Protect our politicians? OK, but what for?

There is a lot of chatter around protection for politicians. The latest is a short report about the verbal abuse they suffer. The problem as always is that the good suffer with the bad. You only have to have a few very bad decisions and the floodgates open. Well, who can really blame the public? We are the ones who take the brunt of their decisions. We voted in whom we have believed to do the right things, we listened to their verbal outpourings of how they would change the country for the best. Then the reality hits. It was all mostly hot air. Nothing will have changed, as a matter of fact things just got worse. Taxes, despite their exclamations of how their predecessors failed, in particular the opposite party, they did not do any better. Just made things worse. Now, they are complaining that our dissatisfaction, sometimes expressed somewhat aggressively, hurts their feelings and makes them feel unsafe. I do have to accept that some of the aggression is going too far and those kind of people do need to be stopped, fined or jailed. I would not advocate shooting politicians, or quartering them, but sending to a pleasant Pacific palm fringed island will do nicely. At least they can then try to change the society to their liking, whatever that means.

The problem, joking apart, is quite clear. Somewhere in their time of office the great ideas they had personally, got buried under party priorities. Basically most MPs are silenced! You could say that they succumbed to the pressures of the Whips. Basically that means we are NOT really living in a democracy after all. We are living in a multi-headed theocracy. It is true that every five years this theocracy can change. Unfortunately rarely for the better. I am an avid watcher of PM Questioning Time and wondered many times about the poor questions. Most of course as bland as can be and most likely arranged with the theocrats. Obviously I would agree that the financial problems of Mrs Jones, a most important constituency member, is paramount to her but the country?

You might not agree with me, I suspect the debacle about our armed forces speaks volumes about the quality of our elected wonders. We have army officers warning about a possible war. Viewing the conflagrations in the world, Israel, Ukraine, Iran and the Middle East generally, I would not disagree with their views. Our government in all its wisdom denuded the armed forces to such an extent that we surely are the biggest laugh in the world. We proudly built two state of the art carriers, both of which are rusting nicely and breaking down whilst at sea. They have been more in port than doing their job on the wider seas. The foot soldiers, and from my own experience those bodies that in the end will advance and face the opposing army, they have been cut in number by thousands. Only some 70,000 left and that is not enough to do anything bar serving tea to the officers still left.

So, you see what I mean by the quality of those decisions made by politicians. Yes, yes, I know the arguments. Money. But it hinges also on decisions made in other fields, NHS, social care, taxation. Everything has an influence on everything else. It’s the same, even locally where the impact of building homes on the infrastructure is disregarded.

So, let us all have some fun and vote into power the Reform Party. If the insect-guzzling Nigel Farage is part of it, at least we would have someone with a bit of guts. Did you get that?


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