Eurovision? More Blurred Vision!

Not sure what most sane people would have thought about the Euro Song Festival, if you could have called it that. Contenders being disqualified for not being able to keep their opinions to themselves to the blatant political bias of singers, entourage and spectators. Plus of course that the woke attitudes of today were on top form. The winner a Swiss creature of undetermined gender – could have been a salamander viewing the gyrations - managed to blurt out a sequence of notes that had no resemblance to the proper key or tone! Viewing the complete performances I began to wonder if unbeknown to myself, I had been transported to another planet? You know that planet, it is in the constellation of Wokey, only 16 million light years away.

The singing today seems to be more of a shouting match, who can do the loudest note? Oh I nearly forget, we also have to wear a dress, male or female. Yes, I know I live in the Victorian era. The foregone conclusion is – why do we have to pay for all of that cr*p? Obviously the BBC pays an exorbitant sum to be able to take part, well in my opinion they should stop forthwith. All in, let me assure everyone I won’t be watching next year. More so, I will erase all memory from this, the last calamity. I have to add though, the stage was impressive.

It all opens up a debate, are we going to continue with this? I am referring to the continuing political bias, the drug taking, the woke attitudes with implications on some medical services (gender altering of minors), and more. Is it not time to call a halt? Where are the elected luminaries that make the laws in this country? Why do I and others have to endure all of it? Who orchestrates all of this? There are companies who would love all this because they sell stuff and perhaps they may even have the brown envelopes stuffed ready for aforementioned luminaries? Who knows.

My last question is – who in all blazes is Ollie Alexander? Is it the choice of the BBC? Wouldn't surprise as a heck of a lot of 'm are already working there, if you know what is referred. Personally I would just leave Ollie be. He can be anything he wants but I just do not wish to have that lifestyle pressed upon me on a daily basis. Like ‘I kissed a girl’. Yeah so did I, many times and enjoyed it but why again show this lesbian lifestyle on TV? It is day in, day out now. Obviously the BBC believes in gender equality without knowing what it really is, or should be. Blatantly pressing upon gullible me the need to have a black Queen Victoria and very soon we will see a gay Dr Who. Wonderful. Cannot wait. As my Dutch friend said – What is cancel culture? I replied ’Come and stay here in the UK for a month, and watch the BBC in all its glory’.


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