
Showing posts from 2019

The Election and Young People...what happened?

Quite a few TV reports after the election were talking about the failure of the Labour party to put together a coherent plan or plans. It seemed that their manifesto was cobbled together over a few beers in one of the smokey pubs in Islington, London. It was mentioned quite a few times that young people, in particular those who worked hard at the door calling, could not understand why the Labour manifesto was rejected. Well in my opinion it is that young people have no memory of things that happened in the past. I remember the 1970’s when I lost my house because of the incredible interest rates due to mismanagement of the economy by Labour. The interest rate I had to pay was nearly 10%! The mortgage was no longer affordable. The Labour party has a definite problem with economics which was pretty visible in their promises. But the young people, in particular students, only saw the free university fees promise. I don’t blame them but one should think how that would be paid for? Then t

After the election...

Don’t you just love the days after a general election? Especially after a result that no-one predicted? What with all the newspapers full of interesting stories about what went right and what went wrong. Reading Twitter and Facebook will tell you all about the various idiots that we have here. The Labour supporting celebrities in particular are an absolute hoot. Who doesn’t love Hugh Grant? Or Lily Allen? Ah yes, these champagne Marxists want to tell us all about how we should live and adore their mediocre performances. I would say to Mr Grant, go and live in Venezuela, they will adore you there. Anyway, champagne celebrities don’t ever seem to understand that their ‘fame’ is only possible because of the system we live and abide by. General elections like these will always bring recriminations, especially from the losing side. But that is the way elections are, aren’t they? One wins, the other loses. Looking a bit deeper into this, it seems to me that yes, we have quite a division

Political woe or joy? Hmmm, good question...

Well, well, a good result for the UK. I say that because the alternative, a Labour government propped up by Scottish nationalists would have been a disaster. Financially as well as socially. That is not to say that the Conservatives will carry out major changes. The financial position of the country is still not good. However, the indications are that work will start or continue to strengthen the police and the fight against crime will probably intensify. Now that the Brexit issue seems settled we can look forward to a year of strong negotiations to get the best situation out of leaving the EU. Many people did just not understand that leaving the EU meant that after that the REAL negotiations would start. To be very fair it is the Conservatives who would make a better deal of that. Jeremy was not sure as to what he wanted, what he wanted to do. In my own constituency, a Labour stronghold, the Conservatives came second! That’s unheard of, the Cons were practically non-existent around

Environmental woes...

There is a lot of talk about the environment. Especially the meeting in Madrid, Spain at which the Swedish lass, Greta will speak. The various reports I hear seem to suggest that quite a few nations play politics. In other words try to get the best out of it for themselves. That is to say they will try to lower their efforts to attain the CO2 reduction as previously agreed. Yeah, very useful. But it is not the only thing that bothers me. It is the behaviour of people generally. It is not uncommon to drive behind a car whose window will suddenly open and a load of empty McDonald’s packaging thrown out onto the road. Yes, whilst driving at 80 miles an hour! These are the selfsame youths who in college or school pontificate about global warming. Or can be found being part of some sort of demonstration! This is just in one small part of South Wales. Multiply that throughout just in this country and you have found part of the problem. Coupled with the various happenings around the plane

Thinking big, perhaps even a bit bigger....

Thanks to TV News the various reports about fires in Australia, draught in Africa, the plastic poisoning of the oceans and seas, deforestation just to name a few, there now should be no doubt that global warming is a fact. Whether we as humans are guilty or whether volcanism or even the sun itself are responsible I leave to the experts to discuss but humans without doubt are responsible for the greater part. I say this because we now know the sharply increased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. OK guilty as charged but what are we as humans going to do about it? What can we possibly do? Relying on feuding politicians is not much good as we know. Even protesting violently in the streets will not do us much good but will ruin many houses and businesses. We need to think BIG! There have been reports by the media about various politicians talking about planting millions, billions even, of trees. As it stands it is a ludicrous suggestion and was just designed to start a political manifesto

What a sham of an interview!

