The future in store? What the....

So nice to know this country is still on the right road. That is to say, the right road to neglect. As a matter of fact, that road was begun some time ago but thanks to indecision and sheer incompetency and ineptitude, it has somewhat accelerated. Poor Mr Sunak, who by all accounts is about the only parliamentarian with a brain, is still struggling with the ultra-woke Civil Service about the immigrant boats which despite providing large amounts of cash to France to stop access to the beaches, has only increased the number attempting to cross. The duplicity of politicians in France even dwarfs the duplicity in the UK. And so the costs now are reported to be in the order of some 14 billion pounds! As it has been said already, it is not just the boats, it is the continuing support on the ground plus upkeep of the immigrants. I am sorry to have to say this but from where I am sitting, far away I can note the cost to the infrastructure. Even here in Wales we are now beginning to hear and see the impact of the government’s failure to contain the situation and put it into a proper legal method to obtain asylum. The costs are already permeating into the annual charges such as Council Tax and are not likely to disappear any time soon. Over and above that is the fact immigrants find it difficult to find work, or at least proper work. I am sure not many thought that picking lettuces was interesting and what they were expecting to do. The housing stock in this country is now tottering under the onslaught of unscrupulous investors buying up homes and converting them into poor HMO’s (Houses in Multiple Occupation). This is quite visible in the poorer areas such as the Valleys of South Wales.

Frankly said the whole of society is tottering on the edge of the abyss. If you would want to know how that could end, look at the Russian state. A state where proper government has given way to some sort of permanent cabal of extremely rich individuals governing through fear and strong-arm tactics. A state where the well-being of all its citizens has gone AWOL. There is one thing that can be said – it will not last, there will come a time when enough is enough and the spark will lit the fire. I hasten to add that western society has not got a much better view. The Trump’s of this world are all around. The money-men of Wall Street are not so much different from those in Moscow. The City of London also has questions to answer. Manipulation of the systems goes on everywhere. In short words – the world is a cesspit. A human cesspit. But now thanks to this unbridled greed we are quick marching to the proverbial end. It might not be pretty but the signs are that human occupancy of the planet is in its last stages. The question we are all asking, we who are looking in from the outside, can anything be done? Well, it remains to be seen, is anyone prepared to stop flying on holiday? To stop driving cars, whether electric or petrol or diesel. To change our whole society? And fast? To stop producing things we don’t really need? The question then for the likes of Mr Sunak is then – How do you support some 70 million people, of which 25 million who need a job? The bottom line, is one of the largest questions facing humanity. How should we live together on this planet. It is also the greatest failure of our politicians not to face up to the reality of the situation that says ‘any species that outgrows its niche’ is on the way to extinction. Have a nice holiday, friends. The beaches are fine, if you see the forest fire coming, just get into the water.


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