
Squeaky bum time? Hmmm you tell me...

And so according to the news reports travel to the US is OK again. So, a stampede now to get onto the planes. The MD of British Airways was proudly pronouncing ‘We will fly to 23 US cities this week and 28 the week after’. Great stuff sir, thanks for killing us! I am despairing with the shallowness of people like him and the crank standing next to him from Virgin Airways. But what can you say when you have a boss who thinks nothing about flying off to space. For heaven’s sake - Why? Was he on a suicidal mission? Thinking to open the doors and stepping out? Is it not time if people are not even intending to alter their behaviour, governments will have to prohibit all travel? If anyone wants to find out how much CO2 is put into the air have a look at to see how many planes are in the sky. Next look at some fact sheets - like EESI.ORG - and you will see that aircraft emissions are some 3.16 kilogrammes of CO2 per 1 kilogramme of fuel consumed. On top of that there are ot

Sleaze time, what again?!?

You might be forgiven if you would ask ‘What the ‘eck is going on in Britain?’ Politically speaking as well as humanly. Politically the ‘Storm in a teacup’ is still gathering strength with the PM being so fond of shooting himself in his foot time and time again. Just hoping he enjoys the pain! But looking at it objectively you cannot have rules and then allow people to break them. Especially not for MPs and government officials like the Civil Service. It’s OK for me of course until the police come calling. Look friends, it is simple, MPs are elected on the premise that they are honest, non-corruptible and have the well-being of the nation at heart. Not supposed to be looking for or to their own fortunes. I think it should be forbidden to have outside jobs whilst being an MP, if making a speech on invitation no fee should be paid or received. No commercial lobbying at all. Only expenses like a train ticket for instance. Take heed Boris, whilst we are not yet in the full arena of sleaze

Whoa, another U-Turn, lovely....

Sometimes I just cannot believe I live in the great UK. Sometimes known as Great Britain but nowadays it is just Britain. What a mess people can get into. You know it is strange but today we are not governed by politicians good or bad but by Twitter and Facebook. Just take what happened to Owen Paterson MP. Now ex MP. We have known for years that lobbying is a fact of political life. It happens in daily life everywhere. It is how humans work. If I want something, politically speaking, I go and see a few people first and foremost. But today as we are governed by Twitter, the righteous zombies, the brain-dead, ultra left wokists wake up from their coffins and get behind their Raspberry-Pi wonky set-up and start typing their fury. Then lo and behold the government make an U-turn. Great stuff. It is like I love to be governed by weak ever-smiling pontificating herd animals like wildebeest. Always skittish, looking over the shoulders.  Whether Owen did or did not lobby ministers is not in q

The Archbishop has apologised for Pete's sake, Why?

Oh dear, it’s fun being in Britain today! The Archbishop of Canterbury in a bit of trouble right now. Apparently there is ‘outrage’ at the Arch (Justin Welby) when he compared the climate problems with the Holocaust. Well, to be fair I might not always agree with the Arch but was he particularly wrong? Let’s have a look. The Holocaust, and there are a quite a number of people who deny it even happened, was the political idea set in motion to ‘cleanse’ the world from humans deemed to be ‘inferior’. As such the Germans at the time started rounding up the Jewish population and also humans like gypsies and lo and behold, LBGT+ people. If you were the only gay in the village you’d better move away quickly. Well, at least we do things differently now. So, the Holocaust was an extermination programme. Now if we look at the climate problems, we know that almost certainly these are caused by humans. Through indiscriminate burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil we have unleashed the genie fro

The BBC hoodwinking us? Never in a .....or well.....

Most of us here in the UK have a bit of a frowned eyebrow about the BBC. There is their political bias, their insistence of righting all the wrongs about gender and colour and finally the travesty called ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. I watch it because my wife is glued to the TV set and I cannot watch anything else or have to leave the room. Why do I think it is a travesty? A travesty of pulling the wool over our eyes. That program has been choreographed from the very beginning. They have set the scene from week to week and know who will be going. The judges are obviously into that to some extent but what about the public vote? What public vote, does anyone think it matters? Despite what they say about it being a competition, forget it it is nothing of the sort. It is just a very colourful longish running soap opera. I hasten to add you may differ in opinion, well why not? It is still a free country. But I do think it is quite clear how it all fits together. The one other thing that bothers

Thinking about 1.5 degrees, could we, should we?

What a load of tosh politicians come up with. You have heard I hope the slogan - Keep the Earth alive and keep it to 1.5. Meaning to keep the temperature increase to no more then 1.5 degrees Centigrade. Well, may I tell you that this will be problematic? It pretty means well to abandon great swathes of Africa and basically all tropical regions. The temperature in general can already top 50 ° Centigrade in places. In Britain the temperature can top 40 ° C on occasions with the result that some crops will dry out and fail. More so the strange hot/cold springs that have been already around ruined my grapes in the greenhouse due to grey mould. It was unstoppable. So, to hear politicians joyfully say we will keep it to 1.5° is just claptrap. There is no way that will be done because of fear of collapsing economies. Just listen to the clamour from people who want to go on a Spanish holiday. They simply want to ignore the problem.  That is the way it is all over the world. I think that we ou

Thinking about why I don't sleep.....

Us humans get worked up about almost anything. Reading newspapers or listening to TV news bulletins will show you quickly the latest ones. At the moment we are going to host the Glasgow UN extravaganza where we will discuss how to curb environmental damage. So it will mean build more, as my favourite journo, Rod Liddle said, bird mincers. Or in other words wind turbines. If you think these are environmentally friendly, quickly think again. The other thing he mentioned, sewage. Yes, our effluent from close to 70 million people goes into the sea. Where else do you think it goes? Not in my back-garden. My neighbour’s cat sees to manuring that. I have been thinking how to get rid of it but you know what? I like the beast. He sprays wonderful scents on every wall and then alluringly stares at me before coming over for a petting session. Lovely, won’t be long before I find it sleeping on our bed. Water companies face heavy fines when they are caught pumping raw sewage into rivers but there a