Andrew Marr to be deported? I saw the interview on the BBC channel last Sunday – if you can call it an interview – with Mr Johnson. What a farce. The Prime Minister might as well have stayed home and let Andrew Marr just keep on questioning because that’s all we heard. Questions, questions, questions. The man must just be in love with his own voice! I still haven’t an idea what the Prime Minister actually said or managed to say. Sorry Mr Marr, I think forget about being an interviewer, you did a great disservice to political discussion. We don’t want your type of ‘chat’, and keep your dislike of Boris Johnson which was very plain to see, under wraps! Impartiality? The BBC should let you go for a retirement in a far-off country. Bye-Bye. Edit 6/12/2019 Just read that even Mr Edwards, kingpin and doyen of the BBC interviewers has been guilty of burbling on, in writing on these august social media platforms, about his predilection for socialism and the Labour party. Well, in his case

Two-faced politicos? Believe it...

Great stuff, the NATO summit has come to the UK, just before Father Christmas arrives! It is great to see that the front the leaders show is actually a sham. The US president calling the leader of the neighbouring state, Canada, two-faced. Well, he might be or maybe not, I wouldn’t know. He’s a politician. Show me one who is not two-faced? There is Mr Macron, who reckons that NATO is pretty useless. And then there is the on-going problem of all the members who had agreed to contribute 2% of GDP for defence purposes obviously not doing it. The Russians and Chinese must be smirking whilst downing loads of vodka and sake or whatever else they drink in China. The problem is this, we have depended on NATO to keep our freedoms and not having to learn Russian. It seems to me that we have learned nothing from the past. With an absolute shallow minded UK politician burbling on about ‘reducing tensions in the world’ thinking he can do that. Yes? Shacking up with political terror organisatio

Political Ideas gone berserk...

There is a saying that goes as follows: Those who fail to learn the lessons from the past are doomed to repeat them. It is quite something to see Labour doing just that. There have been so many social experiments, just look at Russia and its satellite states, Venezuela just to name a few. On top of it all the misery and death that seems to follow these systems when established are beyond belief. Socialism tends to be just another word for a type of despotism. It seems to be a human condition to always look for power, one way or another. To govern a country is not about power, it should be about looking after well-being, proper economical systems bearing in mind the land, water and air. It should be about establishing proper infrastructure, infrastructure that does not overburden the land by building too many houses and roads. It ought to be clear that building roads just begets more and more cars. Every action we take will have a reaction somewhere. Concreting over the land for mor

State Terror? Who knows...

With the Labour party’s policies outlining its stance on immigration and coupled with their insistence on calling anyone who disagrees a racist, a xenophobe or worse I am sorry to have to tell you I could be a racist, a racist just because I am white, a Caucasian but in the summer I get another colour so I ought to despise white people. That is according to Labour. It is of course one of the reasons I will never vote and never have done so, vote Labour. Today it is basically a totalitarian party akin to Russian examples. Total State control and any well thinking person knows it might also mean State terror. Looking back at history you easily note the terrible damage totalitarian states did inflict on their own people. Millions died in Russian gulags, millions died in the German concentration camps. And as far as concentration camps are concerned, apparently it was Britain who invented them.  Millions are still dying today.  To be very frank the collective human history is one o

Policy makers? Yeah, in your dreams...

We should ask at this time, facing a General Election, who pulls the strings? I am referring to those people who stand next to and behind the party leaders. Going by last night’s TV debate between Boris and Jeremy, these two are not the shakers or the makers! For those learning English it means these two are not the thinkers and makers of policies. They are just the mouthpieces of the two main parties in the UK. OK, so far so good but what to make of John McDonnell, now that to me seems to be the guy to watch. If he gets his hands on the reins you will find the horse will be steered so far to the left it will be in danger to derail the state coach! Most likely disappear into the fast-flowing Thames. It sounds good doesn’t it, a pay limit of no more than £350,000 annually. Now that seems to me a carrot of great proportions! But it means nothing. There are so many ways to circumvent that stupid rule. Foreign payments to non-British banks, share options just to name a few of the h

Buildings and floods...

