Is woke being awake? Probably not...

Before I write anything else, I am sad to say the UK has lost one of the greatest persons that have walked on our sacred soil for some time! His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Consort to the Queen (and husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather) has gone to the high abodes. This is not strange as he was 99 years old but it needs to be said he was a great example of what married life should be. Serving his liege and nation to the very end with unswerving loyalty. I take my hat off, well done great and faithful servant. 

Some Lib-Dem party members are aghast at the bile being spouted about what I term liberal leftie wokism. They do not like it up ‘m, as they say. How do I know? I used to be a party member but left aghast at the ideas they promoted. The problem is this, Liberals do not see the real issues. They look at the human race through rose-tinted spectacles. I have no problem with thinking great things, in my dreams I too see Utopia except I know that the human animal is indeed just an animal. Some two-thousand years ago a guy walked around called Yeshua although around here better known as Jesus, saying that love is all that matters. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be truthful. I do not term that liberalism but common sense. Again though the problem is the same, people generally are just not like that or behave like that. The whole financial/economic systems are based on the human habit of greed, on the ‘I am better than you’, and ‘I deserve more’ platforms. These are actually natural inborn traits. Nature is based on the strongest will survive. But – and there is always a but – as we have a brain that can think in abstracts, it can think ahead (i.e a future so that it can calculate possible outcomes of actions) it would be good to develop society in such a way that we fit in with nature and do not make nature fit in with humanity. Because that is a recipe for disaster, as we already can see with Covid-19.


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