War with Russia? We are already!

Good Lord, has someone finally woken up here in Britain? I don’t mean the woke crap a lot of weedy little nincompoops come out with. No, one of the top generals, and one or two retired ones as well, have now highlighted the danger of Russia. Now, I don’t believe that Russia is going to invade Poland and Eastern Germany right now but there are already signs that the Russians are getting belligerent. Apparently they still believe they are a world power. In fact the greatest world power. It stings them that the reality has shown they are no longer. Obviously in future scenarios countries like Russia, with the resources they have, politicians must calculate the possibilities of Russian or Chinese aggression. As the generals indicated, even the possibility of all-out war. They pointed out that any thinking British person ought to know already, that our armed forces are woefully unprepared, most of all, understaffed. The Army has just about 70,000 soldiers and let’s not look too hard on the Navy as the few minesweepers are busy fishing immigrants from the Channel. You know we must stop pretending we are a military heavy. All we can do is supply a few help troops or aged planes to the Americans because it makes them able to say ‘We are doing this with all our allies’. In other words they do not carry the blame if things go wrong. The blame for this woeful situation can be laid right at the foot of our weak governments. Weak decisions made by Eton-educated nobodies. Well, it is at it is. But the generals are right. We need to bolster our defenses. Even more we need bodies on the ground. Would that be re-installing conscription? It might be needed although there are more ways to skin a cat. As they indicated the establishment of a Citizen’s Army might be a way rather than full conscription. Personally I favour conscription. Because it will instill a sense of working together for a common purpose, and especially in young men ‘Discipline’, personal discipline. It sounds somewhat sexist but women are not exempted. There can be and are armies that have women as soldiers (Israel etc). Also there are actions that are specifically suitable for women. One of which is the medical side.

However, the generals have a point, although money will be an issue. One could well ask where does all the money go that the government uses? I am no specialist to answer that in some detail but I do think we have figured out some while ago that a lot is wasted on projects that have little value to the overall infrastructure. One of which is the preponderance of the much-talked about wind turbines. The trouble in this country is that half-baked plans never take into consideration the impact of these on the existing environment. It is the same with power cables snaking all over the place despite the country needing arable land to grow crops. Then also the ever continuing call for more and more housing taking up yet more green space, even now ‘green belts’. It seems that not a single body in government looks at the inter-related origins of these problems.

But to go back to the Army, it seems also that the generals have underestimated the willingness and capabilities of Generation Z! If I look at my own immediate family that generation is woefully unprepared for the physical and mental hardships that entail conscription, even though it would be a Citizen Army, a sort of part-time army entailing once a month exercises in areas like the Downs, or the Brecon Beacons. Nice! Well, it might well just turn out that a full conscription will be needed when the time comes. Has our beloved government any ideas? Probably not, as usual they wave a piece of paper saying ‘PEACE IN OUR TIME’!


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