Refugee or not to be? Ask Ms Braverman..

Whatever one may think about our Home Secretary, Ms Braverman, don’t think she is afraid to say how she sees the issues. I have to be honest, she was not my choice for the title ‘Best Politician of the Week’ but I am fast changing my mind! For once we seem to have acquired a politician who is not afraid to say things that automatically cause a war with the woke brigade. Frankly, with a lot of ‘normal’ people also. First of all who can deny that the Refugee issue as it is today is the correct way to deal with immigration? Not just in the UK but the whole of Europe. Also, let’s not forget the Mexican border issue. The way we need to deal with unbridled and uncontrolled immigration, in fact the whole issue of movements of people, do need to be looked at. It has been going on for some time time now and there are no signs it will stop. On the contrary, it will increase vastly as global warming, crop failures and more will make whole areas of the globe uninhabitable. As Ms Braverman indicates, it is time to act and act correctly for all of humanity’s benefit. I can say that because immigrants on the whole do not end up happy as Larry! Some are lucky to integrate but most end up within the criminal part of society. Or perhaps if they are very lucky a small job that pays less than the minimum wage. Oh yes, we follow the rules and law in the UK, you know. But there is a problem, it is a society and that mostly in the western world, consisting of very woke liberal groups that have an incredible big mouth. They seem to be fighting each other to be the most woke and so can boast of being the ones that are changing the world. But what are we changing into, you may ask? Well, look around, does any other animal of the mammalian type act like we are? Besides the aggressiveness, the way we dress, the way we deal with personal relationships, the way we deal with our offspring? Put it all together and make your own conclusion! I suppose being of the woke variety will make someone think they are doing humanity a favour but actually it has the opposite effect. What makes me wonder is looking at history I can see that situations like this have an ending. Much like political ideas such as revolutions of which the effect eventually wears off. People do like to be free within a society. But free in such way that collective rules or laws if you will, are followed to the benefit of all. The biggest problem of all is that all mammals have the inward need to be top-dog. Some have it so bad that they end up as president of the US of A. Nothing stops them, lies, money issues, sex, you name it, as long as it is useful to attain the goal. So, yes Ms Braverman needs to be applauded for now, for at least trying to put the record straight. Whether it will take root, whether it will begin to put things in a more normal way without all these excesses, we will have to see. Perhaps it will, perhaps it won’t. But let’s give her at least the opportunity. If it does not work and we will merrily carry on, give Sir Keir his chance and see how far he will get. I suspect he won’t last beyond 2025! Neither will the Labour party.


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