
The bad guys came a-calling...

Just to ask a pertinent question, why does the largest nation on earth feel the way it does? By all accounts it has the largest army on the planet but it still isn’t enough. It apparently feels that it needs much more influence and an economical hold over everything else. Sort of ‘I am the biggest, I want you to know it’. OK, I now know it, please go back home. But to be very, very frank it is not just the Russian leadership, it is also the incredible lax and dangerous attitude of our own government. Indeed all western governments.  Look what is happening in Britain, we have more Russian money here than in Russia itself. We are more interested in whether Boris had a party or sex in a cupboard than in international questions. What’s more all the beautiful words we utter are just so much drivel. Only belatedly are we prepared to deliver some military hardware. I am now more and more of the opinion that we have to tackle ALL despots and dictators face on. Syria, Belarus, Chechnya, everyw

The world has always been a dangerous place...

If the Ukraine invasion isn’t going as well as Putin feels it should, what then? Will we see an all-out total war? The question then is going to be – can we in all honesty allow such a thing in 2022? Think about it, perhaps now is the time to think a bit more rational. The reason why I think that is – if an agressor like Russia falls back on using nuclear missiles albeit of low power then we have to wake up from our slumber and belief that all is well with the world and look at what is going on. It is quite simple. Russia is trying to create buffer zones like it had after WW2. This will include the Baltics.  I would say that give it another year after the Ukraine has fallen and the Baltics will be next. Hence already the warning to Finland and Sweden about joining NATO. If and when the Baltics are attacked, it will get an immediate response from NATO. It is to be hoped that Putin’s game of brinkmanship will not be acceptable in that respect as MAD would be a distinct possibility (MAD –

Poor Ukraine, the new Poland from just before WW2

As it stands today in the world of politics and madmen we seem to be back in the days just prior to WW2. Shivering awaiting our fate. Sounds dramatic doesn’t it but tell me if you think it is rosy and we should all go to Spain’s hot beaches and forget about it all? The reality is that yet again there are political madmen flexing their muscles. Putin in front. Even worse, he and his cronies think they should be the rulers of the world. So you will note things have not changed over the millenia humans have trod the planet’s glorious swathes of grass. When I heard of Russia’s intentions I initially thought it was posturing, the sort of ‘Look what we have, give in if you want to live’ kind of chat. But no, I was wrong, the intention definitely was to bring a sovereign country under Russian control. When you look at Russia’s history you can easily see the way they think. The countries and peoples they have subjugated over all these years, enormous areas. However, we are here today and it i

Worse - the die has been cast...

Now we know, humanity once again has lost all semblance of credibility. Europe is gearing up for war yet again. I have said before that this blood soaked continent will never be at peace. There are too many differences. Now the frivolity will deliver its bill.  It has been said so many times, don’t drop your guard and yet that is exactly what the western world has done. Yet again the price for that will have to be paid. Russia will not stop now , they have begun and to stop would negate all their plans. The Ukraine at best will become a vassal state again. Even worse, the western world standing by and looking on will embolden China to do the same thing. If I was living in Taiwan I would worry my pants off! More than that, Russia if not checked will also have a go at the Baltics and now we will be hotting up the war! Because these are NATO states.  If I was a politician of standing I would now seriously look at our military capability with a very hard stare. Coupled with sanctions as ha

The Countdown has begun....

It is incredible to know that generally humanity still has not one iota of an idea what is happening. I am not specifically talking about Covid but this virus may well be part of it. The climate should be on the forefront of all papers and not just the reports of what it has done. This morning I’m reading the Daily Express newspaper and to read the clamour by the travel bosses to open all and every border, to cut all the red tape and ‘pointless’ delays is to me the most irresponsible comment I’ve read. What is climate change? Well, simply this, it is a result of humanity’s excessive use of fossil fuels through car driving, airplane use, plus all other transport. Just to name a few causes. It must be pretty obvious by now what the result is from excessive use of fossil fuels. If it was only that, it could have been sustainable but the warming up of the atmosphere also releases vast amounts of other gases, in particular methane. Coupled with the seen volcanic activity also releasing vas

Don't let history repeat itself!

Listening to our hallowed PM, the good ol’ Boris this morning I had the distinct impression of hearing someone justifying the West’s inability to do anything to solve the crisis between Russia and the Ukraine. It is so strange that people generally do not learn from history. Diplomats may well work hard but when you speak to a dictator who is hellbent on getting his way you might as well zip up the flies and leave the toilet! I think this is an Eskimo proverb until I’m told otherwise. Come to think of it Eskimos have no zip on their trousers.  Anyway, the point is that despite the talk, the endless meetings, in the end you will have to fight. Appeasement DOES NOT and never will WORK! Not in the world we have built. Putin will go all out, it will start with an renewed and strong attack by the separatists in the east of the Ukraine which will put the West on two possible outcomes. Arm the Ukraine with the most powerful weapons available, or simply stand by as we did with Hitler. Remember

Something about the Universe? Oh yes, why not...

As an avid reader of ‘Universe Expansion theories’ I was excited to read that it was not just about expansion. I suppose scientists are struggling with this idea. After all logic says that if something expands there has to be some force which starts it and sustains it. We hear a lot about a Big Bang, it just seems there never was a Big Bang, more of a Big Whimper. The next question is one about ‘Is this Universe of ours finite or infinite’? Finite meaning that there will a border somewhere so far away we will never see it. It also means that our Universe is a bubble in a limitless void. Possibly with other trillions of Universe bubbles to boot. The question then is how did this bubble originate? Also there is the view that our ‘bubble’ is the only thing there is. But then the question is how can it expand then? To be able to expand there has to be room to expand into? In other words ‘Infinite’. My personal view is that the Universe is an entity that exists in a limitless vacuum. The