A negative view? Tell me I'm mistaken...

When one looks at the daily news items on TV you might notice a trend. First of all are the war reports, Ukraine, Gaza, next you might see reports about charitable activities. In areas of the world suffering from political problems. Dictators or warlords or just bad government. It is a never-ending progression of bad news. A lot is said about the wars but frankly there are few answers. When one group intends to enlarge its power-base, there will be few answers until one of two results have been achieved. Basically, ‘win or lose’. The humanitarian activities are intended to alleviate starvation or are to help ‘soften’ the results of famine, homelessness and more. However, most problems are made by people. News reports only show the the little that is done, some of the results of the relief arriving but there are no reports on how to solve the underlying problems. The other thing that I note is the fact there is never a mention of how people themselves are responsible. How the poorer, illiterate mostly, citizens are repressed by the powerful educated overlords. Russia and China are prime examples of this. But a lot of African states are as well. Autocratic governments enriching a few percent leaving the greater majority destitute. This is not how Marx described his ideas. He might not have liked democratic ideas as far as government is concerned but he surely did not intend to create oligarchs either!

So, are there lights at the end of the tunnel? Doesn’t seem so, not at least in the short term. The war in the Ukraine will probably grind on for years if the verbal diarrhea of Putin is to be taken serious. The problem is with the western world, as we have mentioned before, the syndrome of waving pieces of paper in the air whilst shouting ‘Peace in our time’. We fervently believe this is the way. In fact the opposite always seems to happen – war! The same for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yes, it is Palestinian, not just Hamas. The people of Gaza voted power to Hamas and allowed them to fester for decades. There is just one way to act insofar Israel believes, eradicate the problem. Now whether that means total destruction of the Gaza enclave I don’t know but it seems the way they have taken. The problem is they have not considered the impact this has made on the western world who again expected a piece of paper fluttering in the wind within 24 hours. We, here in the relative safe havens, have no idea of these problems. Exactly as policy makers in Russia expected and counted on. It also will fester on for quite a while.

In the meantime us in the western world, mostly Europe, have allowed an influx of immigrants, legally or illegally with totally different viewpoints of how government should work, different emotional views on society, social, education and more. These people have now become so numerous they have started to change the fabric of our society. The society that our fathers and grandfathers built up, paying in blood and sweat. The danger is that this society will disappear within a decade or two. Our various governments over time have never understood the need for proper integration which can be noted in the housing crisis. And if they understood it, as warnings were given many times on different occasions, have totally failed to act. Our governments are guilty of failing the people they were elected to protect! The western world is morally bankrupt. We are merely just grinding on, paying exorbitant sums for precious little. Sooner or later, possibly much sooner than we think, the purse will be empty, factories will close, people will riot for the last piece of bread. Well, do we deserve much better? Good question but no answer.


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