Are things beginning to smell yet?

If anyone thinks life’s not so bad after all, after the large Labour wins of recent times, please have a thought for someone called Navalny. This Russian lived his life to highlight all that’s wrong with Russia. Indeed, his own prediction that he would be murdered has come true. His battered body is there for all to see. Perhaps I should point out our Western resolve for whatever it is. To be frank we are no different from Mr Neville Chamberlain believing we are at peace. We certainly are not! The only thing is we believe that whatever the Russians and Chinese and Iranians and all those similar despotic regimes say is true. We stir our tea and shake our heads and worry about our taxes. What we forget is that such attitudes, that one of closing our eyes and ears will in the end strike us around the chops. Exactly like 1939/40 when Hitler took his chances. So will Putin, so will China and at the moment so is Iran! It sure is nice to think of peace but peace always comes with a lot of hard work and not letting your guard down. All over the western world that’s exactly what has been happening. We have shown to be weak and vulnerable. Despite Trumpy baby showing off and saying some stupid things, he also is weak . A rich shyster who thinks he should be a politician. In effect he probably is not much different to Putin. Make America great again? And how would you do that? By saying Putin ought to attack any country that does not pay for its own defense. In effect Trump was saying he would not if he was the president, honour the NATO promise outlined in Article 5. Poland and the Baltics would have applauded hearing that!

The facts are clear, the world is led by charlatans. Puffed up nobodies, chest out, head feathers up and crowing as loud as they can. Humanity thanks to them and their multitude of failings, are drinking in the last chance saloon. Aided also by very rich avaricious people who play the game set before them. Outwitting the rules and regulations like they do not exist.

I am beginning to enjoy this rant but can anyone say it is not so? I feel sad to have to outline them. Unfortunately not many people are even aware what is going on in the world besides the now well-known global warming story. They burble on here about the housing shortage but do not really know how to solve that. Even if such a thing could be solved. Because the facts are that it is not just the shortage of houses but the reasons for there being a shortage plus the rest that hangs on to that. Things like infrastructure, immigration, the changes in demographic movements. For instance due to inequality in standards, older richer people are moving west to Wales for financial reasons. Unsettling the housing supply and wrecking the medical services. Whilst the younger generation is moving east for the few job opportunities left. London as always is still the magnet.

Well, it is as it always is, the hope is that reason will win rather than belligerence and we don’t all end up glowing in the dark!


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