
A worthy epitaph? Not really...

There is not a single day that we can miss reports of climate warming and things associated with it. The exhausts of planes and motor vehicles contribute possibly 25% of the carbon dioxide emanations into the atmosphere. It is remarkable to see that people generally have not yet noticed the way we live is attributable to our eventual demise. This morning I just looked into our sunny sky which by itself is a rarity at the moment because we suffer a regular number of cold fronts, but I noticed well over 10 contrails! Besides the ones that were already dissipating there must have been well over 25 flights within a span of 2 hours! Now I do believe the Ukrainian war might have caused increased flights from the States because of weapon supplies but even so climate warming seems to carry on unabated and in fact the tempo is increasing. It is not just exhausts of course, overgrazing in Africa and population explosion there will contribute millions of tonnes of CO2.  Wars and accompanying dest

Will less be better than more? Well....

There is a lot in the news, the papers, TV reports about inflation and the rise in prices across the board. I am basically a stupid person but let me ask a question, is everyone as stupid as me? Very few people talk about the underlying reasons why all this is happening. I have said quite a while ago what would happen if oil suddenly became scarce. Our western so-called civilisation has continually ignored the basic rules of supply and demand and how it is coupled to the basic availability of raw materials like oil, gas and other commodities. As we can easily see today, the oil price, diesel and petrol have hit the roof and are likely to go beyond that. This obviously will reverberate through to increased transport prices. You don’t need to be an economics graduate to see that! I ncreased transport prices will also increase commodity prices.  As it stands today I cannot understand eminent people burbling on about how they are going to change all of that by government intervention. The

Social Media- the New Wild West? Well, eh....

It is sometimes forgotten but it is not just MPs or governments alone that make a society. It is all of us and guess who has the majority? Yep, us, the great unwashed (as they say). We sit behind our computers or keep staring at our mobiles for hours on end, posting ludicrous messages. I am not excluded from that either from time to time . But I would call what happened to one MP, Rachel Maclean stupid, uncalled for and obnoxious. She said and I think correct ly , dealing with rising costs etc, etc, people should get a better job or work a bit longer. Sorry people but that is how I see it as well. Simply because that is what we all have done from time to time? If you wanted a better life, improve your basic income you would scour the papers for job adverts, wouldn’t you? I know I did! So, was she wrong? No, she was not. There is a danger now in this country to blame all the ills of society on governments or on those who lead us. Politicians in particular. A lot of blame can be levelled

A problem or two? Well yes, but what?

The following is just a flow of thought I have had for some time. As most of my friends will know I am a pretty astute observer of trends. One of the main trends pertains to western society. Our society is very much based on accessing plentiful foods and energy constituents, gas and oil. Obviously right now the war in Ukraine and the behaviour of Russian conscripts who, with or without their government approval have behaved appallingly, and as a result we are in danger of losing easy access to foods, oil and gas supplies.  It made me think why we actually listen to the drivel spouted by what I fear are politicians who ought to know better, and should make haste to sorting new resources. Yet, this trend has been coming for some time. Russia for instance, has never let go of their type of autocratic rule. Whether this was by a royal house or by the Mafia, it is just the same. It meant money went just one way, as it is still doing so today. Western thinking is completely different from Ru

Discipline is the work of the devil?

From time to time you can hear something worthwhile on the political BBC programs. This morning on Politics Live (BBC2- 16/5/2022 ) we heard from a headmistress of a Wembley, London School about how their set-up of a stricter regime was benefitting pupils. Now you could hear the screams of indignation from across the country here in my front-room. For a start, I have been so aware of the way social interaction has been these past 40 or so years. Frankly it has been detrimental to people and children in particular all across the nation. It was great to see a teacher leading a strict set of behaviours in the classroom and what was more to the point, enjoyed by the children. This was clear from what they said themselves.  It is a strange thing – discipline. It really alludes to a strict set of behaviours either self-discipline or the discipline needed to make a company of people perform tasks. Soldiers would be an example of the need for discipline. You could not have a number of people

Nature fights back?

When it comes to nature, Wales is still pretty fortunate. It is getting more difficult for wildlife to flourish especially with our planning departments not taking into consideration nature in any way. All that matters seemingly is council tax income. Whatever, I am fortunate to live next to a small river. In past years this river was extremely polluted by coal dust and other pollutants, probably best not to name them. But I have seen as I am able to get to the river bank, a most rare bird, the dipper! It has come back to the river it once frequented but was poisoned to death. Now it is nesting, I know where and bringing up chicks. At this very moment I have seen the parent birds feeding the chick. Literally dipping into the fast flowing river and flying to and fro’ to the chick sitting ‘dipping’ on a rock. It surely is a heartwarming story because to say it frankly, dippers are pretty rare and very shy of humans.  They seem to have become a bit used to me as I sit on the bank flying b

A material problem? Go asteroid man!

‘ Clic’, a rather interesting pseudo science reportage program from the ubiquitous BBC channel was showing, in one way, the shortage of materials on Earth. Mining for metals here is becoming a more expensive because we have to look further afield. So, the program was showing whether asteroid mining was actually a proposition, was it worthwhile. Well, it could be of course but from my point of view it would depend on two things, the remaining availability on Earth and the difference in costs. The deposits on Earth are finite, particularly as economies of countries are using more and more, it will become necessary to look elsewhere. It is interesting because it will almost certainly involve human beings. But are we really fit for living in space? Where is the food supply, water, vitamins? You can only take so much with you. After all it still takes some nine months to fly to Mars and the asteroid belt is much further away! So, this will throw up another conundrum. It is now known that hu