
A funny thing happened on the way to the office...

The G7 meeting in Bavaria, Germany, what is it and what is it trying to achieve? Well, you might well ask. In the face of all these rising prices the problems continue to stack up. The problems are deep-seated in my opinion and not just something that has happened because of Covid. When you start thinking about all the rubbish talked about and not forgetting the war in Ukraine then your brain will start rolling around in the head and you will have to quickly get into to the garden and throw up. I have said in the past ‘Who do you think has to pay for government borrowing’? Our collective debt now stands at over £2 trillion. Yes, that is £2,000,000,000,000! And rising. Please, start thinking where all that cash is coming from. Besides all of that, there is interest to pay, at only 1% and I’m sure it is higher, we are looking at billions. In fact I read somewhere we are paying out 70 or so billions every year. That is just dead money to this nation. Paid to investors, mostly of foreign e

Crisis of Confidence. Why not, it's just a daily occurrence

Sometimes we are talking about what is commonly named, ‘crisis of confidence’. It happens in all walks of life, even myself is not immune from that. I have been a Christian for most of my life and many times I wondered what in all honesty was going on. I have read most of the Bible, and many times I wondered what sort of individual wrote such stuff. Great parts of the New Testament text seems just to be some fanciful thoughts occurring to the writer whilst sitting on the shores of Lake Galilee blinded by the rising sun in the east over the Golan Heights. I don’t want to be super critical, the Bible gives much and in particular guidance about how life ought to be. As a communicant member of a local church I get great comfort from the spiritual dimension. There has to be much more about life than just sitting drinking coffee and working, five days a week, your very b*lls of just to pay for your gas to cook the dinner. Or even just to buy enough petrol to get you and your

Fraud...are you kidding me?

W e hear a lot about fraud, online fraud or Internet fraud, today. Let’s be fair when it is so easy to spoof SMS’ communication or even spoof telephone numbers I am surprised we are not literally drowned in the stuff. I am sure the official bodies, like OfCom and banks themselves, could do a lot more. As well as the Internet companies themselves. Individuals should do more to safeguard themselves. I do not receive many phone calls from persons from India but when they start saying things like ‘Am I speaking to Mr X?’ I know we are in the beginnings of a possible scam and I simply put the phone down without saying a word. If it is important they will phone back but they never do so it cannot be important. On mobiles you can block all calls from people NOT on your contacts list. That is pretty good. So make sure your bank, if you use your mobile, will be one of your contacts. There is no way you can block all emails, spam or otherwise, except you can filter them. Businesses like Google

Boris, you have won... use the prize checker

Ha and so the good ol’ PM has survived his Vote of Confidence. And if I may ask, why not? Is he the worst PM this country has had? No sir, he is not! There were a few bad uns and in fact I would call the present PM a better one than most. Who can say John Major, Theresa May among st a few more, were good? Look, let’s be fair, who can say they followed ALL the rules? Who can say they NEVER lied? May I say here that if you are that virtuous person WITHOUT any faults whatsoever, what are you doing reading this? You should be in Westminster telling us all to be better! Or perhaps you should have started a new religion. Just look around and have a glance at other world leaders, are we so badly served? Humanity has many faults, that does not mean we should stop trying to be better and improve things. We are all burdened by our genes telling us how to behave. Some of us are better at it than others. Some of us know how to control our inborn traits, some fail and some fail miserably. So, if A

A quick look at the situation? Absolutely...

W h e n looking at the world situation we might begin to wonder how this is going to end. Everywhere you look there are tensions. Nations are squaring up to each other all over the place. Even in Europe and that is besides the war in Ukraine. France is spearheading an anti-British feeling thanks to Brexit and still believing it can mediate with the Russians. Germany is saying one thing and doing another, promising to help Ukraine and actually doing nothing much. In Asia China is muscling in on the Pacific area greatly worrying Australia and the US. North Korea is throwing missiles all over the place. Russia itself has embarked on an aggressive policy which it is carrying out bit by bit. Everyone expects the Ukraine will not be the last. In fact it is basically trying to re-instate the old USSR boundaries. It seems that the whole world is bracing itself but for what it has yet no idea. Raw materials, energy, over-population all pressure points. I have mentioned the one-time research a

Some irreverent thoughts, perhaps....

Sorry if I sound like a ‘partypooper’ but is it not high time to drop this idiocy called ‘Partygate’? This is the ongoing fracas with the ‘meetings’ in No.10 Downing Street where the PM was seen to have a drink and sing along with ‘Happy Birthday’ or some similar jaunty song. Look friends, if you want to get rid of a PM this continual bitching is not doing much. Tell your local MP to send in a letter to force the 1922 Committee to call a vote of no confidence or whatever they want to call it. But let me say this as well, there is no obvious Conservative MP who could lead the government or the party! So, all of this is just a waste of time as Boris will win anyway.  Now on to something much more important – it is the new problem on the block, holidays. Thousands flooding to the airports where they find their planes have already been sold to Russia or just stand on the tarmac. When there are no people to check passports, clean the toilets, or fly the planes! Yet holiday companies just ke

A worthy epitaph? Not really...

There is not a single day that we can miss reports of climate warming and things associated with it. The exhausts of planes and motor vehicles contribute possibly 25% of the carbon dioxide emanations into the atmosphere. It is remarkable to see that people generally have not yet noticed the way we live is attributable to our eventual demise. This morning I just looked into our sunny sky which by itself is a rarity at the moment because we suffer a regular number of cold fronts, but I noticed well over 10 contrails! Besides the ones that were already dissipating there must have been well over 25 flights within a span of 2 hours! Now I do believe the Ukrainian war might have caused increased flights from the States because of weapon supplies but even so climate warming seems to carry on unabated and in fact the tempo is increasing. It is not just exhausts of course, overgrazing in Africa and population explosion there will contribute millions of tonnes of CO2.  Wars and accompanying dest