Politicians rule (or do they?) - Ask Boris....don't ask Keir

Now all know my aversion to politicians. It is funny really because I usually like the person they are in normal life. But as soon as they put on the mantle of politics, and become the ‘official’ saviour of mankind, I detest that persona. I know quite a few politicians and indeed when they are away from the ‘Office’ so to say, they are great people. But in the ‘Office’ they are idiots. Blabbering on about how they would safe us from criminals, they would deport them immediately. Sexual depravity would be punished by life sentences. Just listen you silly little people, we, politicians, know best! Unfortunately the reality shows up differently.

People cannot be reported because fee chasing lawyers put up innumerable appeals. Sex offenders walk the streets, even in the locality where they committed these offences. Think of Rochdale! Life sentences usually mean you are let off within ten years or even less for ‘good’ behaviour. All these ‘rules’, are measures made by politicians. I have to be honest because there are some good politicians. As I said before in other posts, one word, one noun does not always mean all individuals that bear the name. Although we might start thinking whether the ‘bad’uns are holding sway, drowning out the ‘good’uns! I think one of the problems politicians suffer is the belief that people that shout loud should be listened to. That their ideas are ideas held by everyone. The fact that those who shout loudest are usually a tiny minority escapes these selfsame politicians. As an outcome laws are made that seemingly ‘favour’ minorities. Take the Human Rights Act(s), an interesting concoction of melodramatic political views that are devoid of any real meaning as far as humans are concerned. The one thing seen is criminals benefitting. For me, man in the street, it has no meaning at all. Consistently those who suffer criminal acts are completely disregarded, like they have no rights at all. The universal rule of equality does not govern planet Earth. Ms Priti, one of the ‘good’uns has a fight on her hands, well let’s see how long she will be a politician! The liberal leftie London concoction might be a drink laced with arsenic!


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