Universal thinking...

On many Question/Answer Forums one can read questions like ‘How many universes could there be’? Or ‘Are we in a parallel universe’? Interesting questions. And replies with the usual, ‘Can’t be’, or ‘Yes, it is’ to ‘Did anyone ask God’? The questions themselves have no proper answer. Simply because the concept is basically a probability exercise. At least for now. A 50-50 concept. However, these are not silly questions, take the BB or as they like to say 'The beginning of time’. They forgot to add, ‘The time our existence began’. Time as a concrete ‘thing’, does not exist. My or your time, only began when the egg we started with was fertilized. Before that there was no ‘me’ time. One of the more interesting explanations was given by Anne Marie Helmenstine PhD. “The natural world follows the laws of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states that within an isolated system, the entropy of the system remains constant or increases. If the universe is considered to be an isolated system, its entropy (degree of disorder) can never decrease. In other words, the universe cannot return to exactly the same state in which it was at an earlier point. Time cannot move backward”. In my own words, 'time' is very much an individual concept''. It begins at emergence and ends at dissolution. We, humans, just live our individual lives, in our own time frame within other time frames. Thus for now, the overbearing time frame is the universe in which we exist. This way of thinking would mean our universe also will have an ‘end’. A dissolution. The other part of these types of question concern whether our universe is alone or part of a greater ‘multiverse’. Again a 50-50 question. Perhaps the whole thing is just as I read somewhere, the universe is just me. It began at my birth and will end when I’m gone, poof! And that will start a whole load of new questions. So no, at this precise moment there is no astronomical evidence for multiverses or parallel universes. But that does not preclude them. According to Ms Helmenstine time is simply the bit between start and end. It is not reversible, that basically excludes the possibility of time travel. But not the same things happening at the same time in a parallel universe (if there was one). So, if one could travel to a parallel universe, one could travel in time. Let’s assume parallel universes are possible then by definition there will be as many covering every single aspect and time of every single individual being. In other words an uncountable number. It also means my life’s end has already been determined. Interesting concept. It also means the ‘Here and Now’ is non-existent. Only ‘alive’ within our own minds. It seems the whole universe is much more than what we think at any time. Unending and full of surprises.


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