Just been listening to this Sunday morning's TV prog the Andrew Marr Show, one item got my interest. That of housebuilding and the present Yorkshire floods. It is a fact that floods mainly tend to happen in low-lying areas, such as floodplains of river systems. We don't have to be clever to figure that one out. So, the point about government being slow to react and the failures to build adequate flood defences although fair on the face of it, it must be understood that planning is the remit of local councils. It is they that approve or disapprove planning applications. It is funny how things get interpreted in discussions, local as well as national. It is funny because in the main the councils in question are mainly run by Labour! Even so, whatever council it is the practice of building on floodplains needs seriously looking at. The demography of Britain is changing and changing fast. More single people, with and without children, the dispersal of people from the London/Kent c

Bidding war, come and join!

Come and join the bidding war now raging in Britain! Great stuff, I am offering £10 to support the buy-out of BT! In reality this is a ludicrous situation.  Some party offers to plant 30 million trees by 2025 and immediately another increases that to 60 million. Oh yes, you have heard it here. OK then, who offers 90 million? Let me know because I fancy D.Trump will want a piece of the action!  This is how idiotic General Elections can be and usually are, loads of promises that are not going or just cannot, be kept. The problem though is that good ol’ Britain is full of brain-dead people who only hear the words ‘free’ and ‘tax the rich’. Actually everybody will pay more tax. Either in increased rates or less benefits or increased prices because companies have to fund these extraordinary actions and pay more tax as well. So, Mr McDonnell let me tell you to go back and learn proper Economics. But he doesn't or needs to care. He is just another brain-dead rich kid who fancies hi

Majestic issues

Blimey, it never just rains but it pours. You might have noticed that we have a royal family here in the old UK. Like most families, including my own, there are differences of opinion or even rows. But they tend to get resolved or if very serious, people will just run away. That is what seems to be the case in HRH households. The problem a new husband faces is how to protect the sanctity of the marital home. It cannot be easy to live a stone's throw away from granny with all that includes. On top of that there will be the inevitable media intrusion. It would be much better to just ignore all that, unfortunately the little lady is an actress and used to calling on the media to 'show' off her inevitable good looks. You cannot have it all. A choice might need to be made. So, remember people, peace within the family is a precious thing. Worth keeping it.

A One-Issue Election...

I feel pretty let down, politically speaking. I used to be a member of the Lib-Dems until their policies about gender, i.e political correctness, became so weird that I left. Looking at their present range of ‘ideas’, ‘twas a good decision. But I wanted to be represented by a good party so I joined Plaid Cymru. Now it seems history is repeating itself. The party is anti-Brexit and now has made a ‘deal’ to step aside in constituencies it thinks it cannot win, in favour of either the Greens or the Lib-Dems. I am sorry I would have thought that a political party would fight to be seen and heard to showcase its ideas, particularly in a General Election! So in effect, it is NOT a general election, but a one issue election – BREXIT. This alliance has only one aim, stop BREXIT. What about the myriad of problems in this country? All I hear and see on TV, radio and other media is the amounts to be borrowed but no proper plans as to why! Then we have that Scottish virago (look that word up in

Election promises? Yes, believe it!

Yep, election time! And friends, we already have begun hearing the most ludicrous political statements. The (male) co-leader of the Green Party wants to borrow 100 billion pounds every year for 10 years and thinks this will save the planet. Sounds good? Yes, I think it sounds too good. In fact I will have a look at my bank account to see if I can help. God help us for this kind of idiocy. Apparently hundreds of thousands of jobs will be created, in other words a type of social engineering as these jobs will then be paid from the borrowing? Where in all honesty do these people live? Oh yes, we will concrete over the UK. This guy has evidently forgotten the UK is not just the only country combatting climate warming. It would be much better to reign in the likes of the US, Russia and China. Asia is still mostly powered by coal in huge, gigantic quantities. I would agree one thing he said, we need to combat climate change and we need to do it now. Forget targets like 2050, that’s too lat

Democratic or what...

