A deplorable situation? It's like a joke!

Thinking I might have mentioned this all before, I believe it needs highlighting again. It is the deplorable political situation in this country. Not only here though but everywhere all across the planet. In the UK it is easier to see and hear as I am close to it. We have had a series of failures in leadership, where every Tom, Di*k and Harry in the two main parties thought they were called to be Prime Minister. We have had so many sex scandals, I’ve lost count. We have MPs who cannot see the difference in a man and a woman. In fact there are those who even think a woman can have a penis. Probably got the idea from a movie called ‘Total Recall’ with the muscleman Schwarzenegger. Showing a woman with three breasts. Wonderful, our good Keir might have seen this film and got a bit confused. Then we have failed PMs, like Cameron whom now seems to know everything about the Gaza situation. When he was PM someone had to give him an atlas because he had thought Gaza was a small harbour in Sweden. No-one, simply no-one has a finger on the pulse. Here we just go on from debacle to disaster and back again. To be fair, it is not much different across the Atlantic. There we have a power hungry charlatan appeasing the worst state on the planet crooning about ‘If you don’t pay your dues, I would agree you will be attacked by Russia’. And I am not going to help you’. These are the people who continually exclaim they are making things great again. Well, if that is so I wonder what making things bad means.

In one my daily newspapers I chuckled at a cartoon by ‘Brighty’ in the Sun depicting a serious looking Keir Starmer exclaiming ‘Vote for me, and I will Stop the Meteor’. Looking at him are three dinosaurs and there is a meteor nearly banging on his head. Some smaller text below says ‘Policy may self-destruct before impact’, small print. Haha, spot on as the gentleman is know for his continual U-Turns. The political malaise is not just confined to the political establishment either. You could not call the Anglican Church in the UK overtly political but they are not shying away from sticking their tongue out. The Archbish, recently becoming a millionaire, has felt to have a go at immigration. Not to stop it, you know but to claim the various bodies like the RNLI do not do enough to save those that illegally want to claim the wonderful things in our paradise. Free housing, generous benefits amongst others. The Church also seems to have a problem deciding whether God is male or female or has no gender at all. So, we need to rewrite the Bible or rather the Services literature. Good one, Archbish, obviously this will fill the churches again across the land.

There is in this country an overwhelming need by politicians to have a go at education. Meaning they absolutely have to control it. From where I am sitting not a single one has any idea how to do it or whether they should actually do it all. All that seems to matter is numbers passing the goalposts. It does not concern them what the content is or whether the pupils can actually read or write. It even gets to universities where we now have more people with degrees that are worth zilch in the workplace. The pupils have an inflated idea of what they are worth, thanks to their ‘degree’ but quickly find out it is just wasted money.

We are in the doldrums, no doubt and frankly even after the next general election we will be in even deeper sh*t. Labour will simply bankrupt the nation and the Conservatives will just dribble on their meals and leave us without a navy, an army or an airforce. Good luck Britain. Can we now have an independent Wales? As belonging to the Union seems much like dancing on the Titanic.


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