The Blues after a great holiday!

Haven’t done much these past two weeks, the family has been on a well-deserved holiday. The usual staycation, as they call it nowadays. It means we did not fly all over the place but took two electric cars to West Wales. Amroth near Tenby (or as the Welsh say Dinbych y Pysgod). It is next to a small beach called Wiseman’s Bridge (Pont-yr-ŵr). Really a glorious place but today I believe suffering an overflow of tourists. The places mentioned could easily take the day-trippers, if it was not for their dogs. On the beach at Amroth a signboard states unequivocally, no dogs allowed. Obviously a by-law completely ignored as dozens of dogs quite happily cavort all along the beach accompanied by their owners. There appears to be something wrong with the mindset of the English people and yes, Welsh also, to ignore a simple law because it impinges on their so-called freedom. That they forget why this law is in place just escapes their dim brain cells. Perhaps they just don’t care.

The holiday however, was not ruined just because a sizable proportion of idiots cannot read a simple notice placed right at the beginning of the beach. One of the problems though is the lack of enforcement. It is great for Councils to set up the various by-laws making all our lives a bit better but it is another thing to see these are obeyed. In fact I am beginning to think the Councils are just wasting their time. We can see this situation across the land. Not just on beaches. People generally ignore the law. Locally I know of people who have built houses despite not having the proper planning permissions. A very silly thing to do because these would be unsaleable. There are local developers who totally ignore warnings about land problems, especially in our areas where mining has left problems with subsidence. Or ignore water run-off problems because tarmac, houses, and concrete make water run-off very fast, over burdening the small rivers around South Wales. The list goes on and on. I suppose it will not stop until Wales has 16 million inhabitants and the houses fully occupy all available land. I would suggest our various lawgivers, the best(!) politicians in the world they say, have a look at the Netherlands, at something called the Randstad. Then translate that in the same area, something like from the Severn Bridge all the way to St David’s and right up to the imaginary borderline between Aberystwyth and Hay on Wye. Bearing mind quite some land is unsuitable to build on as it is i.e before we start levelling it all. Don’t think I am joking either. After all we need the stone for all the new motorways!

Local jokers tend to call politicians around here ‘Brown Envelope Charlies’. I had never heard of that name, and I still don’t know what it means. My name is Bobby Brown. It is a good question though – Why are politicians so badly viewed? Well, I believe it has something to do with their continual uttering of great and wonderful ideas, none of which is meant to be carried out! The so-called ‘sound bites’. Or the imposition of rules, laws or such like which prove to be totally unworkable. Some actually are proven to be harmful. Just look at the ‘Small Boat Saga’ in the Channel. I am sure some of them would retort, 'Boy you don’t know what you’re talking about’. Well, perhaps I don’t but I know one thing, they should retire gracefully so that we can rectify all the rubbish they have hoisted onto us. Amen to that!


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