Are you or will you be unhappy about any decision made by others? Are you unhappy that the Liberal Democrats are not invited to speak in a debate that was organised for the two main parties in this country? Are you unhappy that Sir Lindsay was elected Speaker? Or are you even more unhappy with the local weather? Yes? I think you should take legal action. Well, everybody else does. The legal profession is wringing its collective hands in glee! Holding the political power now, yeaaah! To be frank, I think the establishment has gone a bit potty. It is a show of powerlessness. Also probably an effect of the media storms all around. It is my belief that the present aggravation is media orchestrated. They probably don’t even know it, that’s the funny thing. The BBC has been called one-sided. When you look at the programmes you cannot help but think that it is the BBC in the forefront of political correctness. Rightly or completely wrongly! The newspapers are not far behind

Ladies of Westminster, going, going, gone...

So, the latest news from that glorious place, the Commons, is that most of the lady MPs are stepping down, or not standing for re-election. In a way that is sad and the level of vitriol directed at them deplorable. But I have to say it is not entirely strange, some of the MPs, actually quite a lot, have demonstrated that voting for something political has no meaning whatsoever. Whatever they say now, it is entirely a situation of their own making. They have held the electorate in contempt for over three years. If you look at the situation in the UK today, in particular the political situation, you will notice how the actions of MPs have contributed to the malaise. Trust in the system has been totally lost, MPs once held in high esteem have become no more than the next door neighbour you do not like because they don’t trim the hedges. Of course, it is sad and to be very frank, it is probably for the best that they do not intend to come back. Let’s renew the whole lot, vote in fresh bo

Mae'r tywydd yn braf,,,

Diwrnod hyfryd arall! Glaw a fwy glaw. Ro’n i wedi gweithio yn yr afon nesa fy nh Å·, pam? Achos llawer o ddŵr geisio yn erydu cloddiau’r afon. Fy nghardd yw nesa i’r afon. Yn ffodus roedd fy ŵyr gymorth dda iawn. Mae dŵr sgraffiniol iawn, yn enwedig nesa fy nhÅ·, rydym ni agos tro’r afon. Beth bynnag, ynghyd byddwn ni llwyddianus y gaeaf hwn (gobeithio!). Gol 16/11/2019 Ah, mae'n oer nawr. Ar ôl y newyddion glywes i am y llifogydd, a llifogydd o ddeigryn ar hyd yr afon Don yn Sir Efrog. Meddwlwch am problemau gyda yswiriant!

Democratic principle? What is that...

One of the funniest journalists, Rod Liddle, writing in the Sun newspaper mentioned that he was not a Conservative but would vote Conservative. Firstly I feel exactly the same way and I tell you why. There should be no doubt that if Labour under Corbyn get their hands on power we will be the next Venezuela. The next world’s basket case. You might not agree with all the issues confronting us due to the unbridled laissez-faire system, or free trade but at least it has given us a reasonable lifestyle. Certainly, it is not perfect, lots need looking at but we cannot just open the borders to every person who wants to come whether because they think it will give them a better lifestyle, or benefits or whatever. But we do need the well-educated, the medical staff, the business entrepreneurs, the scientists. Indeed an Aussie style points system is a must. We must not go back to this State control idea from the likes of Corbyn or McDonnell. These ideas are absolute poppycock. Even so, we mig

Election fever!

According to the newspaper(s) I read a Welsh town – Merthyr Tydfil – is full of nitwits. Actually a slightly different good-old word was used. Well, whatever. It is a town run by the Labour party? I don’t want to tell you my opinion, it is already well-known. The Labour party is an anachronism and far removed from what is was set up for. So, Merthyr we now know is full of Labour nitwits? Right, that’s put that to bed. Good o'l Methyr. Speaking of politicians and political parties, the shenanigans performed now on a daily basis in Westminster has made me accept that the above statement about nitwits is basically correct, there is no solution to Brexit. Mainly because too many politicians have forgotten who they represent. Although I voted to leave the EU on the basis made by a certain Mr Cameron who did, in his words, reform Europe which was and is needed badly; it became obvious we were fed whopping lies. However, now the good Boris (Mr Johnson to you) seems to ge

It's a mad, mad world...

