
Showing posts from February, 2024

Are things beginning to smell yet?

If anyone thinks life’s not so bad after all, after the large Labour wins of recent times, please have a thought for someone called Navalny. This Russian lived his life to highlight all that’s wrong with Russia. Indeed, his own prediction that he would be murdered has come true. His battered body is there for all to see. Perhaps I should point out our Western resolve for whatever it is. To be frank we are no different from Mr Neville Chamberlain believing we are at peace. We certainly are not! The only thing is we believe that whatever the Russians and Chinese and Iranians and all those similar despotic regimes say is true. We stir our tea and shake our heads and worry about our taxes. What we forget is that such attitudes, that one of closing our eyes and ears will in the end strike us around the chops. Exactly like 1939/40 when Hitler took his chances. So will Putin, so will China and at the moment so is Iran! It sure is nice to think of peace but peace always comes with a lot of har

A deplorable situation? It's like a joke!

Thinking I might have mentioned this all before, I believe it needs highlighting again. It is the deplorable political situation in this country. Not only here though but everywhere all across the planet. In the UK it is easier to see and hear as I am close to it. We have had a series of failures in leadership, where every Tom, Di*k and Harry in the two main parties thought they were called to be Prime Minister. We have had so many sex scandals, I’ve lost count. We have MPs who cannot see the difference in a man and a woman. In fact there are those who even think a woman can have a penis. Probably got the idea from a movie called ‘Total Recall’ with the muscleman Schwarzenegger. Showing a woman with three breasts. Wonderful, our good Keir might have seen this film and got a bit confused. Then we have failed PMs, like Cameron whom now seems to know everything about the Gaza situation. When he was PM someone had to give him an atlas because he had thought Gaza was a small harbour in Swed

Protect our politicians? OK, but what for?

There is a lot of chatter around protection for politicians. The latest is a short report about the verbal abuse they suffer. The problem as always is that the good suffer with the bad. You only have to have a few very bad decisions and the floodgates open. Well, who can really blame the public? We are the ones who take the brunt of their decisions. We voted in whom we have believed to do the right things, we listened to their verbal outpourings of how they would change the country for the best. Then the reality hits. It was all mostly hot air. Nothing will have changed, as a matter of fact things just got worse. Taxes, despite their exclamations of how their predecessors failed, in particular the opposite party, they did not do any better. Just made things worse. Now, they are complaining that our dissatisfaction, sometimes expressed somewhat aggressively, hurts their feelings and makes them feel unsafe. I do have to accept that some of the aggression is going too far and those kind o

Arcane thought or yet perhaps.....interesting?

You ever had a thought that told you, I have been here before? Or, I have done this all before? Personally speaking, I have. But it set me thinking, is this all so strange? In a previous post it was mentioned that the universe is limitless and eternal. So, bearing in mind probability we have been doing our bits many times before. The point is, for what purpose? I suppose we are getting into the realm of faith. It is the question – What is this all about? What is the purpose of the universe. Christianity talks about God as eternal and good. But also about a bad bit and is not strange as if there is positive energy there has to be a negative counter. Otherwise the universe does not add up to 1, there has to be a balance. The question here is how does that energy work? I suppose I am a strange Christian as I do not get on with the Bible essays about creation, but I do think the energy portrayed by Jesus is good. Perhaps that is the point of it all. To make everything good. Some would say

Where are Epicurus' atoms now?

Many times, even for years, I have thought about ‘What is this Universe I am part of’? Or even ‘Who am I, really’? Because I am aware that I am actually consisting of a set of atoms, I also read somewhere that an atom is mostly empty space, so basically I am not here at all, I am invisible. Obviously that’s not quite true, when I look in a mirror I see my reflection. And also I seem to be real because when I shave I can feel it and see the change in my complexion. Not so long ago I read something about Epicurus, a long ago Greek philosopher. About atoms. Now, we must remember that in those days there were no such things as microscopes, electron accelerators, we had never heard of quarks, not even about gravity! So how did Epicurus figure out about atoms? The word had no meaning except that in Greek it probably meant, ‘the smallest part’. Supposedly the thinking went something like, you take an apple, cut it in half, cut in half again, and again, and again. Eventually you will arrive