Multi-culturalism? I eat my hat...

Over the last few years there has been a few words said about how illegal immigration, or should I say unbridled immigration, has changed our society, coupled with standards of living. Why is that so? Because standards of living are maintained by employment and unbridled importing of cheap labour undermined the levels of income. Obviously that did not happen everywhere all at once, nevertheless happen it did.

Another aspect of this is how the Muslim world has infiltrated our western society. The majority of immigrants, lawfully or not, are Muslims. Even those who come from sub Sahara countries. These do not just bring their bodies, they bring their problems, their views, their expectations. They also do not want to change their lives, just only in the material sense. In other words they want to live financially better off but in their own societies, with their own people, their own religion, their own laws. There has been very little integration and assimilation.

Some days ago on X, formerly Twitter, someone wrote that all major and some other cities now have Muslim mayors. Also those big urban areas, such as West Midlands, and let’s not mention Londonistan, formerly London. Now I do not entirely agree with a lot of the views about Muslims but you cannot escape the fact that Muslims do NOT regard women as equal. They will not shake hands with a woman. Young girls, especially white girls, are regarded as playthings (in a vile sense).

So, the question I have is this – how in all honesty did we think this was a good thing for our country, how did we allow all this, did we vote for it? I have no problem with immigration, lawful immigration, at all. But if we do allow that why then have we not ensured there was proper integration into western society? Why should we have to allow for instance systems like shariah law in Britain? If you agree then tell me why! Perhaps we should lay the blame at the foot of weird politicians? People like some of the present day Labour party, Blair and consorts. Where did they get their ideas? Oxford University! It is not the only university swamped by illiterate intellectuals. It seems an experiment that is derailing fast. One of the badly wronged politicians of past days, the (in)famous Enoch Powell has said it clearly and concisely. Mixing peoples of different outlooks just does not work. Today I would say ‘multiculturalism’, it doesn’t work.

In an excellent article in the Economist (from 2007!)the same was outlined. An excerpt here below:

Since the London bombings of 2005, a new obscenity has entered the lexicon, alongside the anatomical and the blasphemous: multiculturalism. Once it connoted curry and the Notting Hill carnival; these days, when applied to British politicians or their policies, “multi-culturalist” is almost as derogatory a term as “socialist” or “neocon”. Even more than they agree about most other things, the main political parties are united in their conviction that multiculturalism is a perniciously naive idea whose time has gone, or ought never to have come at all.

Last week, for example, David Cameron, the Tory leader, warned an un-enraptured audience of Islamic leaders about the dangers of “cultural separatism” in Muslim communities. “The creed of multiculturalism,” he alleged—meaning, roughly, a combination of indulgence and subsidy for minorities and their institutions—had contributed to a “deliberate weakening of our collective identity”.

Obviously, those words have not really entered the mainstream thoughts yet, if they ever will. Nevertheless, we must re-address these thoughts because what was said then has already been in progress and is changing our society. No-one said that our society then was perfect but it was set upon freedom of speech and a form of democracy. Let us take the bull by the horns and just re-visit the whole problem in the right manner and reset the dial!


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