I might have said it before, so apologies but with the present state of the government and indeed the whole Westminster lot you might be forgiven to think you have landed in the Middle East. A third world country. You might be right because at this moment in time we certainly look like that. The newspapers are full of sex stories, Boris Johnson’s escapades, John Majors pathetic ramblings and much more. Although I believe that we all have become a bit deaf and blind to all these goings on we will have to draw a line somewhere. Again the few things Boris did or not did don’t really interest me. Frankly I think most of us men probably think ‘Blimey how does he do it’? Looking at it I see a blonde good-looking lady who needs support for a business project. Sidles up to the mayor and uses her undoubtedly good charms. Has Boris fallen for that? May be he has, maybe he hasn’t. Whatever, it is not really important but what is important is how he will manage to get Brexit done. I wish him the

Turmoil in the West...

What we see in the Commons, the UK Parliament, is a load of self-indignation. They all and sundry are guilty of having brought on this situation where respect has gone out of the window. We are witnessing the spectacle of the end of empire and we are beginning to realise we don’t matter in the world. One would have thought that MPs would have some recall of historical events but they seem to have already forgotten what they said and did three or so years ago! I remember it – we shall have a referendum, we will abide by the result. Yes, Parliament voted as such but ever since some half of them have tried to reverse what the public voted for. So, it is not really strange to find this aggro in Parliament. I’ll wait for the moment when the Scottish SNP members lose their cool and whack a few on the chins of the PM or the Leader of the House. It’ll come. Or poor Ian the SNP leader in the Commons will walk in with a claymore down his left trouser leg. Culloden all over again. Yeah, let’s h

A bit of everything...

  If you thought the world was a funny, a bit of an idiotic place, it has just gone a bit further. The Canadian prime minister has had to apologise for dressing up as a black (can we still use this word?) man complete with turban in a party held in 2001. Can I remember what I did 18 years ago? Not really much but I must have said all sorts of now unacceptable words and have had ideas of blowing up something or the other. Will I apologise? In my part of Wales, no-one apologises for anything anytime. So, Mr Trudeau don’t worry you’ll be welcome in the Valleys! The next idiotic thing that happened recently is the furore about the memoirs of that glorious politician the previous prime minister Mr Cameron. Why would somebody who virtually ruined his country write his memoirs? Good question. If it was me I would have gone on a very long trip and get lost on an uninhabited island. Well, he was a politician, Eton educated, do we need to say any more? In the mean time w

French chateau - time to relax?

Oh yes, I am a great fan of a television programme named ‘Escape to the Chateau’. It portrays a British former lieutenant-colonel and TV presenter Dick Strawbridge and his family moving to a French chateau. Now, most Brits would not attempt that you’d think? But no there are quite a few. It is interesting to see how they cope with these crumbling edifices. From rotten windows to having to input complete new heating systems and corresponding plumbing. Including taking out the old lead rubbish. The programme is good but there is one irking thing that can be heard over and over again. The shortage of time to do things. Yes people, here is a whole family that attempts to restore a building bigger than my house by 1,000 and they appear to work in strict time, even have a wedding with hundreds of guests while installing toilets in the garden. I am not buying that, obviously the producers have thought we need a bit of pressure here to make it interesting. Oh Jeesh are they going to complete

A dream is just a dream, is it?

