. The day after the election result the road to No.10 and 11 was not visible for the queues of people dressed like Father Christmas. Sacks of goodies on their backs. The doors of Nos 10 and 11 and also the entry to the House of Commons were wide open with greedy figures hauling in as much as they could. Indeed, no change. Just a continuation of largesse.

As a matter of fact, it pervades all of society. In management one will be offered freebies quite often. A nice meal, couple of drinks, bottle of wine at Christmas etc. Possibly something like ‘You know I own a nice little beach property in Portugal? Yeah, bought it after we had a good year. Fancy a week or two there for you and your family? Don’t worry about charge, just pay for your flight. And you know, what? The food there is a lot cheaper as well, The wine is exquisite’! ‘Now, what about that quotation I supplied last week’?

Basically, it all is just coercion to obtain advantage. Stamp it out is virtually impossible for who doesn’t want a freebie? When I was a manager in a company with power to decide the ordering process, there were always bottles of wine at Christmas. It was deemed bad form to refuse them. I suppose most people would think nothing of it but as said before it is still a form to obtain pecuniary advantage.

In the meantime our governmental busybodies need to sort this out. I know it is a grey area, nevertheless especially as they when in opposition were vociferous about ‘sleaze’, need to pull up their own socks. Clean up politics!


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