Pressing problems, but why!?

Once again, but it cannot be said often enough, our elected wonders are seemingly still unaware of the most pressing problem that has faced us. Unaware not because it’s happening, we can all see that but unaware of its implications, unaware of the future that faces us all. I am talking about migration. Over many years I have pointed out that humanity is facing its possible demise. Why? Yes, global warming but also its inability to control its own appetites. Today, global warming has virtually made large parts of Africa and Asia uninhabitable and this is continuing! We can all see the results. The Libyan conflagration is part of that, even though it is also a picture of sheer political incompetence. When monies for needed repairs to infrastructure are used as personal income due to corruption or are squandered on weaponry. Same thing all over the globe.Even here in the so-called affluent West monies are wasted due to gross incompetence. The UK is not immune. So, what do I see for the immediate future? Well, for one migration will double if not triple in numbers, yes including the boats across the Channel. This year I think will surpass the numbers before and by 2030 will literally be millions. All looking for not just an easier life but to save their lives. In the more affluent West, especially Europe we need to plan for such influx, it is too late to help those afflicted in their own countries, temperatures are likely to get as high as the mid-fifties or even hit the 60 degree mark during the day. It is already just over 50 degrees in some areas during midday. That on its own is possible to survive on a long-term basis but not as it also means that crops cannot be grown and desertification will set in and accelerate. In more temperate areas the increase in sea-levels will make living at the sea-side much more dangerous. In countries like the Netherlands I would want to think about moving away from the western part which is some 3-4 meters below sea-level already! Similarly whole areas of Norfolk and other parts of eastern Britain will experience the ferocity of the sea. All these things are already known and some of the horrific results noticeable but politicians are either still sleeping or just do not want to tackle these issues head on. The obvious reason that they are afraid for their jobs at election time. 

It shows in a small way in my own backyard. I live close to a small river. In fact it runs at the back of my house. I have friends in a similar position. We have informed various local and national bodies of the massive increase in bank erosion due to very sudden and violet rainstorms when a month of rain can fall in a few hours! But although they tell you ‘Yes, it is a problem, I am sorry but we cannot stop the weather’, nothing more you will hear and nothing will be done. So, some of us have started to do it ourselves by building retaining walls so heavy they will take years to be weakened or destroyed. Water will eventually do just that. It is apparently against the law, but you know what? The law is an ass. It pertains to things that were important in Victorian times but, and this is yet another failure of politicians today, these laws all need to be revised to take care of things happening today! So, Rishi, get your brain in gear, get on your bike and shut the mouth but start your hands and legs moving! Move it, move it, lovely boy; as Sgt Major Windsor Davies used to say! The same goes for that wonderful but basically useless body called in Welsh, a Senedd!


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