I had a dream last night. No, I am not a dreamer or a depressive type guy but isn’t it funny that thoughts or visions sometimes make you think? I dreamt I was on holiday, great but it was a landscape from the past. Probably picked up from a picture or so I must have seen somewhere. A Dutch landscape of never-ending vistas, heather fields interspersed with here and there shrubby trees. Now I know Holland I lived there but these wide landscapes are no longer there. In my youth I roamed over the meadows just outside Amsterdam, now a concrete monstrosity. It made me think how we humans are actually changing our world. Even here in Wales the changes are enormous. New housing estates are springing up everywhere. Why? I was not aware there was a big problem in Wales as far as housing was concerned? The landscape I dreamt about is certainly no longer there. The last time I had received a picture from the Dutch family (yes I keep in touch!) you can see nothing but houses. It is not talked a


Dw i wedi bod ar fy wyliau yng Ngorllewin Cymru. Mewn gwirionydd Amroth. Castell Amroth. Lle wych. Mae'r traeth yn llydan iawn, ar lanw isel wrth gwrs. Os mae’r haul yn tywynnu ac mae gen i gwrw yn fy llaw, ie NEFOEDD. Mae’r daith yn hawdd os ydych cael yr amser yn iawn. Yn gynnar yn y bore neu’r ôl deg o’r gloch. Ychydig o draffig ond welais i llawer o giwiau ar y ffordd ger Caerfyrddin (Trafford A48). Yr un peth, dw i ddim glywed am y broblemau gyda’r Ty’r Cyffredin yn Lundain (Senedd). Nawr wedi pleidleisio o blaid cymryd rheolaeth o amserlen y Senedd! Byddet ti’n ei gredu? Na? Wel, mae’n wir! Efallai byddwn yn meddwl tybed beth nesaf? Wn i ddim! Felly, beth am yr wyliau nesa’? Siŵr i fod, rhaid iddo fod Amroth eto. Ac hefyd rhaid i fi ymweld â’r Iseldiroedd oherwydd fy nheulu yn byw ger y maes awyr. Dw i’n garu bwyd ‘herring’, pysgod yn halen. A hefyd os mae’r tywydd yn iawn fe fydda i’n ymweld â ‘Keukenhof’. Castell ydy e gyda gardd mawr, llawer o ‘tulpen’ (tiwlipau). Wrth

Join the madhouse?

We have mentioned the state of politics in the UK quite a few times. Every time we thought that it could not get worse but every time it did. Now in early September 2019 the political hothouse or should I say ‘mad house’ has gone another step further. Where are the political parties? MPs are seen crossing sides everyday according to the latest whim. One day they are Conservative, another day they fancy being Labour and on a Friday they are Lib-Dems. Obviously Britain at the moment is ungovernable, in fact has not got a government. Only one in name only. It seems we are led by grandstanding idiots, Marxists and God knows what else all trying to shout as loud as they can. I have said before Westminster is out of date, has no purpose and should be shut for ever. Make it a museum as those who are in it right now are no more than waxworks anyway. It is a sorry state, they talk about Boris doing a coup, in fact we have a dictatorship. Eh? As it appears to me it is not Boris who is the d

Is democracy a lost cause?

It is beginning to look like the whole of Britain has lost the complete plot. The nation voted to leave the EU and ever since then the political class and mediocre liberal London elite has machinated against it. There is a simple question – what does democracy really mean? To me it seems that we have lived in a dream, continually being fed lies but in reality the public might as well get to the beach on voting days and forget all about it. Why spend billions on preparing voting papers and such when our vote means absolutely nothing? We have MPs, even some from the Cabinet who are just self-serving megalomaniacs. Take the erstwhile Chancellor – nice man in his underpants I’m sure but as a politician he might as well go home. The trouble is that MPs no longer abide by party policies and that is shown very clearly indeed by MPs clamouring for another referendum. Moreover we now have calls for another no-confidence vote coupled with Jeremy Corbyn wanting to be care-taker PM. How stupid i

Infrastructure - problems? You decide...

