
Sleaze or not to sleaze? That's the question...

Good news this morning, our law-abiding Prime Minister has paid back £6,000. Why? Well, all the freebies he and his family have received. That’s nice, isn’t it? An upstanding Prime Minister. Where have we found him? I think he fell from heaven, just now I’m looking what he has done with his wings. There is just one thing that bothers me, why do politicians accept freebies so much? Yes, obviously I know, it’s about influence. Let’s be fair, those who shower these so-called freebies, clothes, free tickets, a year’s subscription to a whisky club, free flights to Antarctica, whatever , why accept it at all? Even a free bar of chocolate? The givers only look for one thing, influence on policy making and possibly financial advantage. It should simply be unlawful to either give or accept freebies, or any gift made e.g a free house for a time. Any MP is at the end no different from any other employee in the country. Why all these extras? It is said, and I have said it before; power corrupts,

Daily musings about - Who will it be?

Perhaps the Tories deserved what they got – an major electoral defeat. But there is no better thing to re-align thinking, to become again aligned with the reality on the ground. It seems to be a problem with all political parties that have been in power for a long time, the infighting, the jockeying for power. So, listening to some reality is good for the soul, or so they say. Kemi Badenoch seems to hit the nail on the head. The Cons have been talking and talking and more talking. I suppose it’s what politicians do but surely we as electors should expect some concrete results from all the talk? For years now we have know the problem of the boats. The criminals operating the system and the results locally on the ground. Yet the problem instead of being solved has just grown worse. We should ask, must ask, what did our governments do? Answer – just talk or rather – nothing.  But Ms Badenoch has hit the nail on the head, she said something that I also have said, "We cannot be naïve a

Some reality check needed, people?

It is amazing how the situation in the world develops from time to time. I was watching the news this morning on our hallowed BBC News channel  still wondering why I pay for a TV Licence and learned that Keir Starmer QC had breakfast or lunch or dinner with Trump accompanied by the all-singing, all-dancing Foreign Secretary, the irascible Mr Lammy. That despite this wunderkind’s verbal outbursts against Trump, made in the recent past. But let us not worry about that. What we should worry about is Starmer’s edict about the immediate ceasefire in Lebanon. Now, I am well aware what devastation the bombing does to the local population. But surely our politicians know what is at stake? Even I can see it is a fight for the right of Israel to exist, and exist in peace. Let’s take this scenario – suddenly Mexico thinks it should have a go at the US because it has built a wall on the border stopping all legitimate transport of goods and people. This is done by a grouping of illegals. What do yo

What is fake and what is not? You tell me...

If I said or wrote that I have inconvertible proof that Mr Keir Starmer is actually a Martian would anyone believe it? Apparently, the answer is yes. Notwithstanding I’m a Martian as well so I know what I’m talking about! Obviously, I am referring to the world of the almighty Web. The place where you can postulate stupidity like being a Martian and quite a few gullible persona’s will believe it. Hence we have autocratic regimes, nations even who have taken this on and flood the world of web with incredible falsehoods, fake news . All to subvert the free thinking, democratic world. I am not saying that the free democratic world is actually entirely free. In all societies there have to be rules. That is not to say we can do it right. Even in democratic societies we do not seem to be afraid to throw around a few porkies! Take the British fondness for inventing black holes. The present Labour top people whilst discussing their need for more money and swigging a pint of best ale suddenly fo

Freebies galore... Where?

And the freebies keep rolling on. We might think we elected a wonderful new government, socially adept and what happens? No change baby! The freebies keep turning up and are gratefully accepted by our wonderful governing elite. It wouldn’t be so bad if their earnings were on a par with those of most of us. You know, in the region of £24-£32,000 per year. But these elite will never learn as they feel themselves superior to the working man and woman. They think they fully deserve their £150,000 per year plus allowed freebies like housing and drinks to name a few, plus the others that are basically a sign of corruption! Did anyone think that Indian nabob gave all these clothes without expecting something in return? And then you hear a squeeky voice saying, No, No, he did it because of his high standards and those we share. He expressed his gratitude for our consistent financial acumen. Oh yeah, I saw a pig flying over the Rhondda, I heard the sonic boom! There was a condensation trail but

Some interesting finance? You bet...

Humans like myself have for quite some time talked about how people change when they get elected and become a politician. I am convinced that prior to the election they are fully charged (as they say) with a fervour that states ‘I am going to change the world and will make much better financial decisions than the present lot, vote for me is a vote for prosperity’! Except of course that actually never happens. We, the voters, have something I call 'Eternal hope ', we hope things will improve. However looking at the UK situation we see we have just exchanged one set of charlatans for another. Despite the weasel words mentioned here about making a better financial regime, it turns out it is the old, old way, just increase taxes. Instead of having a strong look at how society should be, ought to be, and change certain aspects of it like how we should be as a nation, how to bring the national debt under control without increasing taxes. Plus ensure all have a good understanding how

Something different, let's have some space...

For some time I have been pretty busy thinking and writing some commentaries of the political scene. But it can be a bit much really although it is important as it influences everyone’s life. The way we earn our bread, the way we are housed, the way we exist. But there are other interesting things around. For instance Space exploration and knowledge. Looking at pictures taken from the old Hubble and now the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) I marvel at what can be seen. What’s more it generates loads of questions and possible explanations of what we see and how it could have occurred. I mentioned in a past blog article the question of where all the aliens are? Let’s be fair – we are here so it must be possible visualising the Universe and it’s enormous size there has to be an very large number of planets where life has developed. It’s simple probability theory. I think the reason of why we do not see or know about aliens is not that they exist, they do but because the distances are