
Minorities rule? Well eh....

It is a funny world we live in. Certainly very funny when you consider the UK. Or Britain in the vernacular. We seem to be living in a country where minorities make all the rules. The rules by which all of us live our lives. Yet most of us shrug our shoulders. But should we? Politicians keep on talking about how they will shut up the woke liberal nonsense spouting blabbermouths but actually are showing their incompetence for all to see. The afore-mentioned blabbermouths such as ‘Stonewall’ are becoming ever more militant. Then we have the Home Office, despite being headed by a few competent politicians, their inability to properly police the borders is tantamount to dereliction of duty! In fact they have just merely provided a convenient taxi service by using the Navy! As such we ‘welcome’ hundreds of thousands onto our shores. As a result the nation is scrambling looking for more and more houses with the minorities pressing for relaxation of the planning laws! In the meantime more are

Green issues or a power failure?

There is so much chatter on social media about the cost of living and in particular the cost of power, gas and electric. It is slowly dawning on me that we are being fed half-truths. For instance we rarely hear about the real cost of power. Few of us know that on all our power bills there is a whopping charge for so-called ‘green’ power. For starters it is not just power we pay for. There are ‘environmental costs’, taxation, network charges just to mention a few. A Guardian news item stated that landowners can receive (‘earn’) £40,000 per annum per 3MegaWatt turbine put on their land! VAT is 20% then wholesale costs, it is all consuming half of the total charges they levy. On top of all that the much hyped CO2 cleanliness of ‘green power’ is a fallacy. For each turbine has to stand on an enormous cast concrete foundation. Concrete is far from environmentally friendly! On top of that the turbines themselves are manufactured with plastic and metal components hence creating a lot of CO2

Something for the brain processes...

Perhaps I might be something akin to someone who goes through life as a charlatan or something like that. But I am happy. Well, so far so good but I have been watching so many reports about what people call the ‘Situation’. That is to say the general situation we all face daily. Watching TV, listening to music, buying stuff like food and from time to time white goods like washing machines et al. But what worries me is the perception that the government must pay all our increased bills. As we all know prices of about everything have risen sharply, our grocery bill has increased by some 30%, even Amazon are now increasing the price of Prime membership by £1.00 from September. Yes, Old Jeff B. needs another car to get about. But joking apart, the cost of living has increased by quite a bit. But is it right, is it even possible to put the blame and strain of our collective failures on any government? All I hear on TV from the unions in particular is that the payments made or going to be ma

Anyone for a foreign holiday, right now?

Hahaha, what a mess in Dover. Yes, I am having a laugh about how idiotic people behave at times. Here we have the anti-Brexit Twitterati expounding their views once again. This is what we told you would happen! It’s you Brexiteers who caused this! Well, if you look at how the French reacted to Brexit you could arguably say, yes it’s Brexit what dunn’ it. In real terms the problem has quite a few reasons for the queues in Dover. So yes, Brexit is part of the problem because of the checks now having to be performed and the refusal of the French border staff to work a bit faster and take less breaks. But hey, I don’t blame them. The other thing is that after the Covid-lockdown every Brit suddenly has this irresistible urge to jump in the car with the family, the dogs and the kitchen sink and drive eastwards towards the rising sun. Half of ‘m don’t even know there is a sea strait somewhere with a ferry or two called P&O. Ferries could sink at any time because some people might forget t

Inflation? Yeah, what about it?

So we are marching quickly towards another summer of discontent. A lot of trade unions are up in arms about pay, inflation and the ‘nasty’ employers. But let’s have a look at what I think is a more realistic reality? First of all a lot of public workers are continually on TV News burbling on about poor pay, the ‘underpaid’ NHS employees. The NHS has been ‘left’ without the finances it needs. Well, let’s be honest, the NHS is a bottomless pit. You could throw all the GDP of the UK into it and it would still not be enough. In fact I believe the NHS is the biggest drain on the UK finances. There are reasons, one of them being the human propensity to overeat and besides that sit down all day thinking about the next meal. It is very noticeable in normal day-to-day life, even in small places like South Wales. Humanity has gained a number of inches around the waist and that’s just for starters.    But it is not about weight, it is about the nation’s finances, and it’s management of! This morn

Conservatives at each other's throat? Noooh, really?

It is beginning to look very much like the old Germany here in London. The Night(s) of the long Knives. The Conservatives are ganging up on each other. Why have we deserved this? The country is in turmoil, there is inflation, we have just come out of a pandemic, there is a war not very far away and here we have Champagne Charlies trying to scratch everybody’s eyes out. You would not believe but it is true. This is how far politicians have evolved. Frankly, not very far from Neanderthal behaviour and by that I am doing the Neanderthals a great disservice! I would never have thought I would say that knowing my great dislike for Labour, but it is time for the Conservatives to be kicked into touch for the next ten years. I am sorry but now I begin to see that Boris’ legacy has not been a good one. The incredible selfish attitudes, seeking power come what may and we dare to criticise Putin? I applaud Ben Wallace to get out of that rat race because frankly no sane, well willing person should

Wanna be a scout today? Wear a dress...

People can think what they want about our national newspapers. Some being overtly political about one specific party or other. Others are bland to the extreme trying not to upset anyone. But the Sun newspaper seems to be able to do all. This morning its columnist Mercy Muroki has pointed out the newly super woke Scout organisation. Now, when it was set up by Lord Baden-Powell, a retired Army officer, it was for the education of boys. Activities like woodsmen, orientering, camping in the wild, fishing for your supper and all of it with the strictest discipline. Today the scout organisation seems to be run by ultra-liberal lefties. Boys no longer exist, they are its. I must be frank, it’s no wonder the Scouts are losing it. Being ultra-woke probably appeals to Londoners but here in Wales we don’t want ninnies or dress wearing non-binary aliens. It seems to escape aforementioned ultra woke lefties that boys need discipline, a goal in life and guidance. Humans are no less animal than any o