There is a word that is used frequently in the media, infrastructure. I live in an area of Wales, not far from the capital Cardiff where an enormous amount of building is taking place. Whole farms have been taken over, flattened, and made ready for hundreds if not thousands of dwellings. These are private houses by the large building companies. The question is twofold – firstly why, do we need so many new houses? And why private dwellings and very little social housing? Secondly, has the infrastructure been updated or renewed? The first question is an interesting one because in my opinion, yes we need some new houses simply because of the altering demography. But this house building is happening everywhere. The Rhondda has a decaying housing stock, simply because of past grave mistakes and omissions made by respective governments. But owners and landlords do update the dwellings and frankly there wasn’t a big problem. Tonyrefail a smallish village of about 18,000 people has a LDP (Lo

Social Media a scourge on humanity...

Reading the Daily Express’ political article a few days ago about social media by Mr Pollard is quite revealing. Yes, SM is a problem, particularly for 10-17 year olds. But as he said ‘Let’s not forget the adults’. Using ‘sneering’ language is too easy. The US president governs through tweets which is not how to govern, methinks. But the genie is out of the bottle now, we have to find ways of putting it back without corking the wine. Part of the problem of course is the fact that social media shows up the bad side of humanity. It shows how powerless the lower and middle classes are in real terms. The continual reporting of ‘bad news’ is a factor as well. When politicians elected on promises of ‘I will change the way we live for the good’ forget that the public purse is not their personal purse and showing their every word good or bad then the SM gates are thrown open and the horse bolted. That is the problem, we the great unwashed, adults and kids alike can now vent our ire and d

Mass extermination or mass extinction?

There is not a great deal of difference in the outcome of both. In the first instance it means someone or ones are doing it, in the second instance some accident or happening is the cause. I saw a TV programme just called Mass Extinction that looked at the two that have happened in the far off past. One in the Permian epoch and one that put paid to the dinosaurs, the Triassic epoch. The outcome of both was that 90% of life just disappeared. The Permian extinction was attributed to an enormous volcanic upheaval somewhere what is now Siberia and the Triassic calamity was supposedly caused by a 50 kilometre asteroid plunging in the Caribbean /Mexico. In both cases it seemed that the enormous amount of gases freed coupled with darkened skies due to dust and smoke killed off plants everywhere. The Earth warmed up considerably due to carbon dioxide, sulphur and other gases. The point made was that today, humanity is taking the place of these natural disasters. We are degrading the land s

Political class disappointing?

A report in a national newspaper today stated that the Queen (Elizabeth II) is rather disappointed in the political class and their inability to govern. No, really? Well, normally the Queen stays out of politics or rather, refrains from making public political comments. But I think that’s wrong. The Queen albeit the titular head of the nation should be able to talk about the present situation. The situation of our political class to properly govern and direct the affairs of the nation to the benefit of all. I am not sure what people think about the Theresa May government but despite all the ‘upbeat’ messages of ‘We will do Brexit because that’s what we voted for’ she was totally powerless to do so. Instead of immediately resigning she muddled on for three years together with a host of liars and people who saw a chance to further their own agendas. As I have mentioned before we needed a ‘strong’ man or woman to break the impasse. By all accounts Boris has started well, no results yet

What now for the human race?

Despite so many signs that the human race has arrived at the precipice, staring into uncharted waters and possible oblivion, it just carries on as nothing has changed. More cars, more planes, more deforestation, just to name the easily defined causes of carbon release. The warming up of the oceans and seas now release tonnes of methane gas into the atmosphere and frankly there is nothing we can do about that. In the UK we seem to be proud of our control of burning fossil fuels. True but in the context of the world environment it means very little if anything at all. These are all already well-known causes. The world’s population has reached a border, to overstep it is just to hasten the finale. What the finale will be like we do not know but I’m sure it won’t be pretty. If the snowfall in winter in the UK empties every shelf in the supermarkets as it occasionally has done, you will begin to understand what will happen if we have to stop car and lorry driving, ground all planes amo

Hello Boris, goodbye EU, it was nice knowing you..

