Are we a laughing stock? Noooh, what?!?!

Why are we so incensed, if that’s the right word, about the so-called sordid escapades of Prince Andrew? Come on people, these things have always gone on. Certainly so in the higher echelons of society. Just read your history books! Also it always amazes me how many girls and women are really prepared to take part! Although obviously, some were coerced or even blackmailed, to ‘partake’. Whilst reading about it in the national newspapers, titillating as it may be, how many of us really care? I don’t care what anyone tells me how bad men are, the frank truth is that humanity and that includes the ‘ladies’, is basically bad. Think about it, I am not making a stupid statement. I still wonder why females want to wear thong style bikinis and strip BHs then start complaining men are ogling. The question also arises about why? Why they are wearing revealing clothes? I asked my daughter, the answer is a stereotype and is almost the same reply you get from every female, ‘they just like wearing them’. It makes them feel good! Well, OK I can believe that because deep down they also know it draws attention. Especially from the opposite sex and that is precisely the point. In nature it is how females draw attention to themselves. A type of ‘Here I am, come and get me’. I am quite ready to admit, it sounds pretty basic but that is exactly what nature is about. It is very basic! Cut away all the social crap we have built around us and you will quickly note that it is about procreation, or SEX in the vernacular. The continuation of the species. I am not going now to explain the medical facts about all of it but basically we are still just animals. Mammals with reproductive cycles.

If you think I talk twaddle, just look at TikTok or Instagram, the number of scantily clad ladies outnumber the men a thousandfold! There are ladies who are pictured after their sports presentation, athletics and what do you see? Their backsides! Spreadeagled, open legs and so on. I even noted Chinese or Vietnamese sportswomen with very tight sportswear showing all the cracks, if you know what I mean! I hasten to add I do NOT subscribe to social media except WhatsApp to contact my family members and friends. TikTok ‘shorts’ show up uninvited.

Well, so far so good, in our case the human social side comes to play as well. We have built taboos, we have built rules. Whether these do their job remains open for discussion. In the case of our Prince due to his social standing he must have been quite a ‘pull’, as they say. The only thing I could say is that the man himself showed little restraint, allegedly. No or little self-control or self-respect which one would expect an upstanding member of the very high upper classes to have. But that is just it, very few of the upper classes have self-control. As shown throughout the ages.

Well, it is as it is, but what next? Should we castigate him, send him to the dungeons for following his natural instincts? Hang him up by his manhood? Come on people, be realistic. If that is the way we are going, half the world population will be needing dungeons. But since his demeanour has been shown to be, let’s say, questionable; it might be right to side-line him from all royal duties and become like everybody else. Working for a living. As far as most people are concerned appoint him a governor of some far-off colony where there are loads of penguins. He will be well regarded in the Falklands. And let’s stop talking about the whole thing because it is all making us look very idiotic and bad! Also stop this whole woke business now so prevalent in our society. I think we are beginning to be if not already are, the laughing stock of the world.


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