So, it is Boris. Well, good luck to him, he will sure need it. I have never understood the MPs, there are those who are absolute in their determination to stop Brexit. But they seem to have forgotten that they as a Parliament had sanctioned the vote taken in 2016. They were going to abide by the result. Obviously that was a lie. Ever since we have had personal opinions, which mostly changed every time the wind blew in from a different direction. We have had endless posturing in front of TV and endless reams of paper with thousands of reasons why this or that MP said what they said. There has been enough hot air to power 20,000 homes and untold factories. So, what next are we, can we leave as said by 31 st October? I don’t see a majority for any deal in the House. So, yes we can leave but there will be no deal. Unless the EU will change its also idiotic attitude. They have been complicit in making a deal with Mrs May which to be fair was very one-sided. Now, this mig

Words galore...

WE should have a very strong look at the prevalence of strange words used by all of us in the UK, indeed in the whole world. It seems that whatever way and however words are used, someone or other feels aggrieved. Politics today is no longer an activity where people can say what I would term words of ‘normal’ usage. For instance even ‘descriptive’ words are now circumspect. Words like Jew, Christian and other of that ilk are virtually unusable for fear of being called racist. Then you have words like ‘black’, ‘white’, ‘color’ (forgive me the American spelling or take me to court if you are offended), that are now taken as an affront to human existence. Almost all politicians now use the words ‘deeply offensive’, not just offensive, no ‘deeply offensive’. The use of adverbs is now pretty wide-spread in politics. Making descriptive words even more dramatic! I suppose in the end what is wanted is a dramatic response by the public, possibly orchestrated by the media. The thing is this,

Ransomware again in Florida? Seems so...

According to BBC News a Florida town has decided to pay some half a million quid to hackers who had made their systems unusable. If this is true and not ‘fake’ news purportedly put on the web by some friendly Russian or Chinese web manipulators, it shows an incredible lack of cyber management. One could easily say – Hey what happened to the back-ups then? Not backups that are attached to your mainframe but kept separate? Even I do that. I backup all the time but use a single USB drive that is kept somewhere else, away from the main system. On top of that I will have access to four separate backup dates at all times. Once a month I keep the latest on yet another drive. Yes I know I am paranoid but it works. To heck with ransomware, if it comes, hello just re-install the OS and use one of the backups for all your precious personal data! I know it works because I have had to use it a few times due to my own mistakes. So, sorry Florida town if you did not bother to use the simplest of wo

Being thrown out is not so bad...

It sure is funny how people react to men ushering out ladies from a meeting to which I suppose they were not invited. Yes, this is about reports of an ecology protester infiltrating a meeting at which the Chancellor of the Exchequer was the speaker. It is funny to read the lady now complains about being manhandled, widely now shown on the media. TV, newspapers.. Yeah, sure she would be, dragging this out (sorry about the pun here!) for maximum effect to whatever her cause is. Indeed, I do believe we should be more assertive about the need for environmental issues to be highlighted. After all it concerns every living being, plants, or animals on this planet! But she was not invited and therefore ejected. Yep, with some force. She must have expected that, surely. Let’s be fair, if you march in anywhere to which you are not invited or even welcome, you can expect to be asked to leave in no uncertain terms. You cannot really complain. So, why would the man apologise, the lady appeared to

War on drugs... about time?

Well, well, well, the reports in the media now tell us that many politicians have taken drugs in their youth. No, really? It seems endemic with the ruling classes and not to forget the rich upper middle classes who sent their children to those private schools where drugs are so common that they are now are thinking to build hospitals close by so that collapsed noses can be repaired quickly and without fuss. I have always believed from well into my youth in the Dutch capital that drugs were NOT OK! Frankly it shows very clearly the degenerative effect. Taking drugs in your youth will make you a politician in later life. It is becoming clear, isn’t it, that there is a rule for us clodhoppers and a different rule for the ‘hoi-polloi’. I am sorry but drug-taking to me is an affront to society and the world. It may have escaped your notice but drugs in all forms and yes that includes tobacco, are detrimental to health. Alcohol is slightly different, in large quantities it acts as a drug a